First Impressions!


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Oct 24, 2008
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Omg... this device feels godly in the hands. The screen is ridiculous! You never realize how good you can have it until you get something better. Apple needs to step their screen game up.

Trackball... hate them, so I'll probably get the Desire when it hits AT&T.

Size... perfect. But that's expected from HTC. They always had the hardware, just needed the software. winSLOW didn't help that cause.

WTF is lag? Maybe it's too fresh, but damnnnnn. It comes out of sleep within a quarter of a second.

How many actually charged it fully before using it? I don't think I can wait that long... lol!

Things I plan/want to install, let me know what you guys like best or if they exist:

Twitter client
AIM client
RSS reader
Tapatalk - does this exist for Android yet?
Evernote - ???
Fitness app - I use iFitness & EatThisNotThat on the iPhone
PhotoEditing Tool - in case I need to blur out some info
Music Streaming app - I plan on streaming from my home PC (setting up as a server)?

Rusty Shackelford

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Oct 20, 2009
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First, glad to hear you like it.

Second, I would give "handsent" a try to replace the stock messaging app (make sure you go to there web page for good instructions on how to properly set it up). Also I use "Beautiful Widgets", its just awesome and worth the buck.

Welcome to Android!
Mar 19, 2010
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Welcome! I actually don't have any of the app needs you listed except for Twitter, although I am interested what people suggest for a Music Streaming app. For my music streaming, I have the Radio Paradise Widget. Im a big fan of Radio Paradise, and the song selections. As far as a good Twitter client, I prefer Touiteur. It's developed by the same guy that does Beautiful Widgets and imo has the cleanest look + functionality.


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Jan 12, 2010
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Twidroid or Touiteur for a twitter client... both are great

"Hi AIM" for an aim client... the official AIM client is bad... i've had people claim it sent out jumbled up messages...


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Jan 6, 2010
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Things I plan/want to install, let me know what you guys like best or if they exist:

Twitter client
AIM client
RSS reader
Tapatalk - does this exist for Android yet?
Evernote - ???
Fitness app - I use iFitness & EatThisNotThat on the iPhone
PhotoEditing Tool - in case I need to blur out some info
Music Streaming app - I plan on streaming from my home PC (setting up as a server)?

Twitter - my votes are Seesmic or Twidroid
Evernote - not so great on Android. Try 3bananas


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Oct 24, 2008
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Thanks for the welcome.

I will definitely look into the recommendations Rusty. Google definitely has something going and I really can't wait to see where they are in a year or so.

AndroidianSlip (love the name btw... ha)... I have that app in my favorites after finding it on AppBrain. I will definitely be downloading it. It looks very nice from the screen shots.
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Oct 24, 2008
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Twidroid or Touiteur for a twitter client... both are great

"Hi AIM" for an aim client... the official AIM client is bad... i've had people claim it sent out jumbled up messages...

Awesome. What ever happened to "Hello IM"? I remember when I was using my friend's G1 (when it was first released)?


Another question for those who may have multiple devices and chargers. Instead of using the one that came with my device for the initial charge, I used the usb from the Storm I used to own with the Apple wall charger. I started charging it around 9:45am & it was only have half at 12:30pm. Does it take that long or should I have just used the right charger? I the N1's charger charging it now.

I just want this green light to pop up so I can start using it.

I also noticed the device got a bit warm... anyone else experience this?


Active member
Jan 1, 2010
Stephaaaan! Its about time! Definitely Touiteur for twitter. Handcent for texting. And Beautiful Widgets is a must have. Which I think someone already said. a word please :)


Well-known member
Mar 18, 2010
The screen is ridiculous! You never realize how good you can have it until you get something better. Apple needs to step their screen game up.

Are you kidding me? Have you ever used an iPhone 3GS?

I just switched from my 3GS to a Nexus One last week. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my new N1, but to say that Apple needs to step their screen game up to match the N1 is a joke. I guess you don't plan on using your N1 in the sun and want your screen presses to be exactly right. The N1 screen has a long way to go before it matches the 3GS screen. Using the N1 in direct sunlight is terrible and it is a proven fact that the 3GS touch interface is more accurate than the N1.

Like I said, I love my new N1. But the iPhone screen is head a shoulders above the N1 screen. Anyone who has used both for more than a day can see that.


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Mar 22, 2010
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^ To the poster above me, he's had/have a 3GS. So, I'm 100% positive he knows what he's talking about. I personally believe the screen is way better on the N1. The 3GS LCD screen is NOT nice to look at. My BB 9700 screen was beautiful to look at, and the same can be said about the N1 3.7" screen. I'm typing this from my 3GS right now; I have my sister's N1 right beside now (My N1 will be here tomorrow), and I can honestly say, too, that Apple needs to step its screen game up. By the way, I just walked outside with both the N1 & 3GS to test it under the sun. It was semi-hard to read both of the screens under the sun. The 3GS colors are not popping on the screen like the N1. It looks dull on my 3GS. But, hey, I can only speak for what I see with my eyes. To each its own. The N1 screen is way better overall, though.


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Oct 24, 2008
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Are you kidding me? Have you ever used an iPhone 3GS?

I just switched from my 3GS to a Nexus One last week. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my new N1, but to say that Apple needs to step their screen game up to match the N1 is a joke. I guess you don't plan on using your N1 in the sun and want your screen presses to be exactly right. The N1 screen has a long way to go before it matches the 3GS screen. Using the N1 in direct sunlight is terrible and it is a proven fact that the 3GS touch interface is more accurate than the N1.

