Texts / Phone calls not being received (ICS or Sprint issue)?


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2010
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Lately I have been having a HORRIBLE issue with texts not being received from others and phone calls not coming through. I've noticed that it seems to only happen with my friends who have iPhones. Tonight my friend showed me her screen of our text convo and some of her texts I never received. I have been told this has happened with a few of my friends as well (they happen to have iPhones). My cousin tried calling me to tell me that my cousin (her brother) got into a bad car accident and I NEVER got the phone call. She showed me her call log and she did call me. TWICE! Is this a Sprint issue or an ICS issue??? I've updated PRL many times and doesn't seem to do anything. Will updating to this new LI3 help do you think? Any suggestions, help? Please and thank you in advanced!


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Apr 17, 2012
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Depends on a few things ... what is your normal signal? I haven't had this issue personally. I have the occasional text that I try and send that fails but other than that nothing. I have been texting a buddy of mine from work who has the iPhone 5 all night and its working.


Sep 11, 2010
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It could be your wifi. Restart your router and reconnect with your phone. If that doesn't work, try receiving msg's using your phones data instead of wifi.


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Jun 8, 2010
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I had this problem recently where for a entire day I was able to send but not recieve texts. The next day in the evening my phone got all the texts I missed all at the same time. My friends who were sending the texts do not have iphones and 1 of them is on sprint with a samsung G2. So far it looks like the issue resolved itself, but who knows.,


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May 10, 2011
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It depends on sprint. If you are in an area that is upgrading towers, you will experience some drops and or missed alerts. It will only be for a few days and the tower upgrades will be completed. If this isn't the reason, I don't know what could be causing this issue.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


Sep 26, 2012
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I've just been browsing for the same problem, so I I'm sure you'd like to hear my ongoing issues as it's been a major nightmare for me and it helps to share the knowledge which I've acquired, so I've specifically registered with the forum to explain. I'll try and keep the story as short as possible, but there's a mountain of details, it's been that bad. And the problem has been with texts not so much phone calls not being received, although that has happened to my partner on her iphone4.

This goes way back to when I first got the Dell Streak (Android). Prior to that I had a Nokia Ngage and I had no problems at all with texts going missing or merged texts. When my partner and I first realised that texts were being missed, which was after only a couple of weeks, we started numbering our texts, which we still continue to do today. Most days would miss texts, but the problem got worse as the weeks went on. She would get my texts but I wouldn't receive all of hers, some days a couple of texts wouldn't come through, other days 15-20. I had three different Streaks which they replaced for me and had the same issue on each one. This was over a period of about 8 months (yes I am patient... well...) and with dozens of visits to the 02 shop and on the phone to customer services. While the Streak was being sent off each time I had to temporarily use my old N Gage, yet there were no problems at all in that time, but when I got the Streak back it started again. Remember, at all times we're numbering texts to see which don't come through and yes we send a lot of texts to each other during the day, maybe 50 - 100.

My partner even switched phones, to an iphone4 but the problem persisted. I then told 02 I wasn't going to have another Streak and wanted to change phones, which I did, to an HTC HD7 (Windows) and there were no issues at all with it for just less than a year and a half of my remaining contract. However, my contract ended so I was due an upgrade and I got the Samsung Galaxy Note on first day of release (May 11th 2012 I think). In the last four months I've had the same problems as I had with the Dell Streak with missing texts and also, like with the Streak, MERGING texts - A current text cut short and combined with one from weeks ago! I've made many calls AGAIN to 02 (which every time I ring I have to explain the whole thing over and over) and they've been trying all the bog standard fixes, like they did with the Streak, but no success with any of them. It has been elevated through 'Guru' to the technical engineers who have been in contact with me often to try and gather info and 'look into it'. I just want a phone that works!!!

I've had enough with the missing texts and merging of texts, so last night I demanded they change the phone to a different model. (The HTC One X - Android is coming tomorrow). We also found out that it isn't happening just with my partner's messages not being received, as we found that some of my mam's texts didn't come through either and she is on the same 02 network as me, which eliminates the problem just being with my partner's Orange network and my 02 phone.

We have literally tried pretty much every trial and error scenario there is and the only similarity with the whole thing is that both the Streak and the Note are Android based. Yes, I'm changing to the One X which is also Android, but we don't know it's Android for sure. However, it it happens again with the new phone I'd put money on the fact that it's something to do with Android software and if it does, I won't be using them again as I know the HTC brand worked great under Windows system.

It may seem daft, but not receiving texts to your partner can stir up an awful lot of aggro and problems... that I've been ignoring her question, or haven't got back to her in time etc etc... you get the idea I'm sure. The worst has been when arranging times for things when it's not possible to call and we've actually missed events and outings because of it never mind all the 'discussions' after it!!!!! VERY ANNOYING!!!

I'd advise anyone anywhere to start numbering their texts with their partner or whoever you text regularly for a few months or so just to see if there are any surprises. No-one is going to miss texts like "Went to see Batman and it was excellent", as they are just statements, but "Right, I need picking up at 4.30am please at the airport as my battery is nearly dead and I have no money left for taxi." You're in trouble now...

