Noob questions regarding general Android, laucher and Lock screen app/widget


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2015
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Awww...splurge a little on Nova Prime. It's a miniscule amount compared to the cost of your phone and service. Worth it.

For a completely different way to think about how screens are organized, check out Total Launcher:

And if you really wanna get twisted, Next Launcher:

These are only for the adventurous. Definitely nonstandard.

Android since v1.0. Linux user since 2001.


Apr 22, 2015
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Awww...splurge a little on Nova Prime. It's a miniscule amount compared to the cost of your phone and service. Worth it.

For a completely different way to think about how screens are organized, check out Total Launcher:

And if you really wanna get twisted, Next Launcher:

These are only for the adventurous. Definitely nonstandard.

Android since v1.0. Linux user since 2001.

Can most certainly take a look at these too. Seriously i'm like a 5 year old, a spounge, i want all the info given to me in one day ... lol ... you guys are super responsive and bang on point.

By the way, now i'm feeling a little adventurous, is there a way i can get Linux on a Note 4? without having to root or any of those funny business, like a launcher of some sort?


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Dec 4, 2012
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For weather I like 1Weather. Nice design for widgets, etc..

As for Linux on your would need to root the device and flash ROM built around say Ubuntu. However, technically, Android related to Linux. But then again, so is

From an AOSP M8


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2015
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Oh, Android certainly IS Linux. Not desktop Linux, no. Better to think of it this way:

Android is to desktop Linux like iOS is to a Mac, or like Windows Phone is to desktop Windows.

IOW, the foundations are roughly the same but the houses built on them are very different.

Android since v1.0. Linux user since 2001.


Apr 22, 2015
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Linux ... tempting but i think i will not be flashing the rom or anything to have it on. Got it on my laptop so i think i'll make due with that then :)

My mind is going crazy with what i want to do with this beast, been googling, youtubing and of course checking out this forum:)

Javier P

Feb 21, 2014
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How do I get rid of the search bar in the google now launcher?

The Google search bar is the main feature in GNL, so it doesn't make much sense trying to deactivate it. A custom launcher it's the way to go.

Even with the stock launcher you can hide it, but this way you won't be able to use that space on your screen.

Javier P

Feb 21, 2014
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Linux ... tempting but i think i will not be flashing the rom or anything to have it on. Got it on my laptop so i think i'll make due with that then :)

My mind is going crazy with what i want to do with this beast, been googling, youtubing and of course checking out this forum:)

:) :) plenty of things to do before flashing new roms (and voiding your warranty btw). Enjoy the beast.


Apr 22, 2015
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Thanks Javier. I've been jailbreaking my iPad for nearly half a decade now so that gives me everything i need to play games, watch movies, apps etc so i don't think i'll be doing anything fancy to my shiny new beast. All what i'll be looking to do with it to expand and change the way how my phone looks and feels and change it to make it a bit more user friendly and easy to use :)

Javier P

Feb 21, 2014
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Hey Souls! I think you're going to like Zooper Widgets. It's a powerful app to create your own widgets. As with Nova the free version is more than enough for a start.


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Jul 1, 2010
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Hi All,

First of all this forum has been really great. Since i've bought myself my first ever android device, i chose to go for this beauty (Note 4). Loving the device but not really that convinced why Android is better than iOS. I've always owned an apple product so maybe that's why and maybe i've only been using an android device for just over 2 weeks so don't realise the full potential or just don't feel the need to change anything on it (Unless someone can guide me to a thread or something to read what exactly can i do without having to root the device, would be helpful)

Now on to my main question, i'm loving the TouchWiz but like so many other people i don't like the 4x4 icon formation and would certainly like to have a few more squeeze in. I've heard some launchers can do that, also a launcher can get me a totally different feel and look of the phone (please do correct me if i'm wrong). Can you please guide me to a free version? I don't want to pay for anything (call me cheapskates lol)

Secondly, i'm not a huge fan of using the physical buttons (home, power, volume) because for some reason i'm scared of breaking them so to counter the home button i am using the "Side Key Panel" which is working wonderfully, using the Air Wake to power on the device but am looking for an App of some sort that can lock the device.

I know there is that Assistive touch thing that does have the lock screen option but that is annoying. So an app would be great which if just pressed (like torch) would automatically lock the screen. If nothing works, then i guess i'll just live with the auto close of the phone option after a few seconds.


Hi souls33k3r. Welcome to Android!

For me, the biggest difference between Android and iOS comes down to choice & freedom. With iOS you get what you get for the most part. With Android you are free to change just about everything.

And as for paying for apps, looks like you are not opposed to that from your other posts. I look at it like this - I enjoy small snacks, candy, gum, etc and their enjoyment only last a short time. Apps lady much longer and there is a TON of work that goes into making and supporting them. So, like you, I don't hesitate to buy a great app but prefer to test it or before I buy it.

Nova Launcher is one of those apps that I bought. I cracked up my screen grid to 8x8 to fit more on the screen without it looking too busy.

One app you might like is called Display Brightness. It's amazingly useful. I use it dozens of times a day to set the screen brightness exactly how I want it. Sounds like a simple thing and you might say, "can't I already do this via the notification drawer or in the settings?" Yes, but not as quickly or easily add you can with Display Brightness.

