Samsung Galaxy S6 screen overlay detected


New member
Sep 27, 2016
Hi, I recently began having this problem:
I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 with 6.0.1 android version.
Anytime I install a new app and it asks for permissions like access my location, a message pops up wanting me to turn off screen overlay.
I go to settings - applications - application manager - more - apps that can appear on top - disable all the apps - also disable all the system apps.
I restart my device and the problem continues.
I also went to developer options - simulate second displays - none.
Also I couldn't find the side key panel.
And I also tried going into safe mode trying to do these operations there - still no luck, just changed my display themes.
What should I do? I don't want to factory reset my phone because there are so much important things there and it is a big risk.
I restarted my phone after this, and still no change, the problem is still there.
I would appreciate your help, thanks!
Mmm my S7 is doing that since I installed Twilight app. I just follow the turn off overlay thing, set up the new app and let it do it's thing. Presumably is a Samsung thing? Perhaps the more learned ones here can shed more light on this... Welcome to the forums by the way! :-)
Thank you!
I found the culprits, all the DU apps (DU Speed Buster etc).
But now that I have uninstalled Clean Master and the DU apps, which apps will protect/clean/maximize my phone's performance?
I have the free Kaspersky app.
Thank you for your reply anyway!
Past 24 hours, I've had this problem.

The only thing I know that's changed is that I uninstalled all my Avast Mobile Security products because I was annoyed by the ads. (Also, I didn't trust the adware.)

Suddenly "screen overlay" pops up everywhere.
I found my issue was the app "twilight" and app that takes the blue out of the display at sundown. When it was installed all the apps started working again.
Thanks for the tip. I have just removed twilight and all is now fine. Have spent months with my phone like this! Thanks again.

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