Best screen protector?


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Apr 29, 2010
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I put the seidio one on last night and it is great. Can't even tell it is on. It is not cut to perfect shape but my case hides the edges away.11 bucks for two on amazon. Very pleased.


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Jun 23, 2010
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I might have to check one of these dry ones.
I had the Best Skins ever for my BB and loved them. Went with the Zagg Invisisheild on the Evo and its so so.
The cutouts around the speaker and camera seated, but you can tell they are a diff shade by the edges.
Also even tho I cleaned the hell out of everything before applying, there are a few tiny specs or lines on the screen. You can only notice on a white screen really, but annoying to say the least


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May 30, 2010
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I prefer the wet over the dry method....Allows me to adjust it.

Um, exactly why would a dry shield not let you adjust? It took me 3 tries to get my boxwave perfect. Nice and easy to adjust. I've installed quite a few invisible shields in the past, and never had much of a problem, but the dry shields are much easier.


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May 17, 2010
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Phantom Skinz, used them all the time on my BlackBerry and put the matte full body kit on my Evo. Love 'em, just don't use the matte screen protector on the screen, use the regular ones. Each kit comes with two of everything, but 4 screen protectors (2 regular, 2 matte).


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Jun 30, 2010
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I always use invisishield. I have a St. Bernard that chewed on my samsung instinct a couple years ago and I had the invisishield on it and her teeth didnt penetrate the cover. They last a long time, and if the corners start to raise, you pay $10.00 at a kiosk invisishield stand at the mall and they replace the front, or the front and back, depending on what you have on it.


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May 25, 2010
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for those that own the boxwave...does it cover the senors and/or the front facing camera? from the looks of the picture it looks as though it as around it but I just want to make sure


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Jul 5, 2010
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I just ordered the Wrapsol Ultra scratch+drop protection. I'm surprised I haven't seen a single person on this thread mention it, actually. I've looked into the customer reviews and such around the web and it seems great. Dry application (I'm not to be trusted with liquid around my Evo), and it claims to protect the phone from a drop of about 6 feet (I'm only 5'3", so I've got 7" to spare). I'm excited to try it out, but a little worried that NOBODY here has even mentioned it. Anyone?


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Jul 5, 2010
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Oh, the other thing about the Wrapsol is that it has a lifetime warranty so if anything happens to it, you can get a new one free of charge!


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May 9, 2010
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I've never heard of Wrapsol, but it looks to be on par with Zagg or Phantom Skinz. Over the course of 5 mobile devices I have used Zagg time and again with few problems.

The installation process is usually very easy and quick and every device I've installed it on works perfectly. Not sure what you guys are talking about when you mention it obscures or clouds the view of the screen in some way. It does nothing of the sort. You must be applying it wrong. lol

Of course, when the screen is not on, it might look a bit hazy, but when the screen's on its clear as day.

As for not liking that tacky feeling from Zagg, that's what's going to prevent you from dropping the device by accident. lol I prefer to have some extra tactile sensation when I'm handling the device.

On the down side, I have gotten some Zagg Shields which had some very thin scratches, streaks in the material. When the phone screen lights up, it's like a prism effect and that's very distracting. The one time it happened to me, Zagg replaced it for free, but did advise they would only replace it ONE time for this kind of issue and that it was a limitation of the material they used.

I have recently switched to Phantomskinz and been very pleased with both the carbon fiber style back sheet I applied and the protective front sheet, however, while I do enjoy the slickness of the front piece and the tactile sensation on the back, the front shield picks up much more smudges than ZAGG does and is harder to keep clean. One wipe with a cloth and Zagg is free of oil and smudges. Phantomskinz requires several wipes to clean it thoroughly.

I think I'm going to keep the Phantom Skinz back as I love the carbon fiber look, but will replace the front Phantom Skinz sheet with a ZAGG.

Lastly, the screen may be made of glass and may resist scratches like so many are saying in this thread, but why take the chance?

I had a ZAGG shield on my Palm Pre from day one and when I sold it back to get my EVO they took off the shield and it looked like it had just come out of the box!

Shields keep your phone looking like new in my opinion, bottom line.


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Jul 5, 2010
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Am gonna look at Wrapsol if Zagg can't fix my shield. Good find Kristy.

THanks! I put mine on the other day. I just went for it, because they claim that any air bubbles will work themselves out after a day or two. It was SO EASY to put on, and all the air bubbles are gone after a couple days. It honestly doesn't feel like I have anything on my phone at all. I'm skeptical about their claim that it will protect it from a fall, but I don't know of any case that will protect the front glass from a fall anyway, so I'm willing to trust it.


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Nov 8, 2009
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I am very disappointed with my boxwave. The cut is too perfect. There is no margin for error. I am unable to get air out from the top corners and side. I have repositioned this thing 10 times! I have it perfectly dead center, but still can not get the air bubbles off the edges.


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Nov 8, 2009
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I ended up just trashing the boxwave anti-glare that I bought, it was just cut too large for me to get it on properly. If I lined it up on the bottom it sat too high and covered the front camera and if I lined it up at the top I was always getting it too low on the bottom where it would hang off the screen and so not sit properly. If it had been cut a tad smaller it would have been better.

As it was, I messed with it for a good 45 minutes before it just got to smudgy and was getting too much dust and particles on the adhesive side that even if I got it on somewhat acceptably straight there was all kinds of crud under it that I'd have to lift it to remove anyway. Finally, balled it up and tossed it in the trash in frustration. I think I'll just go sans-screen protector for now.

I experienced the same problem. I can not get air on the sides out. It is simply too big.


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Nov 8, 2009
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Boxwave is a dry to apply. Easy to come off and on. No residue. It is very easy to clean.

I have the Crystal Clear version and it is like it is not there, but it protects really well. I had it on past devices, including the Pre, and it lasts along time.

Here is the link:

EVO 4G Screen Protector / HTC EVO 4G Screen Protector / EVO 4G Invisible Screen Cover / HTC EVO 4G Screen Cover / EVO 4G Screen Film - ClearTouch Crystal

Any tips for getting some of the air bubbles from out the corners? I have tried everything.

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