why expect a response? we are barely a fraction of the consumerbase..


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Apr 12, 2011
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Seriously...people that care enough to want to know about the Bionic are probably checking this forum, right? The post with the highest amount of views is still less than 30K I think?

Is it safe to say VZW wants to sell 1 million phones? I could be wrong with that number....but if its correct.... then we are 3% of the people they are expecting to buy the phone. I'm sure I'm wrong with "1 million" being the target number.
But on the other hand, I'm sure 30K views did not come from 30K people...you know we are all checking these threads several times a day.

In short, we aren't even on the radar for Verizon or Moto. They don't have to make an announcement, because as far as they are concerned, its probably not worth the money or bad publicity to tell us anything....


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2011
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A very valid point. I do not expect a response from either source. Even though i do believe it could help there sales if they announced something, from the standpoint that how many of us are going to buy the TB or Charge or even one of the 3G phones that will be coming out if we are still in limbo and unsure of a Bionic release...

But again, i seriously doubt we will here anything from VZW or Moto officially. That is why we keep searching these forums in hopes that someone with an inside affiliate can give us enough information to make up our minds.... But its purely a gut feel and guessing game at this point.

Castor Troy

Apr 13, 2011
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I believe the info will probably come out via an obscure interview with a tech blog. " Jacob V. , Verizon's product development chief, was quoted as saying that the Bionic as being shelved because of issues and they are working on getting a product to market soon. When asked what the phone might be he would only tell us that it would be similar to the discontinued Bionic."

Lol that will be the announcement. Then the webs light up with speculation and rumors all over again. That soon turns to people getting ticked off and demanding answers and flooding Motorola s Facebook page with vicious attacks. Then solid info starts coming in on what this device will be and with some loose release dates. The excitement builds once again and thousands pound AC with "I can't wait I'm so excited!!" threads which make the mods nuts because of all the duplicates.

Phone gets launched and nobody cares or remembers anything from the past and Verizon and its customers live happily ever after.

Sent from my Droid


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Oct 18, 2009
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I'm sure Verizon learned their lesson from the Thunderbolt mess. They're probably being much more tight-lipped with reseller partners as well as news releases. That's possibly why we didn't see the Bionic plugged at CTIA - that and also because they probably couldn't get it to work!


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Apr 15, 2011
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It's not a matter of seriously expecting a response for me, but it would be very nice. I just want to know whether there will be a powerful, reliable, dual-core LTE device available before the end of unlimited data. It doesn't have to be the Bionic, maybe Samsung will surprise us and give us a GS2 with LTE in June, or maybe LG will decide to switch the Revolution for an Optimus 2X at the last minute, though I doubt either of those because of the apparently long development time needed for LTE phones, and we still haven't seen a problem-free one to market.

But as I have said elsewhere, I am thinking that VZW would not end unlimited 4G until each of the four manufacturers has had at least one release, and Moto has been their favorite for the past few years. So I'm thinking pretty strongly that we'll either see the Etna after more delay, or if its switched out for the Targa, we'll see that to market before the tiered plans take over. If the Targa takes longer than expected, hopefully that will just give the other guys time to release something better than their current offerings. Obviously, its all speculation that I don't expect to ever hear confirmation of, but it just seems the most likely scenario to me.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2011
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Someone on another forum/thread made an excellent point. As much as we would hate to admit it, everything gets compared to the iphone, and Verizon will still probably base some of their decisions on when the next iphone will be released. There's a good chance they will wait for the iphone 5 to be ready, and that's when they will change to tiered data (to capture all of the Apple sheep).

It sucks that VZW will base so much on the iphone...but it means we will benefit in the process. I think as long as they continue to push back the iphone, it buys us more time with the change to tiered data.

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