Verizon Fascinate: Tools and Quick links - PLEASE Read post#1 before posting in this forum


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
The Fascinate forums are filled with a wealth of info, so in an effort to make things easier to find we will be adding quick links in the first post of this thread. If you can not find what you are looking for either in the stickies or in this post please leave a reply with either the link or the subject that you are looking for if we find it universally useful we will add it here. Thank you everyone
Post #1= Index
Post #2= Rooting FAQ and preparation
Post #3= One click root (Does not work with froyo)
Post #4= ADB rooting (works with froyo)
Post #5= CWM+Root combo (works with froyo)
Post #6= Unroot (works with froyo)
Post #7= Removing apps once rooted
Post #8= Credits
Post #9= Returning to stock FAQ & Preperation
Post #10= How to Backup contacts and apps
Post #11= Instructions to wipe and restore your phone with Odin
Post #12= Instructions to wipe and restore your phone with Odin w/visual aids
Post #13= How to Restore contacts and apps
Post #14= Trouble Shooting

Important TOOLS

Bonus #01=
Bonus #02= [MOD]Settings (Calibration, Stay Awake, DUN)
Bonus #03=
Bonus #04=
Bonus #05=
Bonus #06=
Bonus #07=
Bonus #08= [Mod] Froyo Samsung Car Cradle (Works With AOSP Player/Pwramp/Pandora/AG)
Bonus #09=
Bonus #10=
Bonus #11=
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
Rooting as any other hacking is done at your own risk, I nor Android Central are
responsible for anything that users do to their phone. That being said, Have fun :)


Q: What is Root?

A: Root, is super user access of your phones operating system. Think of your phone as a desktop computer. Right now you are logged on as a guest account. you can browse things and use applications but if you really want to change anything in your system you can't. What gaining root does is it gives you superuser permission to alter files that you could not before; again thinking of it as a computer you now have an Administrator account.

Q: Does rooting void my warranty?

A: Yes and no. If you walk into verizon with a phone that has Root access and they actually check it they have the right to say this phone was tampered with. But for those of you in the know (Thats now you;) ). There is a tool called Odin that will get you back to stock as if it is out of the box. As always you root at your own risk, but thanks to Odin that risk is greatly reduced.

Q: Does rooting slow down my phone or drain battery.

A: NO, root is not an application or a running process, gaining root does not do anything but give you permissions that you normally would not have. Basically all you did during the rooting process was move files around. Its what you do with this new found permission that changes things. But as far as just rooting it does not make a difference.

Q: Will i lose any apps or data during the rooting process?

A: No, for the same reason as above. Rooting is basically just moving some files around. Of course there is always a risk of something happening in any process. I would say chances are of causing serious problems is slim to non. Its what you do with this new found permission that changes things. But as far as just rooting it does not make a difference.

Q: I lost root during an update, am i doomed?

A: No, what happend was the file containing your super user access was over written. Just re-attempt gaining root and you will be fine.

1. Download and Install Samsung Drivers
64bit: Drivers HERE
32bit: Drivers HERE

2. Go to Settings > Applications > Developement > Enable Debugging, then connect your phone to your PC, allow 2-3 minutes to configure drivers
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
What builds will this work on:All builds (Does not work with froyo)
What Downloads will i need:
One click zip file
Directions: (Assuming you followed preparations from Post #2)

With your phone in debugging mode set to stay awake
1.Extract downloaded file directly to your C:\ Drive
so that it looks like this C:\FascinateRoot_v02

2.Open FascinateRoot_v02 folder

3.Double click START_ROOT

4.Command window will appear
Carefully read all directions
hit any key when you are ready to continue when prompted
After the first reboot a pause has been added for the SD card to mount
and for you to disable media sync by pulling down notification bar
hitting media sync,then disable

5.When the process is done it will say Complete. At this point
Hit CTRL+C, unplug and restart your phone. download titanium backup,
If it asks you for Superuser permission you have successfully rooted

Instructions with Visual Aid (Provided by gunnermike53 )

Trouble Shooting

During process it can not push file because it says file not found
A file in the FascinateRoot_v02 folder is missing or corrupted. Download file again. and restart the process.

adb push: Permission Denied
SD card is mounted to your, if the sdcard is mounted there is no way for the adb to push files from your computer to your phone and on to the sdcard.. please drop down notification bar and turn off usb storage Close out and start again

Prompt tells you that you do not have permissions

The process failed to grant you temporary root access. Close out and begin again.

