Verizon HTC One : IT'S HERE!!!!


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Apr 19, 2010
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It appears to just be the "sign up for our mailing list of Verizon Wireless offers" page, rather than a specific HTC ONE sign up.. at least based on the process and the reply email when I finished signing up.

Yup just signed up and the email I got didn't even have the pic of the HTC One. Just random Verizon news.

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Jan 25, 2011
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Well got up this morning checked verizon wireless web page and still NO HTC ONE I then went to the accessories and realized they are just generic universal items no official items. I then chatted with an online sales rep and as usual no great news there either other then the boasting on the great network.
Please hold for a Verizon Wireless sales representative, we appreciate your patience. Your current estimated wait time is 0 min 1 secs.

Add a tablet to the Share Everything plan for only $10/mo ? no contract commitment - data only plans starting at $30 monthly access! Ask me how.

Your RealTime session ID is RT9881904983.
You are now chatting with 'Brenda P'
Brenda P: Hello. Welcome to the Verizon Wireless Sales Chat, my name is Brenda. May I have your name, please?
You: Hi any info on the HTC One besides the email sign up page
Brenda P: Not at this time, no. The sign up page is the only information we have right now.
Jamie : well that stinks what the hell is verizon thinking and why are they taking so long to release or even give a date it will be released. There are many people who wanted this phone but are getting a sour taste with verizon.
Brenda P: I apologize, we do have to work with the manufacturer to make sure the phone is up to date to work with the largest and most advanced network.
Jamie : I give verizon kudos on the great network but they need to speed up and be a little more less critical about devices and give consumers more choices on devices we are the ones paying the bills and making the stock holders money!!!So many people are bad mouthing verizon in forums and leaving verizon for other carriers!!!! It's a shame great network, but every one complains about the customer service and devices!!!
Brenda P: I'm not sure exactly what you mean. We gain more customer's than we have lost, in fact, we have the lowest lost customer rate than any other carrier.
Jamie : That's only because we have have to put up with the BS or leave for a so so network most of us stay only because the of the network. If the other networks were as good as verizon I would of left a long time ago.
Brenda P: And we do not want to release a phone that will not work to the best of its abilities. We have had issues with phones in the past that weren't fully tested, so now we are making sure that all newly released phones will work on the network without causing strain to the customer after they purchase the phone.
Jamie : I understand that but it just seems like verizon plays partial to certian phone manufactures. Well thanks for listening to my rant Have a great day!!!
Brenda P: Did you have any other questions today?
Jamie : no thank you Bye!!!!
Brenda P: It's been a pleasure speaking with you today. Thank you for visiting Verizon Wireless. Have a wonderful rest of your day!


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Jan 23, 2011
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The reps really don't know phones release dates or anything that would really alleviate the frustrating wait for the powers that be up at Verizon to make their minds as to what comes out and when. They aren't even hiding anything to protect their jobs, cause they simply just don't know. If they were a very tech savy person that had a vested interest and knew there way around Verizon's GUI then they could probably unearth some dates and information. I learnt a long time ago that we (the tech enthusiasts) would know usually always before the reps about what's coming and when.

Jennifer Stough

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Feb 12, 2013
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I posted a warning in a thread identical to this that was headed in the same direction. Please do not insult others or call them names. I am going to go through and cleanup this thread. If you do not approve of a post, either ignore it or report it to the mods for review. Posting just to "call someone out" is not conducive to the thread, and is just as unproductive. Thanks.


Mar 5, 2010
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The problem lies in the carriers having too much power. We actually need to thank Apple and even Samsung for returning some of the power back to the device makers. We're seeing HTC being pushed around by not being able to decide which carriers use their devices or the release date.

The good news is we're moving in the direction of having flagship devices available on all carriers and on the same time. It's true, carriers are evil and they want exclusive devices. But they're losing their power and we can only look forward as HTC, Moto, even LG are able to reach a mass release for devices.


Well-known member
Jun 18, 2012
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I saw over my managers shoulder today that we'll have the One in stock and sellable on the 19th. Some stores might not get their demos until the 20th, which was the main point of the email.

Posted via Android Central App


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2013
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I saw over my managers shoulder today that we'll have the One in stock and sellable on the 19th. Some stores might not get their demos until the 20th, which was the main point of the email.

Posted via Android Central App

Has Verizon ever released a phone on a Monday? I thought Thursday was always release day for new phones. Perhaps you mistakenly saw it as the 29th (the next rumored release date) or, even worse, Sept. 19th (which is a Thursday)?


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2010
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What we seem to know:
1. Silver Edition
2. Aug 22.
3. $199
What we dont know:
1. 4.2.2?
2. Black?

Anyone have answers to the above 2 questions?


Well-known member
May 25, 2013
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Bahahaha this thread is hilarious I just read thru everyone's comments. It's coming 8/1 I know it! Nope, it's coming 8/15 the Verizon store told me so!! Nope Lolllllll I'm so glad I left Verizon in April to pick up my HTC one.

Sent from my HTC One


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Aug 31, 2010
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Well it must be nice to have coverage options, not be on a family plan, and have $300(x5) just to switch because your carrier didnt launch a phone you wanted.

None the less, I will have an HTC One on the Best Network in less than a week!!!!


Well-known member
May 28, 2013
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I wonder if they let us trade in the S4s we were forced to buy due to lack of options. The S4 is awesome, but I wanted the one. Wishful thinking (sigh).


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2011
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I wonder if they let us trade in the S4s we were forced to buy due to lack of options. The S4 is awesome, but I wanted the one. Wishful thinking (sigh).

Forced to buy? Really? I have some land I would like to sell you, I mean force you to buy.

Tapatalk mofo

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