WiFi only Xoom for $600!! Who's in ?


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May 20, 2010
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The only thing I am running into is my wife has a WiFi only iPad. There have been a few times we had wished for 3G coverage. It likely is not something I would use often, but I like the option of using it if needed. I am just not sure it is worth the $200 difference.

I may end up just waiting for the price to drop or wait for a different table. The real question is how long will that be, really. All the other tablets announced do not have a price point announced and we are only speculating they may be cheaper initially.


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Feb 10, 2010
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Someone please help me understand the advantage of buying the 3g version of the Xoom?

- cost $200 dollars more than wifi
- Have to pay a monthly fee for 3g/4g plan

Why not just buy the wifi version and use wireless tethering with your 3g/4g phone?

Please someone explain......

Chris Kerrigan

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Nov 16, 2009
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It's good enough for me. $600 I think is a relatively fair price point for WiFi only, especially seeing as how some smartphones retail are approaching the $600 mark (or if you're the thunderbolt, over $700).


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Feb 6, 2011
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It depends what else is out there when this is released.

Good idea by Moto to try and start controlling information though!


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Oct 1, 2010
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Someone please help me understand the advantage of buying the 3g version of the Xoom?

- cost $200 dollars more than wifi
- Have to pay a monthly fee for 3g/4g plan

Why not just buy the wifi version and use wireless tethering with your 3g/4g phone?

Please someone explain......

Exactly. This is what i'm doing now with my netbook and i plan on doing the same with a tablet. I don't see why anyone with a smartphone with tethering capability would need the 3g/4g service...

For $600 i might just go for this.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2010
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The only thing I am running into is my wife has a WiFi only iPad. There have been a few times we had wished for 3G coverage. It likely is not something I would use often, but I like the option of using it if needed. I am just not sure it is worth the $200 difference.

I may end up just waiting for the price to drop or wait for a different table. The real question is how long will that be, really. All the other tablets announced do not have a price point announced and we are only speculating they may be cheaper initially.

Why not wirelessly tether using your 3g/4g phone when traveling?

Chris Kerrigan

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Nov 16, 2009
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its ok..... but WiFi only is how far away?
and will Verizon subsidized it? and if so, how much?

Verizon won't subsidize a WiFi only model, of course. But it appears as if the subsidized (or maybe price period) of the 3G Xoom is going to be $799. We've seen a couple random screenshots pricing the Xoom (presumably unsubsidized) at $1,199...but again there was nothing solid behind it.


Well-known member
May 20, 2010
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Someone please help me understand the advantage of buying the 3g version of the Xoom?

- cost $200 dollars more than wifi
- Have to pay a monthly fee for 3g/4g plan

Why not just buy the wifi version and use wireless tethering with your 3g/4g phone?

Please someone explain......

Because not everyone wants to root their phone to get free wireless tether or pay $30 a month to the capability from their provider. Especially since it is a pay as you go and will not used that often.

Just because it is not worth it to you does not mean it won't be worth the extra to someone. The iPad has already proved that. Some people will pay the extra. Thought it has also proved that most people to not see enough benefit to pay the extra either. :-D


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Jan 14, 2010
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I like the idea of not having another device in the picture to tether to. I would like to just have one device that I have to worry about this is why I prefer the 3G Xoom personally.
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Feb 6, 2011
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Personally I don't think they should be charging for the 3G feature, that should be the subsidy. That feature should be free from the carrier and you pay for the service.

I am interested in the WiFi version for $600, I think it is about $50 too much. But in the end I won't not buy it for $50. If the Wifi only version is preorder tomorrow I am buying.


Coffee Addict
Nov 9, 2009
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Personally I don't think they should be charging for the 3G feature, that should be the subsidy. That feature should be free from the carrier and your pay for the service.

I am interested in the WiFi version for $600, i think about $50 too much. But in the end I won't not buy it for $50. If the Wifi only version is preorder tomorrow I am buying.

the 799 price tag is an unsubsidy price. This means that there is no subsidy on the 3g here, at least not yet. Why would they subsidize 3g when you're not signing a contract?


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Feb 10, 2010
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Because not everyone wants to root their phone to get free wireless tether or pay $30 a month to the capability from their provider. Especially since it is a pay as you go and will not used that often.

Just because it is not worth it to you does not mean it won't be worth the extra to someone. The iPad has already proved that. Some people will pay the extra. Thought it has also proved that most people to not see enough benefit to pay the extra either. :-D

How much is a data plan usually for the 3g/4g model? And is it something that you can activate when needed for a month or are you locked in for a year etc.....


Well-known member
May 20, 2010
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Verizon won't subsidize a WiFi only model, of course. But it appears as if the subsidized (or maybe price period) of the 3G Xoom is going to be $799. We've seen a couple random screenshots pricing the Xoom (presumably unsubsidized) at $1,199...but again there was nothing solid behind it.

With no long-term contract requirement I do not see Verizon subsidizing it at all. I fully expect the $1199 price was just a figure put in by the web designer or whoever created the initial entry and was never really meant to be seen till the item was finalized.


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Feb 10, 2010
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I imagine that I will buy the 3g model and cancel after the 1st month and use it for wifi only.....If I am going on a trip and want to use the 3g feature than I will call verizon and activate it and cancel it after my trip? Does that make sense?


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2010
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600 isnt bad and hopefully that costco shipment has some wifi only, they usually drop 100 off the price. Still will consider for the 600, good job moto...but you kind of had no choice, unless you wanted the Xoom to fail

Sent from my Froyo Fascinate using Tapatalk


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Feb 6, 2011
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the 799 price tag is an unsubsidy price. This means that there is no subsidy on the 3g here, at least not yet. Why would they subsidize 3g when you're not signing a contract?

The only reason I would want a 3G feature is if I was going to use it. If I was going to use it, it would be a service I pay for to a carrier.

I am not saying that there is one price with 3G and one price w/o 3G. I am saying that a company like verizon should say. "Moto we will pay the production cost of you to add 3G to your tablet and make it only work with verizon." That way moto can sell just a 3G version for a WiFi price. And any 3G revenue will go to verizon because they are the only ones theat the 3G feature works with. I know this is not how it currently is, but it would be a smart thing to do.