After continuing from reboot the process freezes for a long time
This is common, best way to handle this is to be patient some phones take 5 minutes other take up to an hour. If you lose patience move on to a different method or try again. Most times waiting it out will lead to success.

Error Device not found
If this happens after continuing after first reboot, this means that the phone was not properly connected before continuing. After reboot unplug the phone, plug it back in, disable media sync, mount then unmount SD card then continue.

Additional Conditions to check
1. Check to make sure you installed the Samsung Drivers
2. Make sure your phone is connected using the original cable that came with the phone
3. Verify that debugging is enabled.
4. Try to run it again
5. If you are receiving errors then your phones drivers were not installed
6. If you are having a different please post here so we can help you.
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
What builds will this work on: All builds
What Downloads will i need:
One click zip file
Directions: (Assuming you followed preparations from Post #1)

With your phone in debugging mode set to stay awake
1.Extract downloaded file directly to your C:\ Drive
so that it looks like this C:\FascinateRoot_v02

2. Now go to your start button on your menu bar,in the run field or search field depending on your version of windows, type CMD and hit enter. The command box will present itself. From here on out just copy and paste the commands i will provide below. To paste in the command box you must right click on the mouse and select paste. Do not paste BOLD text below those are just for info.

Commands are as follows:

cd C:\FascinateRoot_v02

adb devices

It will state
"List of devices attached
I500******* device"
If you dont see this you are not connected

adb push rage.bin /data/local/tmp/rage.bin

adb shell

cd /data/local/tmp

chmod 0755 rage.bin

This step is important. After you type the next command there will be a pause and you will have to wait until you are kicked out of adb shell. It is important you do not touch your phone or type anything in the command window. If you do don't worry, nothing bad will happen you will most likely have to pull your battery and try to run the command again. If your phone doesn't lock up you can probably unplug it and plug it back in and start back at "adb shell"


After several seconds the $ prompt will come back
After another 20 seconds or so you will be kicked back to the C:\FascinateRoot_v02 prompt.

adb devices

If your device is still connected proceed,if not give it a min or to and type adb devices again. if the phone is locked up after a couple mins battery pull and start over.

adb shell

You should now be at a # prompt
This mean you have achieved temporary root on the device.


You should now be at the C:\rootfiles prompt again
Type the following commands:

adb push su /sdcard/su

adb push busybox /sdcard/busybox

adb shell

mount -t rfs -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9 /system

cd /system/xbin

cat /sdcard/su > ./su

cat /sdcard/busybox > ./busybox

chmod 4755 su

chmod 4755 busybox


You should be back at the C:\FascinateRoot_v02 prompt

adb install Superuser.apk

It will now install the Superuser.apk this may take some time while it installs when it is over it will say:

Success-after you see Success hit Ctrl-C Then reset your device

3. You have now achieved Root, congrats. If this didnt work for you well then :confused: time for a different approach.

Here is a screen shot of what i did, you will see some mistakes i made... and at the end it says failure but i had already manually installed the Superuser.apk so thats the reason for that. this is just to give you an Idea of what you are getting yourself involved with.



Trouble Shooting

During process it can not push file because it says file not found
A file in the FascinateRoot_v02 folder is missing or corrupted. Download file again. and restart the process.

adb push: Permission Denied
SD card is mounted to your, if the sdcard is mounted there is no way for the adb to push files from your computer to your phone and on to the sdcard.. please drop down notification bar and turn off usb storage Close out and start again

Prompt tells you that you do not have permissions

The process failed to grant you temporary root access. Close out and begin again.

Error Device not found
If this happens after continuing after first reboot, this means that the phone was not properly connected before continuing. After reboot unplug the phone, plug it back in, disable media sync, mount then unmount SD card then continue.

