Question Onn tablet does not let me use sd card


New member
Sep 6, 2023
I bought this onn tablet from walmart because I wanted to have something cheap to take on airplane flights, something that wouldn't be a loss if stolen or crushed or whatever.

I want to put my podcasts and pictures and movies on it but it seems to be protected against that? I have done this with every phone I've ever had and two other onn tablets that I have so I know how to do it, it seems intentional that they have the SD cards, both internal and external, blocked by formating from adding your own files. Tablet info in image.

Is there a hack for this?

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Welcome to Android Central! It shouldn't be a problem using the SD card for that purpose. Where exactly are you having the problem? Is the card not being recognized by the tablet at all? Or is it seen by the tablet, but no files show up? Or do the media apps not have an option to use the SD card?


New member
Sep 6, 2023
Welcome to Android Central! It shouldn't be a problem using the SD card for that purpose. Where exactly are you having the problem? Is the card not being recognized by the tablet at all? Or is it seen by the tablet, but no files show up? Or do the media apps not

Welcome to Android Central! It shouldn't be a problem using the SD card for that purpose. Where exactly are you having the problem? Is the card not being recognized by the tablet at all? Or is it seen by the tablet, but no files show up? Or do the media apps not have an option to use the SD card?
Everything works as it should. I believe they lock the cards out for content similar to the way game consoles use a format so that the can't use your own files on your console. This is the message I get when I insert a card and neither one of them are usable, if you format a card on the device and then try to use it on your PC it just gives you a new reformat message.20230906_203225.jpg

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
It looks like your tablet supports Adoptable Storage, which means formatting an SD card to be recognized as part of Internal Storage (as opposed to a traditional SD card). If you format the card as Internal Storage ("external tablet storage" in this case -- I know, it's very confusingly worded), that means the card can be used for app installation as well, but it also means the card is encrypted to be used only on the tablet, and not on any other device.

Are you formatting the card as Portable Storage? That's the way to go if you want to be able to remove the card, insert it into your PC, and transfer files.