Display Brightness is always available above every app (even the lock screen). Simply slide your finger (on the edge part of the screen you choose) and you are done.

It's great when you are playing a game, watching a movie, etc - just quickly slide your finger, done.

It also has negative brightness which it's very useful at night in a dark room. Keeps you from being blinded.

Enjoy Android and your Note 4!


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hi All,

First of all this forum has been really great. Since i've bought myself my first ever android device, i chose to go for this beauty (Note 4). Loving the device but not really that convinced why Android is better than iOS. I've always owned an apple product so maybe that's why and maybe i've only been using an android device for just over 2 weeks so don't realise the full potential or just don't feel the need to change anything on it (Unless someone can guide me to a thread or something to read what exactly can i do without having to root the device, would be helpful)

If you use a computer a lot and Google Chrome web browser, you might like Pushbullet.

It syncs your phone's notifications to your computer so you can easily see, read, respond to, or dismiss them. After you take action, the notification is removed from your phone.

It also syncs your clipboard between your phone and your computer. So what ever text you copy on your computer is available on your phone and visa-versa. That's really cool!


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Jul 1, 2010
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Another thing that sets Android (more specifically Samsung phones) apart from iOS is multi window. Have you tried that yet? You might need to enable it in settings.

This gives you split screen ability to run two apps at the same time. Or you can run multiple apps at the same time in smaller windows. This does not work for every app, only select ones that support that feature. But, as they say, "there's an app for that".

If you find that an app you would like to run with multi window but it is not supported, you can add support for multi window to that app with this app:


Apr 22, 2015
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Another thing that sets Android (more specifically Samsung phones) apart from iOS is multi window. Have you tried that yet? You might need to enable it in settings.

This gives you split screen ability to run two apps at the same time. Or you can run multiple apps at the same time in smaller windows. This does not work for every app, only select ones that support that feature. But, as they say, "there's an app for that".

If you find that an app you would like to run with multi window but it is not supported, you can add support for multi window to that app with this app:

wow! simply wow goin_nil. I wake up with a big smile on my face. Quite honestly i never knew you could really do so much with an Android specifically with a Samsung device. I'm well impressed. I can see the similarities on a jailbroken iOS device and a stock android device. These little things you make changes to makes hell of a difference but then saying that there is so much you can do with it and find what best suits you.

For example on my iPad i have made the notification bar a bit thicker so that i can clearly see the entire content of the notification which i'm finding Note 4 already has. I have enabled my iPad to wake up with a blow of air in to the speaker which is quite funny and really helpful. I mean all those things for which i need a jailbroken iOS device, i think i can do with an Android device. I might say this out loud but do give me a slap for being wrong ... the possibilities with an Android device are endless :)

Saying all that, i'm confused now, whether to change so much of my device that i might damage the internal software. Is there a possiblity by doing so much customization to a phone that it can happen? If so then what would be your advice on staying away from?

Once again, thank you very much :)


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Sep 20, 2010
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You could try gravity screen by works great for me and has lots of settings for how to wake screen. I pick my phone up or remove it from pocket or purse and it turns on. No buttons needed.


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2010
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wow! simply wow goin_nil. I wake up with a big smile on my face. Quite honestly i never knew you could really do so much with an Android specifically with a Samsung device. I'm well impressed. I can see the similarities on a jailbroken iOS device and a stock android device. These little things you make changes to makes hell of a difference but then saying that there is so much you can do with it and find what best suits you.

For example on my iPad i have made the notification bar a bit thicker so that i can clearly see the entire content of the notification which i'm finding Note 4 already has. I have enabled my iPad to wake up with a blow of air in to the speaker which is quite funny and really helpful. I mean all those things for which i need a jailbroken iOS device, i think i can do with an Android device. I might say this out loud but do give me a slap for being wrong ... the possibilities with an Android device are endless :)

Saying all that, i'm confused now, whether to change so much of my device that i might damage the internal software. Is there a possiblity by doing so much customization to a phone that it can happen? If so then what would be your advice on staying away from?

Once again, thank you very much :)

You're welcome. I'll try to think of some more "Android specific" features.

I highly doubt that you could do any damage the internal software unless you get into rooting and ROM'ing. These two give you much more admin level access/abilities and if you are not careful, follow directions, read forums on these two, you could be putting "the gun to your head" so to speak.

Not trying to scare you about rooting and ROM'ing. Many people do it and it sounds like you have experience with iOS jail braking, but, just advising to be careful and prepared ahead of time for exactly how to do it.


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Jul 1, 2010
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I don't know if there is an equivalent app/feature like this in iOS or not but you might enjoy Tasker to automate tasks on your Android devices.

I use tasker and the tasker app factory together to build a small app that recognizes when I plug in earphones into the phone jack. When this action occurs, my phone shows a pop-up with all of the audio apps (which I chose) that I might want to listen to with earphones.

Tasker can watch for many events to occur and you can take action on those events.

There are other threads & forums where you can learn more about Tasker. And there are other apps similar to tasker if you don't like that one. But, tasker has lots of companion apps like the tasker app factory:

As you can see in the picture, I have 9 apps that I can choose from. I made it slightly transparent (that's why you see my Iron Man wallpaper peering through.)

Simply plug in earphones, click the app I want, done.


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