Why can't we get top specs in a normal Size???


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And 90% of consumer users will love it, not care that its not bleeding edge like it's big brother, and really never notice the difference. That's the point many of us have been making in this thread.

Here you have Samsung saying that based on market research, they are adding the smaller size, and it's getting step down internals, which will keep the costs down, and still make an desirable device for most people. The research clearly didn't show that they would have been better served with an actual GS3 Mini. The niche for small form factor + high end internals continues to look like one that is not worth investing in for OEM's.

Depending on how much cheaper the internals are, couldn't using the same guts as a the Galaxy S III keep costs down for both the "mini" and the regular GS3? The more volume you get, the cheaper the prices.

Just saying.


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Jul 28, 2011
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And 90% of consumer users will love it, not care that its not bleeding edge like it's big brother, and really never notice the difference. That's the point many of us have been making in this thread.

Here you have Samsung saying that based on market research, they are adding the smaller size, and it's getting step down internals, which will keep the costs down, and still make an desirable device for most people. The research clearly didn't show that they would have been better served with an actual GS3 Mini. The niche for small form factor + high end internals continues to look like one that is not worth investing in for OEM's.

I agree. Like I said before, I hope you guys get one, but I doubt you will. You have to think about the fact that the smaller you make stuff the more expensive it is too. Fitting all that stuff in a bigger phone is easier than putting it in a small phone. Add to that the fact that the market research more than likely shows a lot of people want big screens and you've got a recipe for you guys to have a long wait for your mini flagship with high end specs.

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Depending on how much cheaper the internals are, couldn't using the same guts as a the Galaxy S III keep costs down for both the "mini" and the regular GS3? The more volume you get, the cheaper the prices.

Just saying.

I would expect they're using parts their other phones use. So, bulk discount's probably isn't an issue. As either way, their probably getting hefty discounts on the S3 parts anyway, as they're shipping tons. There's still a point where bulk suppliers cut off discounts, and I don't expect the difference to be made up that easily from very high end to mid range costs.

Too bad nobody can do a "Configure to order" phone, where everyone could just put in what they want.


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Jan 29, 2011
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And 90% of consumer users will love it, not care that its not bleeding edge like it's big brother, and really never notice the difference. That's the point many of us have been making in this thread.

Here you have Samsung saying that based on market research, they are adding the smaller size, and it's getting step down internals, which will keep the costs down, and still make an desirable device for most people. The research clearly didn't show that they would have been better served with an actual GS3 Mini. The niche for small form factor + high end internals continues to look like one that is not worth investing in for OEM's.

So somehow, the consumer who wants a 4.8 in flagship device is a different type of animal compared to the one that wants a 4in flagship???

So now what happens is, it won't sell as well as its big brother and everyone will look at it as customers not wanting smaller devices.

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Jan 29, 2011
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And 90% of consumer users will love it, not care that its not bleeding edge like it's big brother, and really never notice the difference. That's the point many of us have been making in this thread.

Here you have Samsung saying that based on market research, they are adding the smaller size, and it's getting step down internals, which will keep the costs down, and still make an desirable device for most people. The research clearly didn't show that they would have been better served with an actual GS3 Mini. The niche for small form factor + high end internals continues to look like one that is not worth investing in for OEM's.

So somehow, the consumer who wants a 4.8 in flagship device is a different type of animal compared to the one that wants a 4in flagship??? Why the different outlook on customer impression just because the screen size changes?

So now what happens is, it won't sell as well as its big brother and everyone will look at it as customers not wanting smaller devices.

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Nov 15, 2009
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So somehow, the consumer who wants a 4.8 in flagship device is a different type of animal compared to the one that wants a 4in flagship???

So now what happens is, it won't sell as well as its big brother and everyone will look at it as customers not wanting smaller devices.

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Realistically, in my experience of years of selling phones, most people don't give a damn about specs. That is pretty undisputed no matter where you look for tech news. The people like us, who frequent these forums are a minority. It will be easy to sell a crapton of S3 minis without them being bleeding edge tech, because most people don't care. They want a phone that will work well for the things they will do, and that phone is more than capable for the average user. The biggest complaint/roadblock will probably be the camera, which looks to be weak given the current info.

This phone will likely offer very good performance, a trusted name brand, and at a decent price point, it will sell very well. It probably won't outsell it's big brother, but it wasn't meant to either. .


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Aug 22, 2012
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Seriously the s3 mini is a hocks. When I think s3 mini I expect it to have the same specs and power of the s3. If the original s3 took a dump that'd be the s3 mini they are putting out. A lot of people are going to be duped by this marketing ploy.

I really want a top shelf android phone in a smaller size, a screen size around 4". Looks like I'm going to stick with my iPhone 4s for now. At least I have my nexus 7 to fill in the android gap in my life.


