[How-to][NEW VERSION] Run Nookie Froyo off SD card


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Jan 27, 2011
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Ok so I did everything corectly, I got froyo working and finaly got device not found to go away. adb seems to work corectly, I push the system files and I get no errors, i reboot expecting to see google apps but nothing. here is what I get in adb

C:\Users\Name>cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-

C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb shell moun
t -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system

C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb push C:\Pr
ogram Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk-windows\tools\system /system
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.26

 -d                            - directs command to the only connected USB devic
                                 returns an error if more than one USB device is
 -e                            - directs command to the only running emulator.
                                 returns an error if more than one emulator is r
 -s <serial number>            - directs command to the USB device or emulator w
                                 the given serial number. Overrides ANDROID_SERI
                                 environment variable.
 -p <product name or path>     - simple product name like 'sooner', or
                                 a relative/absolute path to a product
                                 out directory like 'out/target/product/sooner'.

                                 If -p is not specified, the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT

                                 environment variable is used, which must
                                 be an absolute path.
 devices                       - list all connected devices
 connect <host>[:<port>]       - connect to a device via TCP/IP
                                 Port 5555 is used by default if no port number
is specified.
 disconnect [<host>[:<port>]]  - disconnect from a TCP/IP device.
                                 Port 5555 is used by default if no port number
is specified.
                                 Using this ocmmand with no additional arguments

                                 will disconnect from all connected TCP/IP devic

device commands:
  adb push <local> <remote>    - copy file/dir to device
  adb pull <remote> [<local>]  - copy file/dir from device
  adb sync [ <directory> ]     - copy host->device only if changed
                                 (-l means list but don't copy)
                                 (see 'adb help all')
  adb shell                    - run remote shell interactively
  adb shell <command>          - run remote shell command
  adb emu <command>            - run emulator console command
  adb logcat [ <filter-spec> ] - View device log
  adb forward <local> <remote> - forward socket connections
                                 forward specs are one of:
                                   localabstract:<unix domain socket name>
                                   localreserved:<unix domain socket name>
                                   localfilesystem:<unix domain socket name>
                                   dev:<character device name>
                                   jdwp:<process pid> (remote only)
  adb jdwp                     - list PIDs of processes hosting a JDWP transport

  adb install [-l] [-r] [-s] <file> - push this package file to the device and i
nstall it
                                 ('-l' means forward-lock the app)
                                 ('-r' means reinstall the app, keeping its data
                                 ('-s' means install on SD card instead of inter
nal storage)
  adb uninstall [-k] <package> - remove this app package from the device
                                 ('-k' means keep the data and cache directories
  adb bugreport                - return all information from the device
                                 that should be included in a bug report.

  adb help                     - show this help message
  adb version                  - show version num

 (no option)                   - don't touch the data partition
  -w                           - wipe the data partition
  -d                           - flash the data partition

  adb wait-for-device          - block until device is online
  adb start-server             - ensure that there is a server running
  adb kill-server              - kill the server if it is running
  adb get-state                - prints: offline | bootloader | device
  adb get-serialno             - prints: <serial-number>
  adb status-window            - continuously print device status for a specifie
d device
  adb remount                  - remounts the /system partition on the device re
  adb reboot [bootloader|recovery] - reboots the device, optionally into the boo
tloader or recovery program
  adb reboot-bootloader        - reboots the device into the bootloader
  adb root                     - restarts the adbd daemon with root permissions
  adb usb                      - restarts the adbd daemon listening on USB
  adb tcpip <port>             - restarts the adbd daemon listening on TCP on th
e specified port
  adb ppp <tty> [parameters]   - Run PPP over USB.
 Note: you should not automatically start a PPP connection.
 <tty> refers to the tty for PPP stream. Eg. dev:/dev/omap_csmi_tty1
 [parameters] - Eg. defaultroute debug dump local notty usepeerdns

adb sync notes: adb sync [ <directory> ]
  <localdir> can be interpreted in several ways:

  - If <directory> is not specified, both /system and /data partitions will be u

  - If it is "system" or "data", only the corresponding partition
    is updated.

environmental variables:
  ADB_TRACE                    - Print debug information. A comma separated list
 of the following values
                                 1 or all, adb, sockets, packets, rwx, usb, sync
, sysdeps, transport, jdwp
  ANDROID_SERIAL               - The serial number to connect to. -s takes prior
ity over this if given.
  ANDROID_LOG_TAGS             - When used with the logcat option, only these de
bug tags are printed.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>adb reboot

C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>

C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools>

I tried rebooting before trying this many times, i think all my drivers are installed, what am I doing wrong?
I had the same problem until I copied the \system folder to c:\system (ie. adb push c:\system system/) I think adb push is having a problem parsing the spaces in "Program Files (x86)".


New member
Jan 20, 2011
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I'm trying to use adb to install the google apps and adb keeps giving me device not found. I've run the nook usb installer you recommended for this error and it said it completed OK. I'm using a Windows Vista system. Any ideas on what else I can try?


Well-known member
May 27, 2010
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I was able to get the difficulty in post 126 by making one alteration

My system is a 64-bit, and android sdk was installed in Programs (x86)

the space in Programs (x86) although real, caused the push command from adb to be read wrong. changing just the system folder to be in a copy of tools in just C: drive solved that problem.

