Reasons why not to support Rom Manager anymore

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Dec 1, 2010
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PLEASE take your time and read this post carefully because you seem to only remember the parts of people's posts where they agree with what you say. I will break it down for you point by point:
1. I understand and agree with your point of trying to educate newbies about doing their research before taking any action.

2. No one is trying to say that every app should work with every device, that just seems to be your interpretation of what people are saying.

3. It is Koush's responsibility to post a warning on his app when he is aware his app does not work on certain devices. The devs and numerous fascinate owners who bought rom manager have been making Koush aware of the problems for some time now, and he has taken no action until this time based on the suggestions of the devs and complaints of the customers.

4. If he no longer had the time or the desire to continue to support the fascinate, fine, that is his choice. But then it is his responsibility to post the warning I mentioned in #3, such as "This app will no longer support the Samsung Fascinate"

5. The only reason this thread has turned into the flame Koush thread is directly because of the way he has ignored the customer complaints and suggestions and advice of the devs. And then when he did respond, his response was, "fix it yourselves." I think you'd be hard pressed to find any threads or posts flaming Koush until he had that response. It is the built up frustration of fascinate owners he caused himself with his lack of response that led to this.

6. Chris3D made some excellent, relevant to topic points in post #132 at 3:46 P.M. You complimented him on his responses, but then right back into the not every app will work on every phone, which really was not the point of Chris3D's post and excellent points.

7. We are not, as you say, asking Koush to please everyone. All we were asking was that he respond to our concerns and complaints in some fashion. Ignoring customer complaints and dissatisfaction is no way to run any kind of business. If he had responded right away with anything even that he was no longer supporting the Fascinate, this would not have reached this level.

8. My point in posting about Gunnermike53 bricking his phone was not to get you to say you were sorry he bricked his phone. I'm sure Gunner is not asking for that either. And nowhere in Gunner's post was he blaming Koush for the brick, he wasn't looking for Koush to take responsibility, he was simply stating the fact that using rom manager bricked his phone. I just know how much work Gunner puts in to help newbies from bricking their phones and to get out of brick situations, so I took offense to your intimation that he was lying about bricking his phone.

9. How can you tout your academic prowess and the fact you are in an honor society, and enter a discussion without taking the time to understand or even see the discussion originator's point? I thought the point of higher education was to open your mind and understand other points of view. Instead you came into this discussion with a very closed mind and very focused vision. Bad form.

I am not trying to launch a personal attack against you by making all these points, and if it came across that way I am sorry. I just saw that in all your responses you were completely ignoring the point of the other person's post and once again throwing out your narrow viewpoint. We get that we should do our research before doing anything, you have made that point over and over. You are just not understanding that the whole point of this was that Koush was ignoring us for the longest time and when he did respond his response was I'm not fixing it, you fix it. I am fine with him not wanting to fix the problems for the fascinate for all that time, but as soon as he was aware of the problems he should have made prospective customers aware he was not going to fix the problems so they can make an informed decision about whether or not to buy his app.
You are correct sharky I bricked my phone on purpose. well at least I use rom manager knowing that it may break my phone. Everyone knows that I am not afraid of a brick nor willl I blame someone else for break.

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Dec 1, 2010
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I think it is amusing how you were giving advice to adrenaline on how to root phones and responsibility that comes with it. I know better than most what it takes to brick a phone. I also know I paid for that stupid app and now it doesn't work. He fix a couple of things but it is still not fully functional as it was before.

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I was trying to help a guy out that's why I bricked my phone.

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Oct 6, 2010
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I think it is amusing how you were giving advice to adrenaline on how to root phones and responsibility that comes with it. I know better than most what it takes to brick a phone. I also know I paid for that stupid app and now it doesn't work. He fix a couple of things but it is still not fully functional as it was before.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

Glad you are amused. I am too.


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Jan 11, 2011
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OK. makes sense. I am just trying real hard to stay on topic, and I know some feel a bit sore at me for defending Koush, so I figured I may as well apologize to all disgruntled posters.

I'm not sore at you at all for defending Koush. That is your right to have an opinion and express it, and that is what is so great about the USA and these forums. I'm just having a hard time understanding why you can't see the point of this thread is not that Koush should make his product work for all devices, but rather that he ignored our concerns for so long and then responded in such an immature, unprofessional (apparently an albeit drunken) way. You say good dude for fixing the sammy so quickly, but he didn't fix it quickly. He ignored us for so long and didn't fix it until Fascinate owners flooded the reviews of his product with negative comments. By all means defend him. Just understand the reason we are upset with him. Not because his product doesn't work with our device, but because his product used to work with our device and then he ignored us and made no effort to fix it or let us know he was not going to fix it.

Cory Streater

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Sep 21, 2009
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You know what I freaking hate about this thread? I've interacted with and have seen most of you guys outside of this thread, and you're all cool and well respected. The problem is you adamantly disagree with each other, you're all riled up, the gloves have come off, and multiple warnings from the mods are being ignored.

So, I'm going to ask that you vote with your wallets, and if you want to continue fighting about this, take it into one of the IRC rooms where the rules are a lot looser.

If any of you have questions, you know how to get a hold of me.

- Cory
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