MT4G appears to have extremely scratch resistant screen


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Nov 1, 2010
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It's strange...because I know I had a very light, difficult to see hairline scratch on my old one I'm returning...and I know others have discovered hairline scratches simply from babying their phones, wondering how they got there (as I did...though looking at mine closer now, it's probably a small piece of lint under the glass). But how scratch resistant is the phone really?

Well....I started very gentle with the phone I'm sending back, and was going to stop all testing at the first sign of any marks. I've tried several different keys, a fork, and the tip of a sharp knife. I applied FAR more pressure than any object ever much in fact that I did most the testing on the glass surface above the LCD to be sure not to damage the LCD itself.

Upon very close inspection afterwards... I cannot scratch this screen after multiple attempts. I'm not sure what it would take to scratch it, but from my observations....the force needed to scratch it would probably break the glass first, which is why I'm not going to continue.

EDIT: Busted out a GINSU knife. After lots of pressure, I was able to make extremely faint marks only visible up close if the light hit's it a certain angle. I was surprised that it took this much pressure to show marks considering there is the oleophobic coating....thought it would be much easier. Bottom line is I guess if you don't mind possibly having very faint scratches you can't see unless you look from a few inches away directly under a light with the light hitting your screen just right -- ditch the screen protector for the better phone experience. What looks better... scratches you can't see, or a screen protector that takes away from the appearance, especially since all screen protectors pick up fingerprints better than oleophobic coatings.
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Kevin OQuinn

AC Team Emeritus
May 17, 2010
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I personally like screen protectors. I'm a big fan of anti-glare (I'm outside quite a bit) because it's easier to swype on. I've never really been sold on oleophobic coating (on this or the EVO). Anti-glare for me is anti-fingerprint, too, and they do a good job.

But I'm glad to hear that we have a phone with that much durability. Of course a little sand with scratch the crap out of it, so if you're around sand a screen protector will save it.


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Nov 1, 2010
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I haven't used a quality anti glare protector yet. My comparison was based on higher end realook, clarivue, and other lower quality protectors for our devices. I do wish they didn't use the coating on this phone since that will always mark up. I guess I should clarify there weren't scratches in the glass or anything you could feel - just the coating itself.

I haven't ditched my screen protector yet actually. Using clarivue...the only true quality static cling protector I've found so far, besides boxwave. Realook uses a high quality washable adhesive...but I was still worried about long term damage to the oleophobic coating as some iphone users have reported.
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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2010
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I personally like screen protectors. I'm a big fan of anti-glare (I'm outside quite a bit) because it's easier to swype on. I've never really been sold on oleophobic coating (on this or the EVO). Anti-glare for me is anti-fingerprint, too, and they do a good job.

But I'm glad to hear that we have a phone with that much durability. Of course a little sand with scratch the crap out of it, so if you're around sand a screen protector will save it.

I agree. I just received my screen protectors the other day and I love it. Definitely easier to swipe on. When you clean the screen with the protector on you can still nicely slide your finger whereas with no protector on its rough (depending on if you cleaned the screen).


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
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I love how there's less fingerprints as well. Coming from a fingerprint hog Cliq XT... this is amazing. I will not be doing any GINSU or other knife testing. I am glad someone already tried that for me. While I do like screen protectors, I don't like that they, eventually, raise and/or bubble.


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Oct 24, 2010
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I have have the opposite luck. I received my new device (exchanged because of the screen issue). The week I got it, I was in a hurry to a personal training appointment. My gym pants don't have pockets, so after I changed into those, I quickly put my phone in my bag, something I don't do much of at all. After my training session, I took my phone out, & noticed a faint scratch that's about 3/4 inch long. Ugh. I have no idea what could have caused that, except for my keys. My phone wasn't even in my bag for that long! I only walked up to the gym, & I had my bag sitting in one spot through the hour session. I have screen protectors, but they're a pain to put on, so I don't bother w/ them. My bad :(.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
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My suggestion for screen protector applications, get real friendly with a *cough*CellPhoneRep*cough*. Mine has helped me with one store brand and one generic. ;-)


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Jul 3, 2011
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The mt4g is listed on the corning website as featuring gorillaglass. In the past ive found it unnecessay to have screen protectors on gorillaglass since its so scratch resistant. However, i bought my mt4gused off ebay and it had faint scratches made by theprevious owner. If it is gg, i dont now how he managed to scratch it. Ive put on a screen protector to hide the scratches.


Jul 10, 2011
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Ive gotten new phones because of scratches! I take extreme measures to make sure I dont scratch my phones. If by some faint chance I scratch my handset, its time for a new one. I always take care of my electronics. I just got this MT4G, and it went straight in a protective case with a acreen protector.


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Aug 11, 2011
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I had my phone about a week without a screen protector and it didn't get any scratches on it at all. I've thrown it in my purse,in my back pocket of my jeans,etc and I was actually surprised. :) You can get them for cheap on Amazon.


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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I have a couple faint ones, so gg or not, they do scratch. Going on two weeks now and would have gotten a screen protector, but read this thread the day before I got this phone and said hell with it.

I should have went with my gut as screen protectors are fairly cheap, but "I" cant stand them due to it never going on right and makes your 600$ smartphone look cheap as hell.....

It was change in pocket I forgot to take out....:(

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