Which is rumored when?At this point, based on what I've read and what's been rumored so far, the one thing Moto could do to make me buy an X+1 is release it.
Assuming the rumored specs are correction (Snapdragon 800, 2gb ram, 32gb, Full HD 5" screen, etc) and the off-contract price of $399 is accurate then I'll be ordering it soon as it comes out. My Galaxy S3 is starting to get flaky. Oh...and they better release the Verizon version at the same time as the GSM or I'll have to look else where. I'm not going to wait another 6 months for a Verizon version to come along.
I am just going to break it to you now, there is no way this will have a retail price of 399. Not until months after launch. 499 would be the best you could ever hope for. 550 or 600 would be more likely.
The only devices that have ever had 399 or less pricing at launch have been budget and Nexus devices(subsidized by Google). The x+1 is not going to be either or those and last time I checked, moto is in no position to be selling flagship devices with low profit margins.
These "rumors" about pricing are guaranteed to be baseless speculation just like they were with the original x. Then the forums will light up about how overpriced it is at announcement just like the original x.