apps seem to auto open


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Dec 9, 2012
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as title really i had my nexus 7 for a few days now and its my first android device. i killed all the apps last night beofre bed and have opened device from sleep mode and about 7 apps had started facebook, vlc, astro file manager, hd widgets. are afew. is there any way to stop these from doing this as every time i run task killer about 5 mins later there open again. i have turned notification off in all apps as well.


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Oct 28, 2012
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Yes, you CAN use an automatic task killer. I am sure some yahoo is going to pipe in telling us all how Android is meant to have apps open whenever they feel like it and Android will open and close apps as needed to get the job done in an efficient manner. And using an auto-task manager is like cutting off your nose to spite your face, Horsepucky !!

If you want to, go ahead and run one - like this

Over 50 million people can't all be wrong for wanting this app.


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Jun 29, 2012
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Facebook never stops running on any of my devices, even with everything syncing and notifications off. I put this in my review in the Play Store.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


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Oct 28, 2012
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Facebook never stops running on any of my devices, even with everything syncing and notifications off. I put this in my review in the Play Store.

LOL - it does on mine - cuz I won't install the damn thing. Facebook is like a double vampire - sucks your time and then exposes you like a bad outhouse door. Bad enough to run it from your browser.


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Dec 9, 2012
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cheers for the fast replies

im using advanced task killer, i run it and 5 minutes later apps are open again mainly vlc/astro file manager

not sure if sync is off how do you do this.

i was looking at rooting to try to top this but would rather not if i can help it


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Oct 28, 2012
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you will need to configure the sync settings individually in each app - the good apps ask how you want to handle sync.

You should also configure advanced task killer to have it smash the worst offenders auto and fast. The settings are in there if I recall, it asks how you want to handle each app.


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Jul 16, 2012
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Over 50 million people can't all be wrong for wanting this app.
I'm sorry, but argument from popularity is a fallacious argument. Consider religions if you like, There are over 2 billion Christians, over 1.5 billion Muslims, over 800 million Hindus and over 400 million Buddhists and hundreds of millions following smaller religions. Whichever way you spin it they can't all be right, so billions of people must be wrong.

All I will say on this subject is that my nexus 7 runs fine without a task killer app, if any app persistently misbehaves I'll uninstall it.


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Oct 28, 2012
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Yeh, yeh yeh. Horsepucky.

It's my device, not yours, so I get to decide. When android stops being the wild wild west, all apps have a close button that really stops it's execution in all ways, settings allowing me to set the permissions for the various kinds of background activity, utilities that let me close unwanted autostart programs, background threads/processes or any activity like any other professional OS, I will agree with you. Until then I will carefully select which apps I install and mousetrap those that I want but that have poor intrinsic behavior I must manage. I will use any app available that lets me have the last laugh. Vampires will get no blood from this rock or as little as I can manage to give with my poor capabilities given the crude nature of Android OS.

And retsaw, that wasn't any argument from popularity, but rather confirmation that the need exists and is not anything outlandish or unusual. Android has a flaw and millions of people have identified it.
Or do you think OS programmers never make errors in judgement and execution ? Give me a break.


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Dec 9, 2012
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Auto kill programs were needed prior to 2.2 because Android did not manage memory well.

Now, there is NO reason to be auto killing apps and you will actually HURT your battery life and your performance by having them.

You should only be killing apps using a task killer if an app is bugging out and needs to be force closed.

Yes, it is a conscience decision of the OS design and it is LEAPS AND BOUNDS better than what it used to be prior to 2.2. Memory is managed very effectively and people that think you should be running task killers in this era of Android simply don't understand how the OS works and is optimized.


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Oct 28, 2012
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yes, I agree it is much better than it was.

That does not mean it is perfect the way it is nor that there are not hordes of poorly behaved but useful apps out there. Like I said, Android needs to grow up some before it can be considered ready in all respects. Equipment providers still are playing games by molding the OS for their benefit versus free use and best capability and THAT is the reality.


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Dec 9, 2012
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If a phone maker sees that it is in their best interest to include an application that would generate revenue, they have every right to do so, and you have every right to not buy it.

With the Android business model, if a company uses stock Android, they get 0 kickback from software purchases since that goes to Google. That is why Amazon uses a heavily modified version of Android and that is why I have decided not to buy the Amazon product.

This is a free market, so nothing is forced upon you. Also, most devices have unlocked bootloaders, so you can completely ditch the delivered ROM altogether.


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Oct 28, 2012
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Ah, now we are getting somewhere.

You mention all those folks who void their warranty and root their device so that they can have better control over how the OS functions and what capabilities it provides. You must concede that rooting is not optimal and can introduce issues with optimal functioning of the device as intended by it's makers, don't you ?

So how is that different from someone running a auto task killer ?


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Dec 9, 2012
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I don't care if people run auto task killers. If you want to do that, then knock yourself out.

However, I do care when people are running those task killers because they think it is going to improve performance and/or battery life. My point is quite simple: they aren't needed to manage memory. They aren't needed to speed up your system or get better battery life. If you see value in the application after knowing and understanding those facts, then have at it.


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Apr 20, 2011
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I have to disagree with you about rooting your device. When carriers and manufacturers toss in tons of bloat that takes up space and other precious resources there is really only one option..... Root. Not only can I control what's on my phone, but also where it resides and how it works. And as it's been discussed time and time again, here and over at xda, there really is no warranty risk. There are a million other reasons to boot.
The task killer discussion is well documented and the facts are facts. They do more harm than good, period. But they're necessary for a rogue app! No they are not. It doesn't make sense to me to download a useless app for the purpose of controlling a separate useless app. If it gives you piece of mind than by all means use it, but because you want it to be the case doesn't mean that it is.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2


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Oct 28, 2012
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gee thanks I guess, gov -- first you say folks root because the OS is full of crap and functions which we should want to get rid of and then you say that apps that get rid of crap and functions which we want to get rid of when NOT rooted should not be used. Yes, yes, rooting will solve all the worlds problems, LOL. I will get to it at some point, just as I run my CPU at retail clock speed for a while before I overclock the cheese out of it. I have no problem with rooting so you misunderstand. I think that the manufacturers / powers that be / google /etc have a problem with rooting.

And yes, the best solution is not to use poorly behaved apps but sometimes they happen to be all there is for some particular function without having to pay. So there it is.

And I don't think there is a real world significant difference in any case. Nanoseconds or seconds ? A few minutes of battery longevity one way or the other, perhaps what ?


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Dec 9, 2012
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But you get nothing from auto killing. Those apps that you just killed will get added right back because that is how Android works. You say that the negative impact is negligible, which is probably the case, but the positive impact is flat zero.

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