What does waiting until upgrade period in Dec buy me on Note 7


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2010

I currently have an Droid Turbo 1. I would like to upgrade to a Note 7, but upgrade is not available until Dec. Since Verizon changes their policies over a year ago I am not clear what advantage pricewise I get from waiting until December. No matter what I have to make any remaining payments on the Droid, so i guess I avoid a double pay. But is there anything else? Will I get the Note 7 cheaper if I wait until December?


I currently have an Droid Turbo 1. I would like to upgrade to a Note 7, but upgrade is not available until Dec. Since Verizon changes their policies over a year ago I am not clear what advantage pricewise I get from waiting until December. No matter what I have to make any remaining payments on the Droid, so i guess I avoid a double pay. But is there anything else? Will I get the Note 7 cheaper if I wait until December?


Usually you have to have a certain amount of your phone paid off before you can upgrade with the payment plan. So no the note won't be any cheaper, you will just have paid the required amount of your current phone off which allows you to upgrade.
Usually you have to have a certain amount of your phone paid off before you can upgrade with the payment plan. So no the note won't be any cheaper, you will just have paid the required amount of your current phone off which allows you to upgrade.

I guess the amount must be 100% since Dec is 2 years after I got the Droid Turbo.
Strangely in an oneline chat said I could get the Note 7, but I would have to pay full price. But it sound like I would have to pay full price anyway. Perhaps minus the $50 they offer on a Droid Turbo trade in.

Maybe I should stop buy Verizon and see what they can do.
Promotions come and go...can't recommend either way as to what will come up. But full retail won't change by then.

If you want a note 7 now, pay off the device, buy the note 7 on payment plan or 2 year contract (2 year contract might increase your monthly line access charge, depending on the plan you have). If you buy now you can get the gear fit 2 or 256gb microSD card and $20 Samsung pay promotions. Those expire soon though so if you want them, then jump on it. The fit/sd promotion expires 8/28, $20 Samsung pay, 8/30 iirc.
I think there was a promotion that ended last saturday. Was able to upgrade my turbo 2 for no cost, but was not able to compete it as didn't have credit card available. When I went back on Sunday the upgrade was at full replacement value..
I think there was a promotion that ended last saturday. Was able to upgrade my turbo 2 for no cost, but was not able to compete it as didn't have credit card available. When I went back on Sunday the upgrade was at full replacement value..

By upgrade do you mean get a Note 7 for your Turbo 2 at no cost. That would be fantastic.

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