I've not done much debugging lately, temporarily reverted to no-gapps Mirage so I can text message and browse at work without reboots.
I will get to it sometime, kitkat needs a 'final' release.
Been playing with native Raspian, fbdev (no accel,) evdev touchscreen, e17 gui. Fairly decent. have wifi, bluetooth turns on with brcm_patchram_plus.. scans and recognizes devices, gets their info, but doesn't pair yet though. Bad bluetoothd.
Almost have freedreno running but can't get system to insert the yamato*.fw files to start up and it segfaults without the firmware. without the GL, xrandr bites and won't change anything, won't scale, won't rotate or pan. Just try running a browser in 320x480 without scaling or panning.
kernel branch debian for patches and config changes for that. no info to share on the wifi and bt except the xda thread that clued me in...
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teaser screenie, building kpkg