After installing Superuser.apk States Install failed already exists
Chances are at some point the apk was downloaded from previous attempts to root your device. Just ignore proceed to reboot device. Download Titanium backup, open it and see if it asks you to allow or deny Superuser access. if these options come up means you are rooted. If not try the rooting process over

Additional Conditions to check
1. Check to make sure you installed the Samsung Drivers
2. Make sure your phone is connected using the original cable that came with the phone
3. Verify that debugging is enabled.
4. Try to run it again
5. If you are receiving errors then your phones drivers were not installed
6. If you are having a different please post here so we can help you.
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
What builds will this work on: All builds

The Following file is to be downloaded and put on the root of your SD card
My modified ChainsDD superuser +busybox package

So use the directions in post #12 of this thread to flash via odin.
But Use this file provided
The Odin package of Clockworkmod recovery:
CMW Recovery All

Now once you have flashed odin (use link i posted to walk you through it) and you have downloaded su+busybox and put the last to file to the base of your SD card. Do the following steps

(Do not allow your phone to turn on!! boot directly into recovery) Reboot into recovery>VOL up+VOL dwn+ power, you will see the samsung logo cycle twice, on the second time let go

From here using the vol keys scroll to install zip from SD card , use the power to select.

scroll to and select choose zip from sdcard

then scroll down to and select

scroll to and select yes, this will install the zip

once its done hit the search button to go back

then select reboot.

you should be done and rooted

Good luck and enjoy
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
What builds will this work on: All builds
What Downloads will i need:
One click method


ADB unroot
Root Explorer(or somthing similar that allows you to manager system files from your phone)
If you used one click method

Now go to your start button on your menu bar,in the run field or search field depending on your version of windows, type CMD and hit enter. The command box will present itself. From here on out just copy and paste the commands i will provide below. To paste in the command box you must right click on the mouse and select paste. Do not paste BOLD text below those are just for info.

Commands are as follows:

cd C:\FascinateRoot_v02

adb shell

su (its going to ask you for permission on your phone so hit allow)

mount -t rfs -o remount,rw /dev/block/stl9 /system

rm /system/app/Superuser.apk

rm /system/xbin/busybox

rm /system/xbin/su

rm /system/bin/su

rm /system/bin/busybox

mount -t rfs -o remount,ro /dev/block/stl9 /system


If you used ADB rooting method, Or One click

From your phone open Root explorer, at the top of explorer window you will see a button "mount R/W" press the button, this will allow you to edit system files.

During this process make sure you delete these files all in one attempt, do not "mount R/O" Do not close the application till all files are delelted as after they are you will no longer have permission to edit these files.












Congrats you are unrooted
You man now leave the application and restart.

To undo all methods of rooting You can go back to Stock usng Odin
Instructions can be found HERE

Trouble Shooting

I can not find the files to delete them

Thats fine most likely they were not there to begin with if you can't find them just move on deleting the rest of the files listed.


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
Discussion for this topic can be found HERE

Original Creator of this post is forum administrator Cory Streater thank you for all your contributions

Once rooted, you might want to get rid of some of the Verizon Bloatware that came pre-installed on the phone.

1) Before you start making changes, I would strongly recommend backing up your device with a program like Titanium Backup (also in the market).
2) Instead of deleting files, I would recommend renaming them from <filename.apk> to <filename.apk.old> For example, there's a file called Blockbuster_Stub_v0_2_build_12-unsigned-signed.apk in the system/app folder. If you long press on this file, in root explorer, you have the option of renaming it. Select this and add .old to the end. Once you do this, it will no longer show up in your app drawer and there will be no trace of it starting up with the OS.
3) Alternatively, you could move these files to your SD card if you don't want them eating up space in your system folder. But do not delete these files. Over in the X forum, we learned that an OTA update would fail, because files we considered bloatware didn't exist. The system folder had to be exactly the way it was when the phone shipped.
4) Before you rename or move an app in the /system/app folder, check the list below. If it is not listed, or you are unsure if it is safe to modify, please ask first. Another lesson we learned with the Droid X is that there are several files in the system/app folder, that we thought fell in the bloatware category. They were actually essential apps in order for the phone to run. For example, renaming the Verizon Backup APK bricked the phone.
5) All that said, here are is a list of things I've successfully renamed without problems:

  • Blockbuster: Blockbuster_Stub_v0_2_build_12-unsigned-signed.apk
  • Stock web browser: Browser.apk
  • Subscription based (2.99 per month) app that displays city & state information for incoming calls: CityID_1.0.27_vzw.sch.i500_12118-release.apk
  • Bing Search App: I500_BingSearchAndroid_07152010.apk
  • My Verizon account information app: I500_MyVerizon_05202010.apk
  • Samsung File Explorer: MyFiles.apk
  • Need for Speed Limited demo version: NFSSInstallerSamsungEmbed_1.1.64.apk
  • Amazon Kindle: redding-7648-signed-zipped.apk
  • Skype:
  • App that links to download and install Tetris: TetrisInstallerSamsungEMBED.apk
  • VCast ringtones app: i500_VCASTTones_QA_060310_1436.apk
  • VCast video app: VCastVideo.apk
  • VCast music app: VCastMusic.apk
  • VZNavigator: vnav_4.7.0.258_i500_rel_PROD_signed.apk
  • Write & Go: WriteandGo.apk
  • Verizon Instant Messaging Client: Final_Schi500_3.0.3.3_07262010.apk
  • ThinkFree Office: ThinkDroid.apk
  • All Samsung Widgets