It's a big issue and it's an ongoing issue and 02 said they'd never heard of it before. I said to them "well that's worrying me a lot because I had months and months of the same problem with the Streak". If it's happening with me, you can guarantee it's happening to a lot more people as well, but if you don't number them, you just don't know. So you're bang up-to-date, she's only sent 11 texts so far today and numbers 2 and 3 haven't come through, so she's had to resend them. What a joke!!

I'll keep you posted with the HTC One X when it arrives.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2010
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Same thing happens to me and my gf.
We both on sprint, she has an stock Evo Shift, I got the S3.

I also sometimes think its wifi related. Wifi turing on/off on screen on/off, etc. Same for the changing of 3g/4g over and over again.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2012
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I am having the same problem. Sprint can't seem to figure out what is going on. You think you are sending a message but only later to find out it was never received. Also, the moment when your phone rings and someone is yelling stop sending me the same message over and over and the message they are speaking of was sent days before.


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Nov 14, 2010
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I once had an issue where I had to restore an old backup of the phone. Added to that I was at a different time zone (maybe it didnt matter) in an area with no reception (roaming most of the time). But, I ended up receiving the same messages over and over for the next 2 days.


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Jan 15, 2011
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I'm having exactly the same problem. My phone is an LG Optimus (just thought I'd chime in even though I don't use the Galaxy S3, since I was having the same problem). This has been going on for a couple months now--starting at the end of July. Sprint says nothing wrong on their end--at least when I initially contacted them about the problem a month a half or so ago. It is incredibly frustrating. Only partial texts are received (if longer than 160 characters, they'll get automatically split as needed, but the first text is frequently never received) or it is not received at all (even when short/less than 160 characters). Yet, there is no error message on my end. The text shows as successfully Sent. Super frustrating.


Sep 26, 2012
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I've just got the replacement HTC One X as a replacement today for the Galaxy Note and 02 are going to be getting another phone call as the wifi connection is appalling and drops after a few seconds even when standing next to the router. I'm sick of phones!!!!! Oh and One X isn't a patch on Note :-( if only the texts would work properly :-( I don't know where to go from here as I don't want to be using the internet on a matchbox sized phone like the iphone.


Addicted 2 Mobile Gadgets
Jun 6, 2010
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Having the exact same issue...texts show sent on my SIII; however, multiple different recipients on multiple different carriers (ironically, most of them also have iPhones) randomly DON'T receive text messages from me (I've had the non-received call issue as well). Often times it's a single text amidst a lengthy convo. Also, with messages over 160 characters that get broken into multiple messages by the network, frequently only the second half of the message arrives at the recipient. I have been back and forth with tech support for over six weeks about every other day and nothing was ever resolved. At first, we thought it was my new Air Rave (Sprint does acknowledge certain problems caused by the device), but we seemed to get that issue fixed pretty quickly. Still, the text message problem persisted. Finally, I just gave up hope and prayed the the next update (now released, even though I haven't received it yet) would fix the issue. Well, it's been a couple weeks now since I've talked to Sprint and I can't think of an instance where I've had the problem in that period. Fingers crossed, but still very interested to follow everyone else's experience with this. And if I have more probs, I will definitely post about them here.


Feb 27, 2011
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Android Addict,

I have had the same exact problem, to a T. Usually recipients only receive the last message of the 2 or 3 page text. We have an Airrave also, although I don't think that is the problem. I organize many things, and when sending out mass group texts I don't know who has received the messages or not. Very frustrating! Sprint is sending me a new phone, I really hope this fixes the problem. It has been ongoing for over a month, and has led to many awkward and tense situations.


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Sep 25, 2010
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I now have an s3 on Verizon as well and have no issues.. So it's gotta be sprint

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Android Central Forums


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Nov 24, 2012
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@deetoo I just registered because I have the same exact problem. I even switched my phone out for a new one of the same model because I thought it was just a phone issue, but the new one stopped receiving texts and getting merged texts maybe half a week in. I switched my SIM card too but the problem still persists. My two sisters have the same exact phone as me with the same company on the same plan and theirs work fine. We called T-mobile customer service to see what the problem could be since mine is the only one being affected by this bizarre bug and they told me to delete all of the applications I personally downloaded because one of these apps probably weren't written right and so has been messing with my text messaging app. I deleted all of them yesterday and my phone worked fine for the rest of the day (maybe three or four hours), but this morning, I stopped receiving texts again. It's really frustrating and I'm thinking about switching to an iPhone because it seems this is an Android-based problem. I don't know why only select Android users have this problem, but I'm about done. If anyone knows a fix, please tell me! I love my phone but there seems to be no answer. Thank you.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
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I have had the same exact problem, to a T. Usually recipients only receive the last message of the 2 or 3 page text. We have an Airrave also, although I don't think that is the problem. I organize many things, and when sending out mass group texts I don't know who has received the messages or not. Very frustrating! Sprint is sending me a new phone, I really hope this fixes the problem. It has been ongoing for over a month, and has led to many awkward and tense situations.

Do you have your messaging app setup to split text messages over 160 characters long? Sprints network limits the size of text messages to 160 characters.


New member
Dec 27, 2012
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I am almost positive the problem is with Android. I am experiencing the exact same issues and my phone is on AT&T.

I have the Galaxy Note btw

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