iPhone 6's are bending when sitting down?

j j6

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May 29, 2014
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Re: Note3 easily survives the bend test that the iPhone failed

The 'bend test' isn't a thing. What is an issue is the iphone bending under normal use in your front, not back pocket. That's all.

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May 3, 2010
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Re: Note3 easily survives the bend test that the iPhone failed

The 'bend test' isn't a thing. What is an issue is the iphone bending under normal use in your front, not back pocket. That's all.

The bend test is just proving that yes, it does bend with enough pressure (apparently, with a lot less pressure than other similar phones), and that it does not bounce back once bent. It's proving that people are not lying about this happening.


May 3, 2010
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That's why it's funny.

If my grandma did this to her phone I would not think it's funny. Just sayin.

A portion of Apple's user base might be gullible enough to try this. Mocking their phone platform is one thing, but costing them hundreds of dollars and ruining pictures/emails/whatever is another. They aren't hitler because they bought an iPhone and don't deserve this kind of thing. On this forum it's obviously a joke but on facebook some of them might think it's real.

I've seen the fake ads...they look very authentic.


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Nov 21, 2012
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Re: Note3 easily survives the bend test that the iPhone failed

Apple kind of brings this on themselves by patting themselves on the back so much and mocking their competitors. I understand why they do it, but I also understand why people respond to it like this as well. If you are going to be that arrogant, you have to expect responses like this when your product fails to meet the expectations you have implied.

Very much this. Apple brings this upon themselves. They foster this sense of superiority and drive those bullet points into their customer's skulls. If you strut around with your nose in the air and claim your stuff doesn't stink.... expect a proportional response when you faceplant. And in this case, the failure of Apple's self proclaimed superior engineering registers an 11 on the ol' schadenfreude scale. People love to see arrogant peens get put in their place.

The bending issue has never been an issue before.

Pretty much.... there are plenty of people out there that busted their phones by sitting on them, but it wasn't easy to do... so no one bothered.


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Sep 16, 2013
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Re: Note3 easily survives the bend test that the iPhone failed

Please the bend test is nothing new. Every time someone or anyone point out the facts or truth about an Apple product all of a sudden it's bashing. Apple has issues just like every OEM so why should they get a pass on criticism?.

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+1 agree on this...

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Jun 26, 2010
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Re: iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test

If you sit down with the phone in your back pocket you are asking for trouble. I know the iphone is fragile but you can break the screen of any phone by sitting on top of it.

I agree 100%. If phones start bending by being in the front pocket tho.....thats a problem. I wear loose fitting jeans so I wont have this issues as bad. I have sat on a handful of smartphones without bending or breaking them. At times I have forgotten I had my phone in the front pocket while sitting down.

Tighter pants might be an issue too. Good thing I never have and never will jump on the skinny jeans band wagon....eeww...lol


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Aug 26, 2013
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I really hate it when people post that. I see it on Facebook all the time. I get why it's funny, but someone might actually do it and ruin their $650 phone.

Because 4chan, that's why. They did something similar with iOS 7 and waterproofing and with the XBox One and backwards compatibility.


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Nov 21, 2012
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Re: iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test

I just don't believe that the engineers at Apple didn't do any testing to see how much force could be applied to the phones before they bent (they definitely test the Macbooks). Or maybe they did, and the design team simply didn't care as long as they were able to release such a thin device.

I'm voting for the latter.... I'm sure they tested it, and I'm sure they recognized the increased tendency to deform, which they most certainly reported up the ol' corporate food chain. Then their concerns were shot down since Ivy wanted his super thin phone. Decisions like this are made in conference rooms around the world for a variety of products.... and oftentimes, the outcomes don't exactly come out in their favor.


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Feb 20, 2013
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Re: iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test

Apple has the last say so on all the hardware...Android is the OS. So far you have shown some examples of some Android phone manufactures. That does not = all of Android. You can say ____ model from HTC, Sony. There were even reports of the Droid RAZR cracking, breaking. Its one reason I dont like thin phones anymore. Another is the bulkier phones felt better to hold in hand.

My point was NOT because this happened to Android it is ok for Apple but pointing out merely because it is Apple, people are flipping out and being hypocritical. I'm sorry my point came off wrong.

Same guy did it with a Note 3....no bending issues. Note 3 has bigger dimensions in a few areas and different build materials. I do agree any delicate phone might have the same bending issues. But all phones arent delicate. Apple is all about premium.....its their fault and their fanbase for all this happening now.

