Has anyone tried using the tab as a laptop replacment


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Jul 17, 2010
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I did for a week. There's not a tablet yet that can replace a laptop. The Tab can do a lot of things, but when it comes to storing, organizing, and editing my large collection of videos, pictures, and music, I need my laptop. That said, the Tab does well at what I do MOST...media and info consumption.


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Apr 1, 2011
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I've given this alot of thought. I use a laptop as my primary computer, but o don't tend to keep it on. It is really nice to be able to whip out an always on device. Mainly, the biggest problem for me has been using the internet. Certain websites don't respond properly. Other than that, I have barely used my laptop since getting my tab.



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May 31, 2010
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As much as I love my Tab, nothing will replace my MacBook Pro. I love using my Tab at work (I work for Ghost Armor) and having a quick access to phones I've armored and good for looking at everyone's schedules, also for pulling up records without using a laptop. But at home when Im doing a lot of typing, I need a laptop.


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May 21, 2011
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I have a high-powered gaming laptop that pulls about 1.5kW just sitting still. That's a lot of wasted energy and cost when just browsing the web or checking email. Since getting the GTab I have only used the laptop for torrents (which then get xferred to the GTab) and Quicken. I haven't calculated ROI on energy savings, but the convenience and portability factor make it a win. Now I just need to find a good stylus and some handwriting recognition software and maybe the Samsung keyboard/folio case (to replace this Belkin case).

So, not a total replacement of the laptop, but I'm getting there.

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Go Steelers

Apr 22, 2010
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Depends on what your using it for. As a sales rep on the road, its an outstanding laptop replacement. No pulling it out going through airport security, instant on, extended battery life. All of my email, calendar, office documents etc. Between Dropbox and Mozy syncing is also minimal.
You'll still need a desktop or laptop at home, but for road trips they are awesome.


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Jul 2, 2011
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I am pretty close to replacing mine. I love that its "always on." No waiting to boot up! I also don't hesitate to write lengthy emails using the touchscreen keyboard. The more I use it that way, the better I've gotten at typing on it.

I still have some light audio editing I do that I am unable to do on the Tab, (but of course could be done on an ipad.)

Also it does bother me that if I buy music on my Tab or or phone, I would still have to get it on my computer to have Google Music sync it.


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May 19, 2011
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I bought two Tabs, one for my wife and one for me, about two months ago. Her desktop computer was dying, and I gave her the choice of another desktop or a tablet (either an iPad2 or an SGT, I didn't care which). She went for the Tab, and on impulse I picked one up for myself.

I've got a Linux desktop computer that has essentially become the house server, with a 4 2TB drives in a RAID 10 config. I only sit at it when I want to rip a new CD, DVD, or an album.
The Acer Aspire One netbook I bought a year ago to use for casual surfing when in the family room is about to go on eBay.

I use my Tab for anything I used the netbook for. I use my GoogleTV for watching Netflix, etc.

I think tablets are where personal computing is going.


Grand Master Moosc
Oct 20, 2009
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Until it can use internet explorer then it will not replace a computer hince it will never replace it. Its good as a phone replacement but not as a laptop replacement

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2011
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I really love my tablet, but I'm not about to get rid of my laptop. You can get a laptop with a larger screen and much better specs for a couple of hundred $ less than a 10.1 tablet. Again: I love my tablet, but it is what it is.

Tablets are great for consuming (media, email, web...), but actually creating emails, documents, pretty much any data entry - not so much.

I took my tab on a trip a couple of weeks ago and tried to use it as my primary 'computer'. Granted I don't have a keyboard, but it wasn't completely different from using my HTC Desire (aside from the obvious larger screen).
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May 19, 2011
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I really love my tablet, but I'm not about to get rid of my laptop. You can get a laptop with a larger screen and much better specs for a couple of hundred $ less than a 10.1 tablet. Again: I love my tablet, but it is what it is.

Tablets are great for consuming (media, email, web...), but actually creating emails, documents, pretty much any data entry - not so much.

I took my tab on a trip a couple of weeks ago and tried to use it as my primary 'computer'. Granted I don't have a keyboard, but it wasn't completely different from using my HTC Desire (aside from the obvious larger screen).

I put Swype Beta on mine before the upgrade last week. As far as I'm concerned, that's the best way to do data entry on a tablet, short of a bluetooth keyboard. I took my Tab to a conference last weekend and used it to take notes at several of the seminars. Using Swype made it very easy. It probably helped that I am a touch typist and knew the keyboard layout already.

At 10.1", the display on the Tab isn't much different than the display on an AspireOne, and the Tab is much easier to cradle in your lap and write than a netbook. IMO.


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Oct 15, 2010
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I only use my laptop for Quickbooks, remote control (LogMeIn), and PRINTING.

I know LMI is available, but I'm not willing to pay for it yet. I already bought Ignition and Central, I shouldn't have to buy something else.


Custom User Title
May 11, 2010
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Until it can use internet explorer then it will not replace a computer hince it will never replace it. Its good as a phone replacement but not as a laptop replacement

Sent from Tapatalk using Droid BionicX!

I would say very few people need to use IE in their home life. Work life may be different. I use my XPS17 still for development work, streaming netflix on a bigger screen, photo editing, etc. It definitely can't replace my laptop because of the things I use my laptop for. It has completely replaced my laptop for general browsing and 50% of my Netflix streaming, however.


May 5, 2010
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I replaced mine... I had an HP laptop for personal use and gave it to my sister... I also have a laptop for work, but the Tab has totally replaced it, except for proprietary access to my company's systems...


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2010
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I couldn't do it with the tab. I tried, and it didn't work. If a laptop replacement is what you are after, look into the Transformer.


Drop the Bag
Sep 1, 2010
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Android tab. Cool. But garbage. IpAd. Just garbage. Fall 2012. Windows 8. Tabs. Bring it on.

Of course you could get an Asus slate with windows 7. But I'm waiting.

Bottom line. There isn't one that can. And if its Android. The OS is just going to be another version of Linux. I would like to see Android OS run Linux apps on a tab though.


Active member
Jun 7, 2010
Until it can use internet explorer then it will not replace a computer hince it will never replace it. Its good as a phone replacement but not as a laptop replacement

Sent from Tapatalk using Droid BionicX!

Internet Explorer? Are you serious? Really? As a computer security professional...I haven't used IE in well over 10 years. For anything. And, as a security expert in my field, I can assure you that IE is one of the biggest security risks on a Windows machine.

As for the Tab, run Orbot and TOR on it and you'll be fine.


Grand Master Moosc
Oct 20, 2009
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Well I work for a very large company. And when I need something insurance, payroll, loads, etc it has to be done through IE. There's no using ff with a ie tab or remote connections. IE maybe a security risk but its still the number one browser for corporation's. Why do u think tablets haven't cought on. Once a windows tablet comes out and is functionol then corporations will swing to it.
Internet Explorer? Are you serious? Really? As a computer security professional...I haven't used IE in well over 10 years. For anything. And, as a security expert in my field, I can assure you that IE is one of the biggest security risks on a Windows machine.

As for the Tab, run Orbot and TOR on it and you'll be fine.

Sent from Tapatalk using Droid BionicX!

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