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When we want a big screen, isn't that why we have tablets? I don't quite understand big phone logic. Once u burr the line, u end up with 2 devices with the same functionality minus one cell radio...

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If u have a GS3 or a GN plus a nexus tablet, aren't u essentially ending up 2 of the same, minus 1 cell radio???

See, u burr the contrast when big phones plus a tablet

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Nov 15, 2009
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If u have a GS3 or a GN plus a nexus tablet, aren't u essentially ending up 2 of the same, minus 1 cell radio???

See, u burr the contrast when big phones plus a tablet

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Most people don't carry a tablet everywhere they go. Besides the fact that the two have different purposes, even though many of their functions overlap.

By your argument, you could just say that anyone with a smartphone doesn't need a tablet. Yet, the market seems to disagree, as tablets grow in popularity. (And I would wager, the overwhelming majority of tablet owners have smartphones)


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Sep 4, 2010
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Big screens are the new normal. That's like asking why you can't get a 1080p 10 inch tv.

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Jun 29, 2012
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Simple Question: Why is it do hard to fathom a top spec'd device in a 4in to 4.3in screen size??? iphone success doesn't give phone makers a clue???

By now it should be obvious to any thinking human that iphone isn't successful because it's supposedly a great phone. Iphone is successful only because the "Apple" brand name. Even when every other phone out there out performs iphone in every way, there will still be diehards who swear by the "Apple" brand name. Even when they know that their iphone is inferior. They're called Apple "fans". My wife is one. She loves my S3 but still got the iphone 5.

Btw, when is the S3 mini gonna be available in the US?

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May 26, 2011
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Big screens are the new normal. That's like asking why you can't get a 1080p 10 inch tv.

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but you can get 1080p on 23", 27", 32", 37", 42", 46", 52", 57", etc., TVs

all a manufacturer has to do is release one phone with a 4.8" screen and another with a 4-4.3" screen (both at 720P) with the same specs and let the public choose which one works best for them...


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Nov 15, 2009
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but you can get 1080p on 23", 27", 32", 37", 42", 46", 52", 57", etc., TVs

all a manufacturer has to do is release one phone with a 4.8" screen and another with a 4-4.3" screen (both at 720P) with the same specs and let the public choose which one works best for them...

It has to be worth it for the manufacturer to produce both, and at this time, it seems that they don't believe that is the case.


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Jan 29, 2011
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The ipad feels like a good companion to the iphone. But when u have a phone with a 4.8 in screen, and a tablet, and it seems like ur overlapping. I play with a phablet phone, and to be honest, it makes me feel like a tablet is totally unnecessary. Now.... I'm not saying that no one has the right to want this set up. I'm saying that it makes sense to have a great high end device that's more mobile, and have a companion tablet for the greater complexity. I mean look, at the end of the day, I love tech... And i love choice.... But let's not forget that a phone should first start out as a phone, and a computer second! That's my belief and my desire from A mobile device. And it's a very popular belief.

And at the very least, all I'm advocating is the very existence of a smaller high end.... I'm in no way advocating that big phones should disappear...

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Dec 2, 2011
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The ipad feels like a good companion to the iphone. But when u have a phone with a 4.8 in screen, and a tablet, and it seems like ur overlapping. I play with a phablet phone, and to be honest, it makes me feel like a tablet is totally unnecessary. Now.... I'm not saying that no one has the right to want this set up. I'm saying that it makes sense to have a great high end device that's more mobile, and have a companion tablet for the greater complexity. I mean look, at the end of the day, I love tech... And i love choice.... But let's not forget that a phone should first start out as a phone, and a computer second! That's my belief and my desire from A mobile device. And it's a very popular belief.

And at the very least, all I'm advocating is the very existence of a smaller high end.... I'm in no way advocating that big phones should disappear...

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This is a good post. I have a Sgs2 and a Transformer Prime. I love both but very often find my tablet sitting in the corner. I typically find that I only use it for entertainment most of the time. Games and movies for the most part. There are other fringe uses but most of the time my phone does the job. If I had a Galaxy note 2 I am not sure that I would need the tablet at all.

This scenario could be good for a lot of people.

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Oct 16, 2011
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I agree that there should be a market for the smaller phones. It seems like its such a huge waste to make a S3 mini without the rocking specs....it just makes no sense. If you're going to make a mini, make it a smaller version of the bigger...not less specs. But I still stand behind my original thought that the iphone will continue to increase in size. Almost everyone I know loves the bigger screens. I think the line is drawn at 5 inches as far as comfort goes for most people, this is why so many love the S3 and the Nexus....its not to big to be considered a phablet or too small like the iphone. I worked with a girl tonight that had an S3 and she previously had an iphone. She told me she switched because she hated how small the screen of the iphone was.


