So, Samsung's Executive Office has agreed to refund my unlocked Note10+...I went ahead and went to Best Buy last night and picked up the last black Verizon one they had at an incredible price ($899)...well, immediately upon booting up with new SIM, it went into 3G and refused to go to 4G, while the wife's S8 again was locked on 4G..I chatted with Verizon to make sure the phone provisioned correctly. They said it did and told me to give it some time for the signal to settle in.. Today, I left the house and it immediately went to 3G and stayed there even on the interstate.. I cleared partition cache and picked up 4G where I stayed for several hours.. On the way home, it actually lost signal completely for a while, not even 1X..Finally went to 3G, but never left.. At home under the network extender, I toggle airplane mode and get 4G back... This is crazy.. I have no desire for any other phone, but don't know how I can keep the Note!!
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