Photon Battery Life

After coming from the EVO 4G after a little over a year, I am actually surprised at the battery life of the Photon. I use it the same as my EVO if not more (playing with it), and I'm able to leave my house and go through a full work day making phone calls, sending text, and periodically picking it up to mess with a few applications and when I get home I don't have to rush in and take the charger out of my pocket to plug it in. So far...So good
After coming from the EVO 4G after a little over a year, I am actually surprised at the battery life of the Photon. I use it the same as my EVO if not more (playing with it), and I'm able to leave my house and go through a full work day making phone calls, sending text, and periodically picking it up to mess with a few applications and when I get home I don't have to rush in and take the charger out of my pocket to plug it in. So far...So good

I'm in the same boat as you. I had the EVO 4G and had to make sure I had chargers everywhere for when it was about to With the Photon, I was able to put my car charger away and rarely use my charger at my desk.
I'm currently 8 hours since plugged in and at 90%. This is far superior to my Evo 4g. I was one of those people with a stand-alone charger and spare 1750mah on hand along with chargers everywhere I went. I don't have to pay near as much attention to battery life now. Was one of the main reasons I swapped + dual core processor.
I'm currently 8 hours since plugged in and at 90%. This is far superior to my Evo 4g. I was one of those people with a stand-alone charger and spare 1750mah on hand along with chargers everywhere I went. I don't have to pay near as much attention to battery life now. Was one of the main reasons I swapped + dual core processor.

I have to ask how much you're using your phone and if you're using it a lot, what's your configuration? I get good battery life with mine, but nothing like this.
People who are posting battery life should really have a screenshot of the battery usage next to it. Yeah my battery life is great on standby but using Netflix will drain it dead in about 3 hours (not much better than my EVO).
People who are posting battery life should really have a screenshot of the battery usage next to it. Yeah my battery life is great on standby but using Netflix will drain it dead in about 3 hours (not much better than my EVO).

What app are you using for the battery percentage in your status bar?
Thanks. I downloaded it and it's great to get an accurate read on the battery. I'm finding out my battery life is better than I suspected since the battery bar icon and quick settings can be misleading. Quick settings also only shows battery as increments of 10%. Definitely multitudes better than my rooted Epic was. I only rooted that device because stock battery life wasn't so good.

By the way, what app are you using for the screen shots? I thought you can't do that if your device isn't rooted? Unless you are...
? See where you power is going: Tap Home > Menu > About phone > Battery > Battery use.

milominderbiner - Thanks for such an incredible resource for newbies. I know you from PreCentral, don't I?

One thing I noticed for the Photon, the battery usage info is actually found here:

Tap Home >Settings > Battery & data manager >Battery usage
"battery monitor free" doesn't work for me - only getting increments of 10% - maybe it's cuz i'm using launcherpro, not sure....any other suggestions?
I'm confused. I hear nothing but good things here about the battery life with the Photon. However, I've had mine for a little over a week. I only check gmail, play words with friends, text, make phone calls and check facebook. I charge my phone over night, unplug it at 6:30am, its dead by 2pm. My screen brightness is down to about 25%-30%, screen time out is 30 seconds. I changed battery mode to Maximum Battery saver. As I type this, its 12:19 in the afternoon my time, im at 15% battery life. I had the droid x before this and my battery could last all day with brightness at 50, more frequent facebook checks and 30min - 1hr of gaming a day. Any ideas?
I'm confused. I hear nothing but good things here about the battery life with the Photon. However, I've had mine for a little over a week. I only check gmail, play words with friends, text, make phone calls and check facebook. I charge my phone over night, unplug it at 6:30am, its dead by 2pm. My screen brightness is down to about 25%-30%, screen time out is 30 seconds. I changed battery mode to Maximum Battery saver. As I type this, its 12:19 in the afternoon my time, im at 15% battery life. I had the droid x before this and my battery could last all day with brightness at 50, more frequent facebook checks and 30min - 1hr of gaming a day. Any ideas?

Now that I look at everyone's screen shot, my phone signal at work is terrible. 1 maybe 2 bars, sometimes nothing. Could this impact my battery life?
I'm confused. I hear nothing but good things here about the battery life with the Photon. However, I've had mine for a little over a week. I only check gmail, play words with friends, text, make phone calls and check facebook. I charge my phone over night, unplug it at 6:30am, its dead by 2pm. My screen brightness is down to about 25%-30%, screen time out is 30 seconds. I changed battery mode to Maximum Battery saver. As I type this, its 12:19 in the afternoon my time, im at 15% battery life. I had the droid x before this and my battery could last all day with brightness at 50, more frequent facebook checks and 30min - 1hr of gaming a day. Any ideas?

WOW! You def have a bad battery or something Because mine comes off the charger at 7 am and I wont have to charge it till about 11 pm or so and thats with moderate/heavy use.. try getting a new battery from sprint.
Now that I look at everyone's screen shot, my phone signal at work is terrible. 1 maybe 2 bars, sometimes nothing. Could this impact my battery life?

Absolutely... The phone will waste plenty of juice searching for signal.
My experience, so far, is that I get about 10% drain per hour. A lot of it seems related to poor signal strength. When I look at engadget's battery pics, they have a lot more green on the "phone signal" section than I do. Mine is mostly yellow. Also, my "screen on" section is a lot more blue than engadget's. Both of those contribute a ton towards the difference.

That said, I used my sprint FrankenPre2 in the same locations (getting the same signal strength) and I used it about the same amount daily. 10% drain per hour on a 1650 mah battery (on the Photon) is a *LOT* worse than 5% drain per hour on an 1150 mah battery (on the Pre). I don't think all of the difference can be attributed to the signal and screen usage. But (of course) I'm just guessing.
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Don't know what I'm doing right, but no battery problems here. I've had mine about a week (and love it BTW). After a couple of full charge cycles I'm only having to charge mine every-other day with power left! I don't watch movies on it but I make a decent number of phone calls a day and a good bit of email/texting. Currently I'm getting about the same battery life as my now retired Blackberry Tour. The phone is bone stock and on default settings at this point.
Absolutely... The phone will waste plenty of juice searching for signal.

I've definitely noticed this. Normally I'm here in Raleigh where I get good signal, and I've gotten great battery life. If I'm not using the phone much, I'll still have 70 percent at the end of the work day.

I spent several days visiting relatives in north Atlanta, which has crappy Sprint coverage. The phone was losing > 10 percent every hour just sitting on the counter. If I used it any, it would burn through the battery in 6 or 7 hours.

Fringe coverage just kills Android phones on Sprint's network.
"battery monitor free" doesn't work for me - only getting increments of 10% - maybe it's cuz i'm using launcherpro, not sure....any other suggestions?

Battery circle, by Adrien Ulrich, will give you a more precise reading.
hi guys, first post, but it seems to be good one.

after THREE hours of use, it's DEAD.
now this is in roaming. Just using the phone as a clock, no surfing web or anything.

that's crazy!
my nexus s 4g lasted me at least six hours in roam...

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