Odd Home button behavior


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Oct 1, 2011
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Since a few days ago, I noticed that going back to Home (touching the Home button) about half the time causes something of a soft reset. That is, the screen first goes white with the HTC green letters on it, then turns dim with a box with "Loading" appears, then to the old, default Home screen, and, finally, to the usual screen. Altogether, this takes about 10 seconds. Any idea what this may be?


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Dec 12, 2010
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I have read people say they think it is sense crashing, it happens to me occasionally coming out of apps, or after watching netflix, no rhyme or reason why this happens on my phone


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May 31, 2012
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This happens on my desire, usually happens if an app freezes, I have always presumed it's like a soft reset sometimes it seems to take forever though. It's never crashed my phone though its always gone back to normal.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Android Central Forums


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Jul 29, 2010
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I was getting the same issue almost constantly. After installing the leaked ICS RUU, I have yet to experience it again.


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Oct 27, 2011
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It's not really Sense crashing. It it a memory allocation issue. Normally your phone keeps the Sense home screen in memory so that it can display it anytime you push the home button. Sometimes other apps use so much memory that there is not enough room for Sense to continue running in the background, so your phone shuts it down. Then, when you press the home button your phone starts Sense again, and that is what you are seeing.


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May 3, 2010
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My wife and I both had the HTC Incredible and I have now gotten the Rezound and she still uses her Inc. Her phone does this constantly, I think it is a sign that you are low on RAM/Sense crashing. I have always used LauncherPro and have never had this problem, she has a million apps and refuses to let me touch her phone or make suggestions to fix the problem. She had an issue about 8 months ago and we had to do a factory reset and it fixed the problem for about 6 months but it is back to the same old issues now. If you do not want to do a factory reset I would wait for the ICS update, that will fix the issue.


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Oct 19, 2011
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I'm getting a similar experience but it's not just the home button... It could be any thing I press... I'm using Go Launcher Ex and occasionally my whole screen refreshes itself while I'm navigating thru my phone and it takes me to the home screen... then I have to wait for all the icons to reload and find my place again. It's happening alot and I don't know why. It's annoying and I don't know if it's the Launcher or the phone.


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Oct 24, 2011
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I'm getting a similar experience but it's not just the home button... It could be any thing I press... I'm using Go Launcher Ex and occasionally my whole screen refreshes itself while I'm navigating thru my phone and it takes me to the home screen... then I have to wait for all the icons to reload and find my place again. It's happening alot and I don't know why. It's annoying and I don't know if it's the Launcher or the phone.

It's just a memory allocation issue. ICS roms, thanks in large part to true multi-core support and optomization, don't seem to fall prey to this event as easily, nor as often as the GB roms do. I'm sure it will happen to everyone on ICS, at some juncture along the way but it's far from a regular occurence in my experiences with using custom ICS roms.


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Oct 27, 2011
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It's just a memory allocation issue. ICS roms, thanks in large part to true multi-core support and optomization, don't seem to fall prey to this event as easily, nor as often as the GB roms do. I'm sure it will happen to everyone on ICS, at some juncture along the way but it's far from a regular occurence in my experiences with using custom ICS roms.

I agree that it is a memory allocation issue, and I wonder if restarting your phone would fix it. A restart will clear your phone's temporary cache which might be the source of your problem. If you give that a try let us know how it turns out.


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May 31, 2012
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I agree that it is a memory allocation issue, and I wonder if restarting your phone would fix it. A restart will clear your phone's temporary cache which might be the source of your problem. If you give that a try let us know how it turns out.

I would probs agree with that, my phone needs a restart every now and again just to make it run quicker again...

Sent from my HTC Desire using Android Central Forums

taylorhanson 23

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Oct 30, 2012
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I had the same problem a while ago....I thought maybe that something was wrong in my settings so I checked it out... I looked in my develop options and at the bottom of this menu was a box that said "Don't keep activities" I saw that I had this box checked so I unchecked it and pressed the home button to see if it had worked.. this first time it didn't work but every single time after that, every single app I opened, backing out of it with either the home or back button worked perfectly, never had another soft reset again :)n


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May 9, 2011
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It's not really Sense crashing. It it a memory allocation issue. Normally your phone keeps the Sense home screen in memory so that it can display it anytime you push the home button. Sometimes other apps use so much memory that there is not enough room for Sense to continue running in the background, so your phone shuts it down. Then, when you press the home button your phone starts Sense again, and that is what you are seeing.

this is the correct answer! ^^

It is android shutting sense down because your current program is using more memory then is currently availible. with games this is normal specially when you are speaking of the graphically intensive. If this is happening other time that usually means a badly coded program as they should never use that much.


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2012
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what exactly is the leaked ics? becuase i looked it up on the play store and downladed it, but it did not help?
I don't know exactly what you are talking about, but no "leaked" ROMs are available in the Play Store, it isn't really "installed" so much as flashed to the ROM and will factory default your phone... What a "leaked" ROM (or RUU) is is a ROM released by HTC but not officially released/supported by Verizon. For the Rezound, these are typically found on Android Police's website but this seems to change over time. The current leaked RUU is version 4.3.605.2 and enables the Global Mode of the phone plus has some bug fixes, and it can be found here along with instructions to download, verify MD5, and install.

Note that installing this ROM does NOT void your warranty but it is not supported by Verizon (or officially even by HTC), make sure you are locked and S-ON (the factory default) or just S-OFF (locked/unlocked is irrelevant if S-OFF) before installing or you risk bricking your device.

William Boot

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Jun 18, 2013
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basically this only happens when the " Dont Keep Activities " button is activated in the developer options section this is becaus eit is still shutting down the app you have just left in the background which takes a few seconds