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Aug 18, 2012
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I agree that there should be a market for the smaller phones. It seems like its such a huge waste to make a S3 mini without the rocking specs....it just makes no sense. If you're going to make a mini, make it a smaller version of the bigger...not less specs. But I still stand behind my original thought that the iphone will continue to increase in size. Almost everyone I know loves the bigger screens. I think the line is drawn at 5 inches as far as comfort goes for most people, this is why so many love the S3 and the Nexus....its not to big to be considered a phablet or too small like the iphone. I worked with a girl tonight that had an S3 and she previously had an iphone. She told me she switched because she hated how small the screen of the iphone was.

There is no sense for Samsung to put in a 1280x720+ screen and a quad core or 1.5GHz+ SoC in a 4" phone if it is not going to sell as well or even better then the orginal SIII. iPhone 5 has been released and the imminent release of Windows 8 and BB10 means there will be more customers trying out the other Mobile systems. That leads to less purchasers, and what's the point of releasing a top of the notch phone if it won't sell well. Just like gaming laptops its harder to put the same specs into a smaller sized object. Try to put an 17" Asus g75 series into a macbook air or pro. This will lead to using more money on the research to design components to fit into a much smaller form factor. Then manufacturing thousands or millions when the release is nearby is even harder.

Honestly I've seen increase in the use of smartphones and tablets this year. Especially for the people above the age of 50. The biggest selling point for them is the large screen for their aging eyes to use. 4.5-4.8" can still fit in pockets for jeans, and even better for purses and bags. Like some people said tablets are not carried around everywhere, but a "Phablet" or a phone little less than 5" can be taken around nearly everywhere.

But I also don't like the signs of bigger screens. ~5" is about the highest I can take for a phone. I have small hands and can barely use it with one hand and thumb. The Galaxy Notes are workable due to the integration of a stylus and wacom technology.

Tablets are good for anything a laptop could do minus the dedicated programs on that specific ecosystem. They can watch videos, read, email, whatever people do on a computer for leisure (non occupational things.)

Bigger phone screens are better for the elderly so they can see a new spanking picture of their grandchildren clearly while they are on the go.


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There is no sense for Samsung to put in a 1280x720+ screen and a quad core or 1.5GHz+ SoC in a 4" phone if it is not going to sell as well or even better then the orginal SIII. iPhone 5 has been released and the imminent release of Windows 8 and BB10 means there will be more customers trying out the other Mobile systems. That leads to less purchasers, and what's the point of releasing a top of the notch phone if it won't sell well. Just like gaming laptops its harder to put the same specs into a smaller sized object. Try to put an 17" Asus g75 series into a macbook air or pro. This will lead to using more money on the research to design components to fit into a much smaller form factor. Then manufacturing thousands or millions when the release is nearby is even harder.

Honestly I've seen increase in the use of smartphones and tablets this year. Especially for the people above the age of 50. The biggest selling point for them is the large screen for their aging eyes to use. 4.5-4.8" can still fit in pockets for jeans, and even better for purses and bags. Like some people said tablets are not carried around everywhere, but a "Phablet" or a phone little less than 5" can be taken around nearly everywhere.

But I also don't like the signs of bigger screens. ~5" is about the highest I can take for a phone. I have small hands and can barely use it with one hand and thumb. The Galaxy Notes are workable due to the integration of a stylus and wacom technology.

Tablets are good for anything a laptop could do minus the dedicated programs on that specific ecosystem. They can watch videos, read, email, whatever people do on a computer for leisure (non occupational things.)

Bigger phone screens are better for the elderly so they can see a new spanking picture of their grandchildren clearly while they are on the go.

I don't mind smaller screens having a lower resolution - as long as PPI is above 250. qHD is fine for 4" through 4.3". 4.5"+ should get HD (720) screens.


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Jan 29, 2011
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There is no sense for Samsung to put in a 1280x720+ screen and a quad core or 1.5GHz+ SoC in a 4" phone if it is not going to sell as well or even better then the orginal SIII. iPhone 5 has been released and the imminent release of Windows 8 and BB10 means there will be more customers trying out the other Mobile systems. That leads to less purchasers, and what's the point of releasing a top of the notch phone if it won't sell well. Just like gaming laptops its harder to put the same specs into a smaller sized object. Try to put an 17" Asus g75 series into a macbook air or pro. This will lead to using more money on the research to design components to fit into a much smaller form factor. Then manufacturing thousands or millions when the release is nearby is even harder.

While I respect ur opinion, I can't help but point out that u do not know if an s3 mini with top specs will sell since it hasn't been done before. I hate assumptions when it's never been tried. The best specs we have now in a small device is an iphone, which is wildly successful for multiple reasons, and the just recently released razr m. And so far, the razr m is turning out to be a major hit. if u would of kept it the same size and gave it the specs of its older brother, the razr maxx hd, i believe it would of flew off the shelves even faster than it is now and would of landed in a very different and unique place among its successful android cousins.

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