Win another Droid Incredible from Android Central! (contest)

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Apr 26, 2010
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BlackBerry Storm. Has to be the worst phone on the market. Worst web browser of any phone I have seen. The app store completely blows. The camera is a pos. Battery life is far from par. Screen resolution is a joke. The way you have to push completely through your device to get it to do anything isn't the best thing in the world. The lag issue is annoying. The memory is like, the size of Pluto compared to the Sun. Memory leaks. The need to reboot to uninstall applications. Random reboots. Five to ten minute boot time. Send button works when it wants to. Probably the worst phone I have ever had. So please, help me out by letting me win this Incredible phone. This Storm can't take too much more.


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Apr 26, 2010
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I've posted my sob story on the other contest forum so I'll save you the details this time around. Suffice to say, I am an embarrassment to mankind with my current phone situation -- help me out of this hellish existence!


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Apr 26, 2010
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With all of the hardware problems, I believe the Palm Pre qualifies as a sorry old phone. I have had 5 replacements and will be going back for a sixth soon.


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Apr 26, 2010
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Man, I'm almost embarrassed to talk about my phone. Its one of the basic Verizon phones that u get for free :( Its slow, freezes, and brings my cool points down. lol. The Droid Incredible would be the phone to solve all my problems...wish me luck!


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Apr 19, 2010
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Deceit, love and a BlackBerry Storm.

Deceit, love and a BlackBerry Storm.

When the Storm initially arrived I was delighted. Finally a reason to get in to the smartphone era, which I previously bucked and stuck with feature phones whose features I never used. I had a friend that worked at a Verizon store and found out that one store in town would have 20 of them available while the rest would have 1 or 2. I called work and let them know I would be a little bit late, I normally get in around 7:00 AM.

I had surgery on my elbow (a tendon) two days prior and it was wrapped up in a cast but that didn't stop me from driving to the other side of town for an hour and a half to get to the store with 20 on hand.

It was 6:30 AM. The parking lot smelled of exhaust of those idling in their cars, not brave enough to force their way in to the line, figuring there would be phones available to all.

There was an aura of excitement about, but I knew one thing most didn't. There were only 20 phones.

I walked up in to the line. I was hoping people would have pity on me for being in a cast and would let me cut in line to ensure one of the 20 phones, no such luck.

Naturally those same people were curious about my cast and would ask me why I had it on.

I decided to make up some story about getting hit by a car as some unsuspecting pedestrian walking down the side of the road, maybe then they will let me cut.

No such luck, the simply scoffed about the irresponsibility of the Arizona drivers and shared their own near-misses with the local motorists, of course none of them came to near-death like the sound of my fake story but that's how it goes.

I was number 17 in line and thinking of all the possibilities that could make things go bad. What if someone bought more than one in front of me? What if they had a whole family that was saving their upgrade for the most perfect phone, the Storm?

As it neared 7:00 AM, when the store opened early just for this phone event, more people gathered to get a chance at bragging rights for getting the phone opening day. Just a few moments before 7, a young kid, maybe 17 years old, who most likely told his friends the day before of how much he didn't want to get to work extra early and deal with the campers, came out of the door and signed us up to the sign in sheet.

When it came to me, I wrote my name as legibly as possible. I didn't want them to say my name wrong when it was my turn and I miss my chance. As I wrote my name I noticed I was number 14, not number 17 as I previously counted.

I was confused, no one left, they were all still in line. Someone in front of me was as diligent as me in counting out spots asked those up front. Three wives came with their husbands to camp out. They wanted to see the phone for themselves in case they wanted one too.

That begged the question, what happens if they want it... do they get to order one in front of us? The question was posed to the kid with the clipboard and he said they will need to sign in if they want a phone.

Good news! The phone of my dreams will be mine!

The doors opened and we piled inside for our chance at the prize. Some gentlemen got out of one of the limited benches so the man that was recently struck by a car, me, could sit. That was kind of him, I was slightly weaker from the surgery and my arm began to throb.

They called my name and I leaped with excitement. I got to the desk and I asked what place am I in? I got the 17th phone. Obviously someone managed to get more than one, or an employee or two got one before the rest of us. Either way I got my new phone.

Once I got to the car, I immediately began to pair my phone to my car. It has one of those handy built in bluetooth deals that let you talk through the stereo. Once that was set, I tried to figure out how to lock the phone so I didn't accidentally press buttons. I didn't figure it out immediately but somehow accidentally locked it before I actually realized how to do it. I put the phone in my pocket.

My girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend, and I had broken up the previous week and hadn't really talked since then. I did mention I was going to get a Storm opening day to her earlier though, which she couldn’t have cared less about. As I made the long drive across town to work, the music on my stereo stopped playing and a phone started to ring. I quickly pressed the button on my stereo to hang up.