Question though:

Market Apps WILL NOT DOWNLOAD. I wait literally 20minutes for them to move one percent, MAYBE. I have a Memorex TravelCard 4GB microSDHC Class 6, what is going on?

also I am running Nookie off SD card, thanks in advance!
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2010
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I wound up figuring out my first problem, now I've run into another :) I got the google apps installed via adb, but now when I reboot I'm stuck at the "touch the android to begin" screen. I touch the android and nothing happens. The change language button at the bottom works, but that's it.

Any ideas?

EDIT : got past the adb troubles finally...

Having a bit of a problem with installing the google apps via ADB. Nookie Froyo boots fine, all seems well there. My NC is recognized and shows up as an ADB attached device, but when I try to mount /system as rw, I get this error :

error: protocol fault (no status)

Not sure what to do from here. Any ideas?

having the same problem....followed thread and didn't see if this got resolved. i'm so close...


New member
Jan 16, 2011
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Technically, I--or anyone with win32diskimager or adb--could upload an image with Google Apps, adb wireless, and Angry Birds thrown in, but then you get on legally questionable ground because you're distributing non-open source content (free doesn't always equal open source). Cyanogen ROM's used to include Google apps, but they got a cease/desist from Google, so now it's a separate "optional" download. Most devs and ROM distributors have followed similar suit, and, non-conformist though I am, I don't want to make the wrong kinds of headlines for Android Central. It's pretty easy to install Google apps, and getting familiar with basic adb setup and commands could come in handy for doing other cool things down the road.

Learning (the tethered) adb would be all fine and dandy and kittens, and cotton candy, and hot chocolate down by the fire with a pretty lady IF it worked for more than half the people who try to use it. For now though, it doesn't. Using adb feel like using a ball-peen hammer when I need a t-15 torx bit. In other words, I've been trying to get my computer to see my nc with nookie on sd for the last 8 hours, with no luck. I'd feel bad saying this if I were some mountain dew infused, tattooed, pierced, and mohawked bro-ham who didn't know how to find his way around in dos, but I do know the basics of a command line, and how to add and remove arguements to get what I want if documentation is given beforehand. If adb worked, people wouldn't be complaining that they couldn't get it to work, and asking why can't someone toss up an image with wireless adb already on it. And why not? The tethered adb seems to be built in, why can't we just have the wireless version built in?

Will Shanklin

Well-known member
Jul 29, 2010
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Learning (the tethered) adb would be all fine and dandy and kittens, and cotton candy, and hot chocolate down by the fire with a pretty lady IF it worked for more than half the people who try to use it. For now though, it doesn't. Using adb feel like using a ball-peen hammer when I need a t-15 torx bit. In other words, I've been trying to get my computer to see my nc with nookie on sd for the last 8 hours, with no luck. I'd feel bad saying this if I were some mountain dew infused, tattooed, pierced, and mohawked bro-ham who didn't know how to find his way around in dos, but I do know the basics of a command line, and how to add and remove arguements to get what I want if documentation is given beforehand. If adb worked, people wouldn't be complaining that they couldn't get it to work, and asking why can't someone toss up an image with wireless adb already on it. And why not? The tethered adb seems to be built in, why can't we just have the wireless version built in?

adbwireless isn't another version of adb, it's just some developer's app that he put in the market that happens to utilize adb from the sdk over a wireless connection. I'm not even sure that the 'device not found' error would be any different using that app than it would via a wired connection. It's not a whole different adb, it's just an app that uses that same adb you've already installed--only without wires.

I put a new stickied thread up with the best solutions for getting around that device not found error.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2010
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when trying to load google apps via adb i am getting the following error: failed to copy [name of apk]: read only file system. Is this referring to the system partition of my SD card? and how do i change it to a writable location?

Will Shanklin

Well-known member
Jul 29, 2010
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when trying to load google apps via adb i am getting the following error: failed to copy [name of apk]: read only file system. Is this referring to the system partition of my SD card? and how do i change it to a writable location?

Did you enter the command line right before that? That one mounts the SD Nookie's system partition as read/write.

Also, you don't need to enter apk's individually in this case, just push the whole system folder. If you follow the instructions from the OP to a T, you should be good to go. Let us know if you run into any more issues.


Active member
Jan 3, 2011
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Did you enter the command line right before that? That one mounts the SD Nookie's system partition as read/write.

Also, you don't need to enter apk's individually in this case, just push the whole system folder. If you follow the instructions from the OP to a T, you should be good to go. Let us know if you run into any more issues.

can't download the image file from OP. link is dead
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May 17, 2010
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Had this happening to me, too. It was simply a case of the Nook falling to sleep while I was typing in the commands. Make sure it stays awake and all is good!


Jan 9, 2011
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I used an 8gb and used win32 to load nookie...The card now only has 117mb of free space. I've tried to reformat it but really that only erased things on it but it has kept the tiny space..what do I do and what did I do wrong


Jan 9, 2011
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I used an 8gb and used win32 to load nookie...The card now only has 117mb of free space. I've tried to reformat it but really that only erased things on it but it has kept the tiny space..what do I do and what did I do wrong

I fixed it already after downloading sdformatter rather than using windows to reformat... Still would like to know if there are any extra steps to keep some space on the SD card before adding the nookie image via win32. Should I partition? Did I miss a step or do anything wrong


Active member
Jan 22, 2011
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I downloaded the nookie img file but win32diskimager doesnt even see it, downloaded it to my desktop??

Edit.. I can see it when i go to my computer/desktop but when i click the button with 3 dots in diskimager its not there..


Dec 9, 2010
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Would love to be able to run this but no money yet... stupid IRS. So what's with not seeing a NookieFroyo update in a month? Guessing that work on cm7 is more important?

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