VZW "abandoning" Bionic?


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Jul 2, 2011
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Didn't Google form a group or consortium at I/O '11 in order to update phones more quickly? If they're living up to it, I wouldn't be worried about the Droid Razr (or whatever they're gonna name it). I don't mind if this is no longer the BMOC. As long as I receive updates, I'm happy. :)



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Aug 29, 2011
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VZW "abandoning" the Bionic....lol....thats a far stretch of the imagination. They still have phones like the Tbolt to phase out and you think the Bionic is on its way out the door? Think again.

Wow. Didnt say it was on it's way out the door. Perhaps you should read more than the thread title. Just posting a rumor that pissed me off as a Bionic owner. It looks like VZW/Moto are about to push a new flagship device within 2 months of releasing the Bionic.


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May 5, 2010
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The phones are going to keep coming at an accelerated pace. If anyone is looking for phone that will stay the premier device for an extended period of time, you're going to disappointed. More and more devices to choose from that are better and faster than their predecessors...what a terrible problem to have.


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Jul 9, 2011
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All this begs the question... who cares? Yeah, when newer phones come out they aren't going to push the old ones. And at today's pace that is happening faster and faster... but so what? You got the phone, your happy with it or your not, how does it affect you if VZW isn't pushing the phone you have 2 months from when you got it? Now if the rumor read something like Moto and/or Google was going to drop support for the bionic early and not release fixes and updates as they should, then you would have something to complain about. As long as you have the phone and like it who cares how long VZW promotes it? And if you don't like it or your fiending for the "next big thing" that badly then sell it and buy the next thing.


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Sep 12, 2011
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Wow. Didnt say it was on it's way out the door. Perhaps you should read more than the thread title. Just posting a rumor that pissed me off as a Bionic owner. It looks like VZW/Moto are about to push a new flagship device within 2 months of releasing the Bionic.

Again what difference does it make which phone is the flagship with the price of tea in china. Does your phone work any better because it is the flagship or are you worried that you now have to toss it and buy the new one to keep up with the Jones. Appearance counts for nothing, neither does image, its the functionality that the phone brings to the user. So I would let the rumors roll of your back and move on. As stated above either you are happy with the phone or you are not, if you are nothing to worry about, if you are not and can afford to go running to the store every other week for the newest and the latest go for it I am sure VZW will love you to death.


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Jun 8, 2010
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The "life expectancy" of these smartphones is very short. The latest and greatest is always in development or close to being released when the current latest and greatest hits the market. Get used to it folks, this is nothing new and has been happening at an accelerated rate for the past couple of years.


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Aug 31, 2011
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Wow. Didnt say it was on it's way out the door. Perhaps you should read more than the thread title. Just posting a rumor that pissed me off as a Bionic owner. It looks like VZW/Moto are about to push a new flagship device within 2 months of releasing the Bionic.

perhaps you should change your thread title, instead of continuing to spread a rumor that pissed you off?


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Sep 5, 2011
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You do realize that Verizon could not care less which smartphone you buy. They make their money off your plan.


I'm not overly concerned. As others have stated there will ALWAYS be a better phone just over the horizon. I've never been one that had to have the very best phone and no matter which phone comes out next, or two phones from now, the Bionic will still blow the doors off my D1.

I'm happy.


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Sep 4, 2011
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Motorola announced months ago they would be releasing 1 more LTE phone before the end of the year on Verizon. There is currently slated the Atrix 2 and Droid HD/Razor/whatever....on the tablet side we have the Xoom 2 eight inch and ten inch tablets.

Now just because Motorola announces and previews a new phone doesnt mean it will be released right away...typically Motorola shows off a device and then releases it 1-2 months later so IMO we're looking at probably a december release.

This phone really isnt going to be anything vastly different than the Bionic. It seems to be geared at people who hated the pentile screen and the Bionic's "hump". It might be slightly faster (dual 1.2Ghz vs dual 1Ghz) but will use the same gpu and cpu model...it'll have the same amount of ram and wont ship with ICS as its been shown running Android 2.3.5.

