Samsung Pay: card issuer not supported?

It's VISA that's giving your bank access to the visa network so that you can make purchases using your banks card. Not the other way around. So like I said, if anyone has a problem with it, it should be visa...if they deemed NFC payments as unsafe, they could restrict the use of visa cards via NFC.

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That's not true... when you file a claim on a purchase, you deal with your bank and your bank deals with visa...your bank reimburses you, visa reimburses your bank, which is why, if a company has too many claims against them, visa can revolk a companies ability to use a visa card for payment. And which is why visa or the pci council fines companies (target for example) for not following security protocol. So if you have a claim that you need to file you wouldn't file it with Samsung, you would file it with your bank, just like you always have. I don't think that employee that told you that had their information correct.

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Not when it comes to debit cards..

Samsung and Google are the ones requiring banks to sign on. Why would they do something that would limit use for no reason?

With Soft Card, previously ISIS and Google Wallet, if there was a problem, you went to Serve and Google, not the bank.

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