second screen doesnt work with nova.


Well-known member
May 19, 2016
I cannot get away from using nova and klwp. An unbeatable combination of customization on android. Nova launcher acts as a full screen app, so on the home screens the second screen either switches off or to date and time. Depending on how you actually have it set. Has anyone ran into this issue with other launchers.
I'm using Nova and am not having any issues with the second screen.

I had just decided to buy literally 5 minutes ago but if I can't use second screen with nova prime I'm out. You just save me $679
Someone say it get glitchy if u enable the hide notification bar

It is the hide notification bar causing this glitch to happen. Which I'm sure isnt a problem for most but seeing as klwp allows you to have interactive notification bars this sucks for klwp users.
I use it as well...what a whole bunch of that a millenial thing?
Seems like the OP did something wrong or has a defected phone. Mine is working fine. I had 2 V20 in the past 2 days and both worked with Nova. I was on Verizon and had theirs on the 27th.

I went back to T-Mobile the next day and got their version. I had no issues with either phone working with Nova without any problems. I think the OP needs to show us a picture of what is wrong.
Have anyone of you gone in and selected to hide the notification bar? Thats the only time it does it. For anyone who uses klwp you generally turn your notification bar off because you have created a custom one in your wallpaper.
I posted about this as I use Nova Prime as well. If you turn on Hide Notification bar it will cause the second screen to not work only in your home screen. It will continue to work if you're in an app or in the settings menu.

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