Long story short? the Bionic isnt going anywhere anytime soon and I cant wait to see how fast the Bionic is with Ice Cream Sandwich.
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Oct 3, 2011
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I am 6'3 i had an iphone 4 and switched to the bionic because of its size and gurth i have an otterbox case on it and love it even more. I could not stand the weight of the iphone. My wife likes the iphone since its so slim but i needed a phone with some meat on it.

I may buy that light weight phone for her. I love ny bionic and will never give it up.

Who ever started this thread is a goof ball look at the title it is so misleading.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk


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Feb 11, 2010
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Is it a Web top phone? If not, that would be some differentiation as far as marketing goes.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
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Droid Razr looks to be confirmed with LTE. So its going to be on the same level as the Bionic.

Looks like this phone is the answer to the Galaxy Nexus

Motorola Spyder and Xoom 2 turn up in more leaked shots -- Engadget

Is thickness THAT big of a deal? I don't find the Bionic overly thick at all. Hell, I had a Thunderbolt before the Bionic and it was just fine with me. Not to mention the RAZR is supposed to have a non removable battery, which IMO is not a good thing. LTE is a battery drain no matter what. I don't think Moto magically found the key to awesome battery life with LTE in a matter of months. At least with the Bionic we can swap batteries or even use an extended one, but with the RAZR, just like the iPhone, what you got is what you got as far as battery. The RAZR is not even a huge upgrade in specs. 200 MHz increase on the processor and a "better" screen supposedly. It's still qHD, not even HD. I actually like the Bionic's screen so I see no reason to upgrade to this phone. I guess if you didn't like the Bionic's screen but still wanted to go Moto this could be an option for people. IMO Moto should have moved the RAZR up and had it be the Bionic instead, but whatever, what do I know.
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May 10, 2011
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Is thickness THAT big of a deal? I don't find the Bionic overly thick at all. Hell, I had a Thunderbolt before the Bionic and it was just fine with me. Not to mention the RAZR is supposed to have a non removable battery, which IMO is not a good thing. LTE is a battery drain no matter what. I don't think Moto magically found the key to awesome battery life with LTE in a matter of months. At least with the Bionic we can swap batteries or even use an extended one, but with the RAZR, just like the iPhone, what you got is what you got as far as battery. The RAZR is not even a huge upgrade in specs. 200 MHz increase on the processor and a "better" screen supposedly. It's still qHD, not even HD. I actually like the Bionic's screen so I see no reason to upgrade to this phone. I guess if you didn't like the Bionic's screen but still wanted to go Moto this could be an option for people. IMO Moto should have moved the RAZR up and had it be the Bionic instead, but whatever, what do I know.

I agree. After countless delays another month would not have been a big thing. I seriously thought this was a Jan. 2012 phone and here we will see it in October.
I forgot about the rumor that this would have a sealed battery. If that is the case that will be a good difference in favor of the Bionic. I seriously cant see an LTE phone at this point with a sealed battery. Not having one would have me tied to the wall or car all the time, I love having a spare battery, No downtime.


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Feb 10, 2011
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I agree. After countless delays another month would not have been a big thing. I seriously thought this was a Jan. 2012 phone and here we will see it in October.
I forgot about the rumor that this would have a sealed battery. If that is the case that will be a good difference in favor of the Bionic. I seriously cant see an LTE phone at this point with a sealed battery. Not having one would have me tied to the wall or car all the time, I love having a spare battery, No downtime.

It's still possible this phone releases early next year. Just because they are announcing it this month doesn't mean it's coming right away, but I think to compete they'll get it out this year. The only reason why it looks so bad releasing it so soon is because the Bionic took longer than expected to come out. If the Bionic would have come out back in April or May, I don't think it would look as bad, but since the Bionic went through a redesign and got pushed to September, it ended up releasing too close to Moto's next planned product.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2010
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It's still possible this phone releases early next year. Just because they are announcing it this month doesn't mean it's coming right away, but I think to compete they'll get it out this year. The only reason why it looks so bad releasing it so soon is because the Bionic took longer than expected to come out. If the Bionic would have come out back in April or May, I don't think it would look as bad, but since the Bionic went through a redesign and got pushed to September, it ended up releasing too close to Moto's next planned product.

Wasn't the Bionic redesign more of just putting the name on an already developing phone?

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