Also, the Best Buy on these forums said his store got them in stock yesterday. I quoted it above. I'm hopeful.
I believe someone else pointed out that BB and other retailers plan out their advertising well in advance of whe it hits. It could have been that BB and HTC planned for this phone to hit on the 14th, which would explain the menner in which it was displayed in the ad; and before thay could change anything, were told of the change of date of release.
theyve been open for 10 minutes, whats the word guys?
VZW site shows coming soon but according to some people BB will have it first so VZW showing that on their site kinda sorta makes sense.
i love it! VZW and BB are the biggest bunch of freaking idiots, not the people we see and deal with like CSRs, reps, and salespeople, the ones that run the show at corporate. how bad could you possibly **** up a release for a new phone? its almost mind boggling as to how they have still not released some type of statement regarding this phone. damnit, if their network wasnt so good...........
Knowing Verizon, they do it all the time. But again, they never announced the release date. So technically we can't blame them this time. Still I don't like Verizon on the corporate level - it appears the execs don't really care abt customers. They know as long as they have better coverage and network, many disgruntled customers like u and me will still stay with them. I have had absolutely no problems with the retail reps or their cs reps (on the phone). They have always been cordial and cooperative with me. The same goes for BB sales reps.
i agree with your statement about VZW/BB reps as i previously stated. but they actually did give a release date by proxy through BB. anyone who thinks BB just decided to say it was available on the 14th without approval from VZW is crazy. VZW or BB needs to release a statement as to what in the hell is going on.