About a minute later it happened again. It seemed to keep happening every time I hit the break a little. I was worried my phone was broken and kept randomly calling people. I suppose I could have pulled over and checked the phone that was in my pocket, but I was on a stretch of road that all of the lights turn green perfectly for you if you go the speed limit and I was making good time. I couldn't pull out my phone while I was driving because one arm was in a cast and the other had to hold on to the steering wheel. My car was in bad need of an alignment so letting go of the steering wheel all together wasn't a good idea.

The phone made about 15 calls by the time I hit a red light that I could stop and pull it out of my pocket. It was wedged under my leg so that way when I hit the break, it dialed. The phone came unlocked somehow, or maybe I never actually locked it and thought I did being that it was my first BlackBerry.

I glanced at the call history and saw that those 15 calls went to my ex-girlfriend who probably thought I was having some sort of crisis of the heart and instead of standing outside her bedroom window clutching a boombox playing 80's music, I instead called her manically. This wasn't the case since the previous week we made quite the effort to burn any bridge between us.

That put me in to a vague panic but I was almost to work.

She eventually called me to make sure there wasn't an emergency but I briefly explained I bought the new phone and had "butt-dialed" her repeatedly.

Of course she took that the wrong way and thought I was making some sort of joke and was looking for a "booty-call" which she yelled and hung up. Oh well, so it goes.

I'm hoping for a MUCH smoother first day of owning a HTC Incredible and am looking for the next best thing. I would love to get this phone for free to offset some of the opening day shenanigans that I went through with the Storm.

That's only part of my life with a Storm, but it was my opening day! It was a very bad day and started off my life with a Storm badly. Hope you pick me and help me have a better first impression!
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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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My phone isn't all that sorry or old (it's the Eris), but it'll be nice to have 2.1 (which may never come to the Eris) and have the speed of the original Droid without the clunkiness of that keyboard!


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Apr 26, 2010
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My sorry old phone is a Palm Pre which is in about as sorry a state as Palm is as a company. It's wobbling, it's got that oreo twist happening, the head phone jack makes a crackling sound and basically it feels like it could slide right in half at any moment. I'd love an HTC incredible.


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Apr 19, 2010
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Well my phone isn't old but it sure is SORRY!
I am on my 5th, still not working correctly Blackberry Tour. I have returned it 4 times, and I am on with customer service at least once a week with some new issue.
My GF has Droid and has not had one single issue with it at all. I am defintiely going Droid but am not due for an upgrade for over a year.
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Mar 7, 2010
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I have a Droid, so I am actually posting this on behalf on my fiancee, who has a Moto Q9C that we've already had to replace 3 times. She has to suffer with WinMo 6.1 while I get to bask in the glory of Android 2.1. She's been talking about the Droid Incredible since I told her about it, but alas, I am broke so buying her one is out of the question for the next several months. Giving her a Droid Incredible for Mothers Day would be the most incredible (my pun) gift I could possibly give.


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Apr 26, 2010
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I have a Samsung Glyde. Not the Refresh...the original one with the worst touchscreen of all time. Please, please, please, save me and send me this phone.


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Jan 11, 2010
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I've been rocking my Sprint HTC Hero for a while now. It's my first Android phone and I guess I just need to see what else this bad-boy OS can do! I'd love the opportunity to try out an incredible new phone...


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Apr 26, 2010
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With T-Mobile atm with a G1. I've been waiting for a phone to upgrade to and at the same time switch to Verizon's awesome coverage. At the moment, the Incredible seems the likely choice!


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Apr 26, 2010
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Currently using a Samsung Impression. It has shoddy 3G reception here, it's had stuck pixels since day 1 and I couldn't get it replaced because it already had to be replaced once due to a fatal crash that happened when I tried to set a background image. The keyboard is broken and it convinces people that I'm drunk half the time as it haaaasss a teendnc t intrpreeet input lk thhhhhiss, if it even recognizes that I'm pressing down on it. Call quality sounds like someone with laryngitis yelling at you underwater, when the call even comes through. The phone will regularly decide its messaging application shouldn't work, requiring 3 to 4 reboots throughout the day to keep it functional. It should be said that it's a dumbphone and I've never owned a smartphone. I've been awaiting my contract to be up for months so I could switch to Verizon or even Sprint where I like the selection of Android phones better, and this contest seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to get into the smartphone game (specifically the Android game, which I've been following avidly for quite a while now). I'm not expecting anything since there are likely people here who are far worse off than I am, but I thank you for the opportunity anyway and hope that I may just get lucky and that this will break my losing-streak when it comes to contests.
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