There was. Plastic is semi-rigid and you are putting energy into the bonds and breaking them. The phone was not perfectly straight when he stopped bending it. This is based off of a whole TWO reports. You have a full forum of 6+ users a click away but at the end of the day, ANYTHING to show Android's superiority, right? One of the reports was a guy who spent EIGHT hours with a phone digging into his flesh in his pocket and the other the reason wasn't given(at least I haven't seen it). Apple IS premium but it doesn't mean the tech is not delicate. I don't sit on my macbook. I don't wear a pair of Jynco jeans and sit on my ipad or put it in my front pocket for 8 hours allowing the metal to warp. Do people seriously think metal is perfectly rigid? Just like Sony, Apple chooses to create a phone that people love even though it is delicate. The Z3 is premium too but stupidity breaks the phone. You respect the phone and it's weaknesses.

But now I know a few phones we'll see in Apple's "other phones do it too" video. ;) Btw...the iPhone 4 and 5 has bend pics out there too:
Yes because people were stupid. My iphone 5 is NOT bent. Go to iMore and take a poll to see how many of those are bent. I know the weaknesses of my phone. I don't think it is indestructible. Yet I wouldn't buy any other phone because I love the feel of it and the experience compare to the androids I've had in the past.
Reports of bent iPhone 6 aligns with horrible history of bent smartphones

But like with Antenna Gate...its not that the phone bends...its how easy it is to bend. I cant say how easy it is...all I now is the Note 3 survived his test. Would be interesting to see him test more phones. I mentioned a Droid RAZR, That would probably have a cracked screen more so than bent phone because the body was made of plastic and Kelvar. But notice how Motorola is absent in most posts, pics.
Antenna Gate was different, you know how? Because more than 2 people were effected and it wasn't due to user stupidity. IF there is a structural weakness in the 6+ we will start seeing more reports and we will take it seriously just like Antenna gate but until then, people are taking the word of TWO people from the INTERNET. Come on, guys and gals, you know better than this.
When you are put on a pedestal by so many, expect things like this to show up. Ppl gloat over record breaking sales for each new iPhone....cant have it both ways when issues arise.

When an issue DOES arise then gloat if it makes you feel better about having an Android. Be my guest, there are plenty of people on this forum that will join you in an Apple bashing circle jerk. However, you are believing. TWO. WHOLE. PEOPLE. Can you show me the gloating on iMore? How about the gloating of a majority market share by Android users? It goes both ways as you said. If you are bashing apple at this moment then by your reasoning it is perfectly acceptable to bash Android users for buying an inferior phone that bends itself but I haven't heard a PEEP by iMore gloating over this.


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Nov 21, 2012
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Re: Note3 easily survives the bend test that the iPhone failed

Yep.... Youtube is now silly with videos of people destroying iPhones... One, in particular, is taking it to the next level, eschewing the 'drop' or 'bend' test all together and instead opting for liquid nitrogen, thermite and a sledgehammer. Each one is quite popular... a reality that Apple should be more than concerned about.... they are starting to lose the affections of the mob.


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Aug 26, 2013
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Re: iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test

I'm voting for the latter.... I'm sure they tested it, and I'm sure they recognized the increased tendency to deform, which they most certainly reported up the ol' corporate food chain. Then their concerns were shot down since Ivy wanted his super thin phone. Decisions like this are made in conference rooms around the world for a variety of products.... and oftentimes, the outcomes don't exactly come out in their favor.

Yeah, it's definitely more likely. But in either case, it's still Apple's fault. We'll see if they comment on it anytime soon. Maybe in the meantime, someone will actually do a test where they measure the amount of force required to bend it in comparison to other phones.


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Feb 20, 2013
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Re: iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test

No. When you have it in your back pocket, you sit on it. That is far more pressure on the phone than simply having it in your front pocket.

No. The weight of your torso is still pulling down with respect to your legs. It isn't about pressure it is about TORQUE. Use a half foot ruler and place it in your pocket. Now sit down. The chair exerts a normal force that is at most equal to your torso and leg weight in magnitude back on your legs and your legs impart the same force to one end of that ruler. This is Newton's third law. Now your torso is also coming down accelerating at the acceleration due to gravity and your torso has a certain mass. This is the weight of your torso which you are applying to the top of the ruler. This is most likely going to create a net torque which is going to create an angular acceleration. This ruler is going to start rotating until the skin/bone will not allow it anymore and SOMETHING has to give. This is when it starts to hurt and you realize your stupidity. This is when metal bends. It's like bending/breaking a branch.

