Your going to laugh here gals and guys. I aint one for smartphones but my girl loves them, she has been on my case to connect to our talktalk wifi for the last 3 months, I tried once about 3 months ago lol and said just use your free data roaming for now from vodafone. Well that runs out next week and I was forced down into our wonderful basement to connect to the talktalk router, which should have been a piece of cake considering I have a diploma in IT (I paint and decorate now by the way, much less stress).
I too had this 'disabled' problem and I could not for the life of me figure out what it was, I have a friend who also could not connect to his talktalk network, and was getting the disabled sign.... . After looking all over the net for a solution I came across this thread, and as soon as I read the dreaded word Kernel, I though hold up this has gone way too far, it has to be something a little simpler, and it was, it was much much much simpler, what I think no one else has mentioned. Just ensure you put the password in in uppercase, its that simple. The password which is on the router. The reason it is saying disabled is because you haven't enabled it, that's you the user, it worked for me, called my mate and it worked for him, for godsake stay away from the dreaded kernel, unless your hacking in Linux, pheewwww, hope this helps peeps. Laters patataz :O)