Like I said, I love my new N1. But the iPhone screen is head a shoulders above the N1 screen. Anyone who has used both for more than a day can see that.

I curently have one... in fact, I have that, the Pre & and 9700. Resolution wise, yes, it does need to step up.

I'm not in miami beach or is it summer over here yet, so the sun isn't a factor. And even then I'm not directly in the sun for more than a minute.

And people who have used all the devices that I currently have & use know what I'm talking about.

Accuracy, yes, the iPhone is better. Once again, resolution wise (sorry, I didn't state that), the iPhone does need to come up a bit.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
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Stephaaaan! Its about time! Definitely Touiteur for twitter. Handcent for texting. And Beautiful Widgets is a must have. Which I think someone already said. a word please :)

Oh and I've been using Meebo IM for my messengers (gtalk, AIM, facebook).

I'll try Meebo next to do multiple clients. I really hope BeeJive comes out with their client. Also, I didn't get the push notification (lol @ apple) that you played. Also, are you trying to tell me something with that word? LoL!

I noticed my got pretty warm on the initial charge, but now i don't think it does that much anymore.

Glad I'm not the only one... I'll keep a lookout.

^ To the poster above me, he's had/have a 3GS. So, I'm 100% positive he knows what he's talking about. I personally believe the screen is way better on the N1. The 3GS LCD screen is NOT nice to look at. My BB 9700 screen was beautiful to look at, and the same can be said about the N1 3.7" screen. I'm typing this from my 3GS right now; I have my sister's N1 right beside now (My N1 will be here tomorrow), and I can honestly say, too, that Apple needs to step its screen game up. By the way, I just walked outside with both the N1 & 3GS to test it under the sun. It was semi-hard to read both of the screens under the sun. The 3GS colors are not popping on the screen like the N1. It looks dull on my 3GS. But, hey, I can only speak for what I see with my eyes. To each its own. The N1 screen is way better overall, though.

I know I wasn't seeing things. Hehe.


Well-known member
Mar 18, 2010
I curently have one... in fact, I have that, the Pre & and 9700. Resolution wise, yes, it does need to step up.

Resolution wise the N1 does have a better resolution.

I'm not in miami beach or is it summer over here yet, so the sun isn't a factor. And even then I'm not directly in the sun for more than a minute.

#1. The sun only shines where you live in the summer? Really? Where do you live that you only see the sun in the summer?

#2. Even though you never go outside, the vast majority of users do and the N1 screen is one of the worst screens I have ever used in daylight conditions.

So what you are saying is since the screen resolution is larger, the N1 screen is better no matter that it falls far behind in daylight use and accuracy when compared to the 3GS. Really? Honestly?

Looks to me (and most others who have used both phones) like HTC is the one who is playing catchup in the screen department. Sure, the N1 OLED screen uses less power and offeres a better resolution, but the LCD 3GS screen is better in EVERY other respect.


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Oct 24, 2008
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Resolution wise the N1 does have a better resolution.

#1. The sun only shines where you live in the summer? Really? Where do you live that you only see the sun in the summer?

#2. Even though you never go outside, the vast majority of users do and the N1 screen is one of the worst screens I have ever used in daylight conditions.

So what you are saying is since the screen resolution is larger, the N1 screen is better no matter that it falls far behind in daylight use and accuracy when compared to the 3GS. Really? Honestly?

Looks to me (and most others who have used both phones) like HTC is the one who is playing catchup in the screen department. Sure, the N1 OLED screen uses less power and offeres a better resolution, but the LCD 3GS screen is better in EVERY other respect.

My point was that it's not a factor for me, not that the sun doesn't shine.

Never said anything about never going outside, may want to (re)read (not sure if you did indeed read) what I wrote.


I'm at the gym, sun isn't bothering me.
I'm at home, sun isn't effecting me.
I'm at school, sun isn't effecting me.

Most establishments (that I go to) are indoors, where the sun isn't directly over me. Maybe it's different where you live.

If I am in direct sunlight (outdoors), I'm probably doing something (an activity like playing basketball) where I'm not needing a phone.

Therefore, I stated "not a factor".

Sorry for the confusion.


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Oct 24, 2008
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I have both, iPhone 3GS and Nexus One and while the N1 has a better resolution I have to say I prefer Apple's LCD over the OLED HTC is using. Two reasons - poor visibility in light and fear of burn in or ghosting. It can happen pretty easily on the Nexus One as I've seen people complain about it and I've seen in on a buddies device. In this day and age that should not happen on a cell phone.

Now most may never notice but for someone like me, would drive me insane.


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Mar 22, 2010
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Well, the sun issue isn't a big problem for me. I'm never in "direct sunlight" all the time, and I live in the South. Maybe it'll be a problem if I were on a beach or something, but who goes to the beach everyday? :eek: Nevertheless, the N1 screen looks way better than the iPhone indoors, which is primarily where I am always at.

Rusty Shackelford

Well-known member
Oct 20, 2009
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As someone who has had both, I enjoyed the screen of the 3gs, but there are too many apple imposed crippling factors that made me say adios to the iphone. The screen on my n1 is every bit as responsive (or more so) than my iphone ever thought of being. Other than the sunlight "issue" that is a major issue for some I can honestly say navigating on the n1 is such a beautiful experience.

Do I miss things about the iphone? Sure.

Are they enough to ever make me leave my new found home in android? Not a chance.

Guess its gonna come down to what it always comes down to with any device comparison......Personal Preference.

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