In the back pocket case, your back pocket/ground applies a normal force equal to whatever is pressing down on it(to a point before your pants rip) and the weight of your torso is being applied at the top of the phone. The middle part is the pivot. This creates a torque again until it can't rotate anymore and something has to give. If an engineer on here can input on material strength and the stress and strain that it can accept that would be awesome.

A lot of people are simply making fun of Apple for the sake of making fun of Apple. But there are also people defending Apple simply because it's Apple. I just don't believe that the engineers at Apple didn't do any testing to see how much force could be applied to the phones before they bent (they definitely test the Macbooks). Or maybe they did, and the design team simply didn't care as long as they were able to release such a thin device.

People are defending Apple RIGHT NOW because this is based on TWO people. IF it becomes a widespread problem then yes, hold Apple accountable.


May 3, 2010
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Re: iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test

because it is Apple, people are flipping out and being hypocritical.
For years Apple has made a huge deal about it's build quality. And has not been shy about mocking it's competition over it. They charge premium prices for products that do less that their competition, and a big reason given for this in the past was awesome build quality.

So yeah, I think their users are entitled to be upset, and Apple deserves a plate of crow to chow on. This is not a minor issue...it is a big deal. Phones should not bend like this. Especially not in your front pocket.

ANYTHING to show Android's superiority, right?
It has nothing to do with Android...if you put Android on these phones, they would bend just as much.

One of the reports was a guy who spent EIGHT hours with a phone digging into his flesh in his pocket
Well...we are not seeing any reports of similar things happening to other phones of the same size. The Note 3 in particular doesn't appear to be nearly as fragile. It is not normal for large smartphones to do this.

Apple IS premium but it doesn't mean the tech is not delicate.
Then they (and their users) should not be gloating about Apple build quality.

Can you show me the gloating on iMore?

"You also have to take into consideration not only the build quality Apple puts into their products" - Apple's Phil Schiller defends iPad mini pricing | iMore

"Apple's build quality IS obviously superior" - Apple's Phil Schiller defends iPad mini pricing | iMore

"Most iPhone bashers only do it because they wished their Android, BlackBerry and Windows phones worked as smoothly and had the same amazing hardware build quality & equally amazing application ecosystem that the iPhone has...or even come close." - Why are there so many iPhone haters? (First iPhone owner experience) - iPhone, iPad, iPod Forums at iMore.com

"Apples build quality has not been beaten yet" - Why are there so many iPhone haters? (First iPhone owner experience) - iPhone, iPad, iPod Forums at iMore.com

I can find lots more...these kinds of comments are common on Apple forums.


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Apr 18, 2010
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Re: The bend test: iPhone 6+ vs Note 3 - one of them fails

Guess apple didn't have much practice in making large screen phones. I personally carry my Note 3 in a leather pouch on my belt, I don't have the nerve to stuck it in my front pocket. But iPhone users are used to hav8ng their tiny little iPhone in their pockets so this practice continues much to the dismay of the 6 plus which wasn't built to withstand this type of treatment.

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Mar 8, 2011
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Re: Note3 easily survives the bend test that the iPhone failed

Only it didn't. The phone in the video was still working normally, and there was hardly even any physical damage.

Are you blind??
Or just being a fanboy?
The Galaxy notes screen shatters and the plastic chassis bends.


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Aug 24, 2011
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I put my note in my front and back pockets all the time, never experienced any problem.

To apple users "don't put your phone in your pocket" :)


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Oct 9, 2012
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Re: The bend test: iPhone 6+ vs Note 3 - one of them fails

I always carry my Note 2 in my left front pocket. With jeans it can be a bit snug, particularly sitting in a car, but I've had no problems with it.

If the iPhone 6+ is really curving just from being carried in pants pockets, that seems like a defect to me. On the other hand, videos of people trying to bend it with their hands strike me as ridiculous. They are obviously putting a lot of force on the phone. I bet I could break my Note 2 if I were to do the same thing with it.


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Jul 7, 2010
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The direction of the bend would suggest that the phone would have to be*sideways*in a front pocket. Who wears pants that would allow a sideways i6 Plus in the front pockets? Also, it would have to be a lot of thigh and tight jeans pressure, so I'm not buying the front pocket stories. Sitting down with the phone in a back pocket would produce the direction of the bend in the phone, and I don't know why anyone would put a $650-$1000 phone in their back pocket and then sit on it.

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