Corrupt SD card fix?

nola mike

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Jun 15, 2011
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Been playing around with some Pie ROMs and now my SD card is showing as unreadable in the OS. Also not recognized on linux box, and with windows it's showing as RAW filesystem. Usually when this happens to me it's a corrupted partition table and can be fixed by chkdsk (that's why I didn't spend much time with it in linux). Not this time I guess. The strange thing is that I can read/write files using the TWRP file manager, so I know that my data is there and it's probably a pretty easy fix. I'll probably end up formatting it and getting rid of this god awful exFat system if I can't fix it, but I don't feel like copying 64 gb of data back and forth if I can help it.


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Dec 4, 2012
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SD cards (well, all forms of data storage, actually) have a finite number of read and write cycles. If the card has some age to it, it may just be shot as well. In my experience, when a drive of any kind starts becoming corrupted, I usually replace it.

nola mike

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Jun 15, 2011
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Well, android is funny with SD cards. Turns out the fix was easy. The kernel that I was using has a problem with exfat cards (fairly common it seems). Flashed a different kernel, and all is well. Don't know why I couldn't read it using a card reader on 2 systems though, guessing a bad card reader.


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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Thanks for pointing out the fix, though. It's something for us to keep in mind, if someone has a problem and isn't using the stock kernel. (It's possible that, in trying to read it, the "defective" kernel did something to the filesystem [even just changed a bit or two in the partition table], making the card useless. We used to do things like that when laptops came out and we had to bring them to shows, but we had to keep source code on them "just in case". A 540MB drive became a 539MB drive with FORMAT being the program that switched toe partition table and WIPEDISK being the new name for the format program. [Not a big secret to disclose any more - those laptops had a whopping 5MB of RAM when they were fully loaded, so that tells you the odds of any but the one I kept still being in existence. Running Windows 3.1 too.])

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