Nexus One entering retirement home. Anyone else?


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2010
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Well, as much as I love and have loved my Nexus One, it is entering the "old phones" stash. I am switching to Verizon and am waiting on my Thunderbolt to arrive in the mail over the next two days. My Nexus One served me well but it was time for me to move on (and AT&T was becoming a huge thorn in my ass).

Anyone else leaning towards greener pastures?


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Jan 13, 2010
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I upgraded to Nexus S, but I still used Nexus one every once in a while. Last week I sold it for 325$. Definitely one of the best phones I've ever used, blackberry curve (the original curve) probably being the best.


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Apr 29, 2010
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If the Tmo deal actually goes through; I'll probably be back on my Nexus One! :p

If it does get approved, it's not an overnight switchover. Trust me on that. I worked for Cingular/AT&T through two different mergers/acquisitions. Those things take plenty of time. By that time, the Nexus One won't be in production anymore. ;)


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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Still rocking mine, was excited for the Sensation but with the rumors of being locked down in every aspect I may just be hanging onto mine for a bit longer...


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Apr 27, 2010
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I almost retired my AT&T N1 when the Atrix came out. Capped uploads and the signed bootloader on the Atrix put me back on my N1 after about 2 weeks. Neither the Inspire, nor the Infuse, look to be a worthy upgrade at this point. I'm pretty entrenched with AT&T with multiple lines, so I'll probably hang on to the N1 at least until the Galaxy S II comes out.


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Jun 22, 2010
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First I can't believe you switched to the Tbolt?! That thing looks more unstable that that nuclear plant in Japan!

Second, I still think the N1 is an amazing phone, and I won't be giving it up any time soon (unless it somehow breaks)! This thing is rock solid and easily hackable. IMHO with CyanogenMod7 on here it competes with any phone on the market.

I am hoping to hang onto this thing for another year and see what happens with ATT/TMO. There will be 50 newer phones out by then, and I will save a couple hundred bucks!


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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I still rocking mine for sure...waiting for that NExus 3 to come out....almost got the Nexus S...glad I waited...


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Jun 11, 2010
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I'm still rocking mine. I don't want to let it go any time soon. First, I'm not a fan of the 4.3 inch screen and love the 3.7 of the N1. Second I love that the thing is hackable beyond belief and I can get in and do whatever I want (CM7). Lastly after spending $500+ on it I want to hang onto it until either a) something breaks or b) some phone comes out with a feature I can't live without


Dec 15, 2009
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How come every time you here about the thunderbolt being unstable its from someone who doesn't own one. If you are smart you have already rooted and rommed the thing and you are good to go. I took mine off the charger 12 hours agoand have 50% battery left. My phone never gets hot and im running the stock battery. By far the thunderbolt is the best android phone ever produced and actually released thus far. Everyone I have seen with one loves it. And is probably the last HTC phone to be easy rootable/ unlockable for quite some time. As the origional Droid had its day. So did the nexus0ne. Long live the thunderbolt


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2010
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I spent a good amount of my cash on my N1 and won't ever let it go. It's a great backup phone and with CM7 still supporting it, this will prolong the use of it.


Nov 28, 2009
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How come every time you here about the thunderbolt being unstable its from someone who doesn't own one. If you are smart you have already rooted and rommed the thing and you are good to go. I took mine off the charger 12 hours agoand have 50% battery left. My phone never gets hot and im running the stock battery. By far the thunderbolt is the best android phone ever produced and actually released thus far. Everyone I have seen with one loves it. And is probably the last HTC phone to be easy rootable/ unlockable for quite some time. As the origional Droid had its day. So did the nexus0ne. Long live the thunderbolt

Gotta agree, the Thunderbolt is a great phone when rooted and the 15mbps downloads make it even better. Blazing fast with Gingerbread. I am also getting about 25 hours with stock battery. You will not be disappointed with the TB
That said, I didn't have a Nexus One prior. I might have stuck it out if I did. The N1 is a great phone and has held up pretty well since it's release. Not saying it's not getting a little long in the tooth, but I could see people getting another 6 months out of it until some of the dual core phones come out.
My main reason for goin Thunderbolt was the 4G and I wanted to grandfathered in for if/when Verzion changes their data plans.
Enjoy the Thunderbolt though


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Feb 17, 2010
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I'm still happily using my N1. I will most likely update to the next Nexus phone. The Nexus S just wasn't a big enough step up in power/features to get me to switch. I mean, the N1 is only 16 months old now. I'm hoping the third Nexus will be out by the end of the year running Ice Cream Sandwich. Even if I do have a Nexus Three when Ice Cream Sandwich comes out, it would be sweet if they update my N1 with it too.


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Feb 11, 2011
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I"m seriously thinking about losing mine when the Sensation is released. Looks sweet & I only care so much about the hacking component so I don't care that it's locked down. It's still an HTC phone so I imagine the updates will be just a touch behind the leaks.


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Mar 3, 2010
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I'm still using my N1.
I'll eventually switvh to the Nexus S or the next Nexus when I've 529$ to put on a new unlocked phone.
Meanwhile, I'll be very much happy with my good old Nexus One!

Air Force One

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Jan 7, 2010
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I switched from the N1 to the Tbolt and have been VERY happy. Tbolt works great for me and not having the damn N1 multitouch/touchscreen bugs has been freaking fantastic. I also switched from AT&T to Verizon(after more than 10 years on AT&T) and have been happy with this switch as well. 3G is not as fast as AT&T but is more stable in that I can stream Flash content while with AT&T it would buffer. Have not dropped a call either. :)

I LOVED my N1's(I actually have two of them) but it was time to move on. My experience with AT&T and the N1 was great but since the TBolt does voice plus data at the same time over 3G and 4G I decided the time was right for a change.

You will love the larger screen of the TBolt. I personally also prefer sense over Vanilla Android but that of course is personal preference. At the end of the day I could not pass up unlimited 4G LTE data. That was how Verizon got me and I'm glad I made the move. :)


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
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I'll still be using my Nexus One until at least the next Nexus (2/3/M/S2) phone comes out. Google's updates over the past year and a half have shown that Nexus is definitely the way to go. I don't want a Sensation because who really knows how the update situation is going to be, with a Nexus phone I know its coming soon.


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May 5, 2011
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I have both the Nexus One on AT&T for personal use and a Thunderbolt on Verizon for work. In my experience, the Thunderbolt is the worst phone I can remember owning, and I hated my iPhones quite a bit. Anyway, I'm on my second TB after the first one would fail to get any data connection, and my current one is sitting next to me, dead after about 7 hours of sitting idle. I had a chance to check the battery use before it died, which was the only thing I had done with it all day, and it said something like "Cell Standby" and "System Idle" used all the battery. Anyway, I'm in Orange County, California and my Nexus has a better, more stable data connection than the two TBolt's I've had, and the carrier plan is about $30 cheaper. My plan now is to just format the phone and stuck it in my on-call bag, powered off, since I don't need it for anything other than one particular on-call task. It's a pathetic phone. The call quality's awesome though.

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