Leaked DL30 Froyo Build Available NOW! (Includes Full Instructions: Updated 2/5)

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This may be beyond me, since I am still pretty new to this. Everyone else I have helped with a similar issue has been able to resolve it by downloading the update.zip here:

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Try deleting your current update.zip and downloading this update.zip in it's place. Cory's instructions are dead on and so detailed, and he definitely knows more than I do. But for some reason, like I said above, everyone else who I have helped with this issue has gotten it to work by using this update.zip

outstanding!! Thank you. I'll give it a shot. Cory should have songs written about him his write up is so good.

It seemed for some reason like a file issue (certianly not an instruction issue) or at the very least user error (which is most likely the case).

I'll give this a shot. Thank you.
outstanding!! Thank you. I'll give it a shot. Cory should have songs written about him his write up is so good.

It seemed for some reason like a file issue (certianly not an instruction issue) or at the very least user error (which is most likely the case).

I'll give this a shot. Thank you.
You're welcome. Trust me I was the king of user error. Cory's instructions are so detailed and fool-proof if you just take your time and follow them. My problem was I would start doing things quicker and skip right over a step. Hope this works for you, if not there are plenty of other people at this forum who know more than I do and are more than willing to help.
No joy, still nothing. I'll edit the below to add color:

Ok, I get to step 19 (and hit the capacitive "home" button) and get to the little android guy with the exclamation point and a super quick "file moving bar something flash" but nothing happens. Just the little dude with the exclamation point in a triangle and frozen.

I hit the "menu" (capacitive) button to go back and it says:

--Install from sdcard...
Finding update package...
E:Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p1
(no such file or directory)
E:Can't mount SDCARD:update.zip
installation aborted.

The menu options / font is blue, if that helps.

Some quick background:
Started bone stock DL09, wiped and clean. Got this message.
Rooted DL09 for giggles, got this message

I was an OS hacking monster on my BB Storm, running hybrid's and such so I'm not new to this, just to the Fascinate world of suck...... (but DAMN I love this phone)

when I choose "reboot system now" (using the home button) it reboots and works just fine. (albeit wiped of all my mods and such, back to stock)

Been trying this off and on for 4 days with the exact same results every time. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

So tired of "rebuilding" my phone............ I won't reload all my stuff (LauncherPro / Jorte / etc...) until I get this to work or give up on it...........

Would LOVE to get this squared away as the phone ROCKS. I am about to just "rebuild" my old set up and wait for OTA push, but I fear my 7 year old may be applying for college by the time Big Red decides to actually support this (what SHOULD be) killer device.

Thank you all in advance.

Delete update.zip from phone and computer. Then go to my odin EBO1 thread and follow those directions
No joy, still nothing. I'll edit the below to add color:

Ok, I get to step 19 (and hit the capacitive "home" button) and get to the little android guy with the exclamation point and a super quick "file moving bar something flash" but nothing happens. Just the little dude with the exclamation point in a triangle and frozen.

I hit the "menu" (capacitive) button to go back and it says:

--Install from sdcard...
Finding update package...
E:Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p1
(no such file or directory)
E:Can't mount SDCARD:update.zip
installation aborted.

The menu options / font is blue, if that helps.

Some quick background:
Started bone stock DL09, wiped and clean. Got this message.
Rooted DL09 for giggles, got this message

I was an OS hacking monster on my BB Storm, running hybrid's and such so I'm not new to this, just to the Fascinate world of suck...... (but DAMN I love this phone)

when I choose "reboot system now" (using the home button) it reboots and works just fine. (albeit wiped of all my mods and such, back to stock)

Been trying this off and on for 4 days with the exact same results every time. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

So tired of "rebuilding" my phone............ I won't reload all my stuff (LauncherPro / Jorte / etc...) until I get this to work or give up on it...........

Would LOVE to get this squared away as the phone ROCKS. I am about to just "rebuild" my old set up and wait for OTA push, but I fear my 7 year old may be applying for college by the time Big Red decides to actually support this (what SHOULD be) killer device.

Thank you all in advance.


Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
after getting to step 19, i dont see the red menu (CWM Red) instead i get a explanation mark with a trangle around it and that lil grenn andriod guy.. what to do??
after getting to step 19, i dont see the red menu (CWM Red) instead i get a explanation mark with a trangle around it and that lil grenn andriod guy.. what to do??

Hi moe and welcome to android central... are you hitting the home button or the menu button......Did you flash cwm with odin ? did you also put the update.zip on your sd card?
I'm new to android and all these terms "voodoo, ROM, flashed" make me just want to wait for an over the air update, otherwise I may end up screwing up my phone even though Froyo is what I've been waiting for to make the fascinate complete.
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Thanks DroidXCon, it shows 3 different kind of Froyo? what are the differences and before I do any of this, do I have to remove all the apps that I have installed? Sorry again for so many questions.
Thanks DroidXCon, it shows 3 different kind of Froyo? what are the differences and before I do any of this, do I have to remove all the apps that I have installed? Sorry again for so many questions.

first one is stock as if you got it from verizon,,,,2nd one has all verizon apps removed, 3rd is a custom one made by Adrynalyne with different unlock screen and launcher. All were provided by Adrynalyne so please thank him.

this flashing odin will wipe all your apps and contacts so backup your contacts to your gmail, or backup assistant

you can use titanium backup or mybackup pro to backup your apps
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Thanks DroidXCon, it shows 3 different kind of Froyo? what are the differences and before I do any of this, do I have to remove all the apps that I have installed? Sorry again for so many questions.
The full stock froyo is exactly as you would get it from verizon including all the verizon "bloat" most of us don't use and don't want on our phones.
The debloated/deodexed gets rid of the bloat and the odexed files to allow you to apply custom roms, themes, etc.
The superclean version is the debloated/deodexed version with even more customization (bing is gone, etc.)

You do not have to remove apps to install these. If you have a loto of apps you should download titanium backup from the android market so you can make a backup of all your apps and then restore them all without having to search for them in the market.

Feel free to ask all the questions you want, that is how you learn. It is also how other people here learn because I am sure other people have the same questions you do, and they can get the answer they need without clogging up the forum with the same questions being asked over and over.
Got thru install almost. Got to step #19 and says no such file/directory exists.
Pulled card and viewed, the zip archives are on there. Should they be in a particular file? Do they need to be opened and then put on? New to this, feel in over my head now.
Got thru install almost. Got to step #19 and says no such file/directory exists.
Pulled card and viewed, the zip archives are on there. Should they be in a particular file? Do they need to be opened and then put on? New to this, feel in over my head now.

hey dirtmobiler welcome to Android central, why dont save yourself some steps and use this
flash one of these with odin it will give you root froyo and clockwork all at once.

update.zip should not be in any folder, probably best to delete any update.zip you have on your sdcard then apply the new one
Above post related too Cory Streaters instruction on Froyo 2.2 update. Not sure how not on same page. : ]

understood, i was just suggesting my method because i did all the work for you already with the latest version of froyo EB01, i even have odin files that already have custom roms preinstalled

but i was also answering your question...if you are unable to enter red clockwork chances are the update.zip file is not the proper one, perhaps you had an old one in your download folder or already on the sd card so when you went to copy it in it didnt over write.....so i always suggest to people to delete all instances of update.zip from their download folders on the computer and delete any of them on the sd card, then redownload update.zip and transfer it on to the sdcard again.....if this is not working then the red cwm froyo didnt take and you should reflash it with odin

or just download one of my packaged odin files and flash that and be done with it :)
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