Nexus 4 camera IQ observations


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Apr 24, 2012
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This is by no means a scientific test but from playing around with the stock camera, I find that in order to make shot times quick the software cranks up the iso and does some heavy noise processing to keep exposure balanced as well as allow more light to hit the sensor. This results in pics that look like it's painted/splotchy. I took Jerry from the site's advice and bought Camera Zoom FX. With it I can control iso manually. Basically if you want less grainy photo you have to decrease iso. However, I think if you set it too low indoors it tries to slow down shutter speed and also slows auto focus speed. It's something one has to fool with to get acceptable photos.

Interestingly under just indoor natural lighting during the day it does a good job and seems to set iso pretty low, making for nice sharp well-exposed pics. In fluorescent lighting I get junky results at iso set by the camera at 1600 or so. Anyways hope this is useful info to someone. Hopefully Google will improve camera sw for our phones in the future. For now I think I like Camera Zoom FX because I think it's not as aggressive in cranking up the iso and color reproduction seems better.

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Nov 19, 2012
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Just got my Nexus today, but I think there's something wrong with the camera. Low light photos look like this...


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