
Could my problems have been because it was f2fs?

Battery life is horrible, or rather, was.
So far with this internal build, its quite a bit better. Still bad, only able to get a couple hours of heavy use on a charge, but twice as good as it was.
@Redchigh: I believe f2fs contributed to at least half of your problems, thus it was first on my to-remove list. The rest would likely come down to limitations of the phone/rom, and some can be alleviated via tweaks. What would your heavy use consist of? My optimus can squeeze out ~6 hours of mixed video playback and audio streaming/downloading over wifi (medium usage), or use 5% of battery for 2 hours of local audio podcast playback (light usage). These are mostly due to mine being used as a media player (in airplane mode with wifi & misc tweaks), which allows it to use 1% of battery for each 4 hours of standby, so my optimus can keep me occupied on my commute while still keeping my real (and even more battery-hungry) phone charged.

If your usage consists of a lot of phone calls / mobile data / screen-on time, then the battery life would be greatly diminished given how small/old Optimus is, but I would say you should still be able to squeeze out at least another hour or 2 when tweaked properly.
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Heavy use is mostly just non-stop web browsing, or simple gaming.
I also use it as a hotspot, but having it last more than an hour doing that is just out of the realm of possibility I think.
I assume you are using mobile data (instead of wifi) given that you use hotspot, which combined with a lot of screen time (browsing/gaming) and network traffic (web/game ads) would mean your battery life would probably top at 2 hours, maybe 3 if you are willing to take some actions to conserve battery power, like turning off mobile data when you don't need it, reduce screen brightness, etc. For reference, I use about 20% battery after an hour of Plants vs Zombies.

Before working on battery life however, how are the random issues you reported earlier looking now? If the phone is still not usable then we should resolve that first.
Forgive my improper use of the thread, but as a long time follower/subscriber/poster here I figured most of you wouldn't mind, plus comments have been slow here anyway. Got a guy trying to get my Toucanscrypt that I built for this rom to work with a different rom and recovery. In theory, this shouldn't be a problem; I've checked for incompatibilities and even tweaked it to work better with what he has. However, he's stuck at square one: getting the thing to flash. Every time he tries, he gets:
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
E:Error in /sdcard/Toucanscrypt-1.1alternate.zip
(Status 0)
Installation aborted.
I've tried working him through everything I could think of. I flashed it myself and it worked just fine. I had him do an update-binary swap with something that did flash fine, etc.

Do you, squid, or any of y'all with your plethera of knowledge, have any clue what might be causing a Status 0 preventing this zip from flashing? Thanks in advance, and again, I apologize for the break in etiquette.
Figured it out, sort of. Recovery he was using didn't work. New recovery and worked just fine. Don't know why that should make a difference with flashing a zip, but eh. Any info that'd help me make sense of this for the future would be greatly appreciated. Hope you all are doing well!
Hi Toucan, which recovery failed and which worked? Perhaps it's due to the partition migrations in TWRP for this ROM. Also, which other ROM is he using? Given that development here is slowing down, and my Optimus is due for a new install after replacing the failing sdcard (data slowly disappearing), it may be time for something new (sorry Bigsupersquid; it's not you, it's me :D )
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He was working with mirage and bean whiz on 2 different phones. Not sure what recovery didn't work, but squid's recovery is what worked.
I can open you a vm if you'd like. all i have right now is omnirom 5.1 source, but it can be put on an ssd. if you do take up my offer, email me ssh details
noted, and thanks. got an older 64 bit box, it at least runs modern toolchains. Even if the 3.0 kernel crashes on thunderc if compiled with gcc 4.8 on up.
Advise purging your email for bot scanners though.
I've not done much debugging lately, temporarily reverted to no-gapps Mirage so I can text message and browse at work without reboots.
I will get to it sometime, kitkat needs a 'final' release.
Been playing with native Raspian, fbdev (no accel,) evdev touchscreen, e17 gui. Fairly decent. have wifi, bluetooth turns on with brcm_patchram_plus.. scans and recognizes devices, gets their info, but doesn't pair yet though. Bad bluetoothd.
Almost have freedreno running but can't get system to insert the yamato*.fw files to start up and it segfaults without the firmware. without the GL, xrandr bites and won't change anything, won't scale, won't rotate or pan. Just try running a browser in 320x480 without scaling or panning.
kernel branch debian for patches and config changes for that. no info to share on the wifi and bt except the xda thread that clued me in...
[GUIDE] Native Debian on Samsung Galaxy i750… | Android Development and Hacking | XDA Forums
teaser screenie, building kpkg
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Sounds like it didn't flash right. Wipe and reflash.

Hey thanks for replying. I'm using TWRP, when you say wipe and reflash, do you mean wipe Data, cache, dalvik or advanced wipe? Also should I be installing the Internal or the OS2SD version? I'm struggling to find much through googling, and I'm on a mac so the fact I've made it this far seems surprising.
I actually don't have this phone anymore.

Read the first post again. OS2SD moves the OS to a partition on the SD card. It has its benefits and drawbacks.

Internal is slightly easier, OS2SD requires partitioning the SD.

I'm really sure the directions in the first post will help if you take it slow. I'm pretty sure wipe is under wipe/format. You want to wipe system, data, cache, and dalvik.
I actually don't have this phone anymore.

Read the first post again. OS2SD moves the OS to a partition on the SD card. It has its benefits and drawbacks.

Internal is slightly easier, OS2SD requires partitioning the SD.

I'm really sure the directions in the first post will help if you take it slow. I'm pretty sure wipe is under wipe/format. You want to wipe system, data, cache, and dalvik.

I'll give this a try. Thanks
I actually don't have this phone anymore.

Read the first post again. OS2SD moves the OS to a partition on the SD card. It has its benefits and drawbacks.

Internal is slightly easier, OS2SD requires partitioning the SD.

I'm really sure the directions in the first post will help if you take it slow. I'm pretty sure wipe is under wipe/format. You want to wipe system, data, cache, and dalvik.

Can't seem to get the SDcard to format and mount properly, just went ahead and installed the internal version. Everything's working great. Thanks for the help man!
Happy new year everyone!

So I've been paying attention to this board for the past couple months but I haven't had the time or know how to really get rooting. Seems like maybe now is the time to start. I'm what you would call 'a total n00b'. So, sorry, these questions are going to sound really dumb. First things first, how I actually load the TWRP recovery image onto the phone?

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