I have also removed and/or renamed the following wallpaper and Samsung widget specific APK's without any consequences:

  • LiveWallpapers.apk
  • LiveWallpapers.odex
  • LiveWallpapersPicker.apk
  • LiveWallpapersPicker.odex
  • MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk
  • MagicSmokeWallpapers.odex
  • All TATLiveWallpapers & ODEX files.

DO NOT REMOVE VsuiteApp.apk - your Fascinate will immediately start force closing.
(According to AC member curley this can be removed if immediatley followed by a report, I do not have a phone to confirm this so attempt at your own risk)

There will be others, I'm sure, but I won't be the first to try. Definitely nothing that is TouchWiz related.

If there are additional apps that you have successfully renamed or moved, please post them in this thread.

Suggested alternatives:

  • Instead of the built in browser use Dolphin HD.
  • Use Google Maps with Navigation instead of VZ Navigator.
  • Buy apps through the Amazon MP3 store instead of the VCast music app.
  • Convert movies using DVD Catalyst 3, then transfer to your SD card instead of using the VCast video app.
  • Use Google Search or Vlingo (really cool search app) instead of Bing.
  • For local file browsing try Astro Explorer instead of My Files. If rooted use Root Explorer.
  • Search AppBrain for a free caller ID - instead of the subscription based CityID app.
  • Instead of ThinkFree use Documents To Go.
  • Instead of the Verizon IM client (which only works over Verizon's 3G network) search AppBrain for an IM client app and/or stick to the built in Gtalk application.
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
  • Sebastian Krahmer at C skills for developing the code necessary to exploit the root. Please see fit to donate via Paypal to
  • The rootzwiki community for hosting the Samsung drivers
  • Android Central Adviser Adrynalyne for all his contributions including CWM+Root combo
  • Android Central Member Dirrk for rooting this phone using Sebastians global android exploit and for making an autoroot version.
  • Android Central Member gunnermike53 for providing One click insturctions with Visual Aid


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
Discussion for this topic can be found HERE

Q: Will this wipe my phone of all data?

A: Yes, this will wipe your phone completely and rewrite the partitions to a stock (the way you bought it) condition.

Q: Will this wipe my SD card?

A: NO, this will not wipe any data on your SD card, only system partitions of the phone itself.

Q: Does this void my warranty?

A:No in fact if you had a software change that would have have voided your warranty before this will bring you to a state that they will have never known an alteration was made

Q: I am currently running the latest software update, will this return me to this state?

A: No this will bring you back to eclair 2.1.1 Firmware build DI01. BUT you will then be able to do an official over the air update to the latest released build

Q: Will i lose any apps or data during this process?

A: You absolutely will, this is a full wipe of your system. But please refer to Post #2 where we will give you steps to take to back up your apps and data. Post #6 after you are done with the wipe and restore will give you the steps to restore the apps and data.

Q: What is Odin?

A: A Flashing program to download Kernels, firmware to Samsung mobile phones. Also used in recovering failed flashes, bricked phones or doing full system wipes and restores.


1. Download and Install Samsung Drivers
64bit: Drivers HERE
32bit: Drivers HERE

2. Go to Settings > Applications > Developement > Enable Debugging, then connect your phone to your PC, allow 2-3 minutes to configure drivers

3.Download Odin Application HERE

4.Download DI01 Stock Image HERE

5.Disable any running antivirus (causes an interupt durning process resulting in bad flash)

6.Make sure to plug USB cable in the back of the computer,for most reliable connection
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
Backup Contacts

Backup to Gmail account (Recommended)
Step 1. From the Home screen, touch the menu button
Step 2. Touch settings
Step 3. Touch accounts & sync
Step 4. Touch the Gmail account of your choice under Manage accounts
Step 5. Touch Sync contacts

Export to SD card (Recommended)
Step 1. From the Home screen, touch contacts
Step 2. Touch menu
Step 3. Touch Import/Export
Step 4. Touch Export to SD card
Step 5. Touch ok to confirm export

Send namecard via
Step 1. From the Home screen, touch contacts
Step 2. Touch menu
Step 3. Touch Import/Export
Step 4. Touch send namecard via
Step 5. Touch Select all
Step 6. Touch send
Step 7. Touch destination of your choice

Verizon Backup Assistant
Step 1. From the Home screen, touch the menu button
Step 2. Touch settings
Step 3. Touch accounts & sync
Step 4. Follow the prompts to log in to your Backup Assistant account.

Apps and Data
There are many apps available on the market. But i will suggest My Backup Pro if you purchase you can use this without root. It can be found in the Android Market
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
1.) If your phone is plugged into your computer, unplug it now.
2.) If your phone is not powered down, power it down now.
3.) Remove battery from phone.
4.) Launch ODIN on PC.
5.) Plug USB cable into phone.
6.) Plug your Fascinate into the PC via USB cable.
7.) Press and hold the volume-down key until you see a gigantic yellow triangle and your phone will be in download mode.(Please see 2nd picture in post #5)You can now release the volume key. At this point you will see a yellow com port in the upper left hand corner of the Odin applicate. .(Please see 3rd picture in post #5)

8.) Click on the PDA button in ODIN

Triple check that you pushed the PDA button. Do NOT click the Phone button prior to continuing to step 13. If you choose Phone, you will have bought your Fascinate a one-way ticket to hell.

9.) Choose the DI01package3.tar.tar
file you downloaded in step 2 above & click the Start button.(this should take approx 3 to 6mins)
10.) Phone will power down when finished.
11.) Remove USB cable.
12.) Reinsert battery.
13.) Power phone and wait to boot approx 4mins

Congrats you are wiped clean and restored to Stock.
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
Once odin is downloaded open it, its an executable file so when you open it you will see the following : (File used in picture is just an example)


Once this is up, do the following
-Remove the battery from your Device
-Plug in the USB cord
-Hold down the Volume Down button until you see a big bright triangle on your screen , underneath it will say Downloading and beneath that it will say Do not turn off target

At this point you will see one of the boxes in the corner turn yellow, letting you know there is a connection, it will look like this

after you are connected you want to hit the PDA button, NEVER PHONE, phone will erase your modem and you will have trouble connecting after that at all.

when you click the PDA button a pop up will appear and you will need to select the file you would like to flash and then click open


now you will see the file appear in the PDA window ,, with connection made and the file in the PDA window, you may now hit Start


Once you hit start this process Should take approx. 5 mins if you are returning to stock . shouldnt take any less time than that and not much more. So dont start freaking out at min 2...(wait till min 7) lol

If you are flashing a Clockworkmod file it should take approx 7seconds.

once it is completed you should see the following window:


Once you have reached this screen it is safe to unplug , put your battery in and boot up..
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
Restoring Contacts

Backup to Gmail account (Recommended)

Step 1. From the Home screen, touch the menu button
Step 2. Touch settings
Step 3. Touch accounts & sync
Step 4. Touch the Gmail account of your choice under Manage accounts
Step 5. Touch Sync contacts

Import From SD card (Recommended)
Step 1. From the Home screen, touch contacts
Step 2. Touch menu
Step 3. Touch Import/Export
Step 4. Touch Import From SD card

Verizon Backup Assistant
Step 1. From the Home screen, touch the menu button
Step 2. Touch settings
Step 3. Touch accounts & sync
Step 4. Follow the prompts to log in to your Backup Assistant account.

Apps and Data
There are many apps available on the market. But i will suggest My Backup Pro if you purchase you can use this without root. It can be found in the Android Market
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2010
Trouble Shooting

Odin application displays one of the following in message box
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 0)
<OSM> All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
90% of problems associated with Odin are due to communication between phone and computer , it is suggested to go over all the prepartion points in Post#2 of this thread. Other things to try would be.
Change USB ports in the back of the computer
  • Make sure you did not forget to remove battery from phone
  • make sure Odin is the only application running and antivirus is disabled
  • If you are using a laptop make sure its plugged in also find the nearest desktop and try from there
After failed flash with odin upon power up the following is depicted on the screen


First off DO NOT PANIC. there is a simple solution, just remove the battery , plug the phone into the computer, press and hold volume down and it will enter download mode. Please review all the steps oulined in this thread and try and flash again
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