Samsung Galaxy S3 charging issue


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Jul 13, 2014
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Hi everyone, I am also having the frustrating problem with charging my Samsung Galaxy S3. I’ve researched online (and in this thread) and it looks like a few people have a similar problem as well, but I wanted some additional advice.

Here is the deal: When plugged into the charger, the phone begins to charge intermittently. Charging, not charging, charging, not charging… all the while making the “charging” sound every few seconds (sorry, tried to think of a better way to describe this). If I unplug and replug a few times, I can sometimes get it to start charging correctly, but I don't even remember the last time my phone has been charged to 100 percent, as it eventually craps out and starts having issues again.

I have replaced the battery and tried different chargers. No luck. Fed up, I purchased a wireless charger (and receiver) BUT seem to have the same problem! What seems to be the deal here? Is it still an issue with the phone? Software problem, perhaps? Any solutions or opinions?
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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2011
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Hello and welcome to the forums!
I purchased a wireless charger (and receiver) BUT seem to have the same problem!
Unfortunately you've tried all of the normal solutions (new battery; wireless charger [which bypasses a defective micro-USB port]) that would be recommended. There must be something wrong with the mainboard. Sorry.

Sent from my rooted, debloated, deodexed Sinclair ZX-80 running CM -0.001 using Tapatalk

Karl Thomas

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Jun 24, 2014
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The past few weeks I have had issues with my S3 not charging correctly, then out of the blue it won't charge at all, so after searching a few forums I tried charging the phone whilst switched off, and for some reason it charges but very slowly, anyone else had this same problem and know of a fix? I have tried several chargers and in different sockets around the house, even tried using someone elses battery with still the same problem. I have always used the genuine & supplied charger. Any help would be much appriciated!!

I have the same question and don't know how to solve it.

Don Hatton

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Aug 4, 2014
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've had the same issue when phone replaced all the times under warranty. What I understand is that the charging port gradually degrades until even brand new chargers won't work. It's definitely an issue with the charging port and you should seek replacement or repair. This repair usually costs about $50-75 at most shops.

Good luck!


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Aug 8, 2014
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I have 2 Galaxy S3 and I found out by process of elimination, it is not the phone nor charger, but it is the cable.
1 cable is fine the other either charges slow or on off on off, you can see this more clearly when phone has about 10% power.
I have no chance to visit the service center yet, but will let u know the outcome.


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Aug 15, 2014
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My phone is about 2 years old and just started having the charging issue. I think it's the phone though as I use it's original charger for a tablet device as well and it charges fine. Now my phone is dead though since it won't charge even a little.

sure why not

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Jul 2, 2013
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My phone is about 2 years old and just started having the charging issue. I think it's the phone though as I use it's original charger for a tablet device as well and it charges fine. Now my phone is dead though since it won't charge even a little.
2 years is getting on.
Batteries do have a limited number of charge cycles.

Have you tried a new battery, or tried charging your battery in someone else's S3?
Is the charge port clean?

Sunil Sali

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Sep 9, 2014
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Basically problem is having with Samsung Galaxy S3 orignal charger. Currently I am using Samsung ETA3U30EBE Travel Charger and it's work well, fast charging for my S3 phone.


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Sep 10, 2014
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Each time this happens to me I just have to change the cable and it begins to charge properly again. It appears that for some reason a cable used for charging lasts just for that many charge cycles! And I mean original cables! A big negative that I keeps me wondering.


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Sep 11, 2014
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YES! This has been happening to my Galaxy S3 also. It's only about 1-1/2 yeas old. I too tried to use other outlets, different batteries, different charging cords, and charging with the phone turned off. The thing I found in common was, the charger cord provided with the phone worked fine, anytime & everywhere. The non-brand name charger cords I bought from Amazon were the problem, everywhere, every time. (I use my phone a lot, so I have a charger cord on my nightstand, at work & next to my chair in the living room, and even a spare in my purse). Two of the cords are Samsung, two are generic. The generic ones are the problem no matter where I charge up. I think Samsung has somehow figured out to pull the same trick Apple did with iPhones.... if you don't use a genuine Apple product, some how it senses it and causes problems. Everything is fine, as long as I don't use the cheaper generic cords. The rat bastards figured it out.


Jun 20, 2014
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may I post my symptoms? I apologize for the length of the list but I've been keeping a file in my notepad app. My gs3 was purchased new, not refurbished, in April of '14. Symptoms described generally manifest with non-samsung chargers and cables except where indicated. Batteries include oem and 3rd party (Onites).

Symptoms include:

charger connection comes loose if moved, will make connect sound or indicate cable disconnected while hardware appears physically connected. at these times phone will cease to charge, even if previously charging with no issues.

if battery status screen shows the percentage plus "charging" with (ac) shown - phone will take a charge. if "charging" but no (ac) shown, phone will not take a charge despite the zigzag on the battery icon in the status bar. sometimes the display and corresponding charge state will change from the one to the other on its own (and NEVER back to a charging state from a non charging state), at other times user interaction with the device will cause this change.

while connected, charging, and motionless, and without any user interaction, phone will randomly change from a charging state to then show "not charging" and require physical removal and reinsertion of cable in order to correct the condition.

on removal of cable at any given time, phone will continue to show "charging" with no (ac) displayed, plus zigzag on battery icon in status bar. after a moment or two, displays will revert to "not charging" status. if cable is plugged into phone while the phone still erroneously displays "charging" it will not be recognized and phone will not charge..

phone will generally accept a continuous charge using stock Samsung cable with stock Samsung ac adapter, however moving the phone around (or other moderate interaction by user) will sometimes produce one or more of the above symptoms.

phone will generally cooperate when connected to laptop using stock Samsung USB cable, for file transfer or for use as USB tethered modem, likewise phone will appear to charge properly at these times. however, moving the phone will often result in the data and charging connections being interrupted. despite being physically connected to the pc, the data and charge connections will not restore until phone is physically disconnected and reconnected.


Jun 20, 2014
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So if someone could kindly advise whether the phone needs a repair, or just the cable needs replacement, or what the problem even could be. This issue is not only infuriating, it makes the phone impractical to the point of being a dangerous liability. Thanks in advance for your help.

sure why not

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2013
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So if someone could kindly advise whether the phone needs a repair, or just the cable needs replacement, or what the problem even could be. This issue is not only infuriating, it makes the phone impractical to the point of being a dangerous liability. Thanks in advance for your help.
If you've tried other cables it surely seems like the charging port has broken solder joints and needs repair or replacement.
You should have this repaired under warranty as it's a known issue with the S3.
If not under warranty you can have this done locally or send it away for about $25.


Jun 20, 2014
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If you've tried other cables it surely seems like the charging port has broken solder joints and needs repair or replacement.
You should have this repaired under warranty as it's a known issue with the S3.
If not under warranty you can have this done locally or send it away for about $25.

I've subsequently found that using HTC branded USB cables on my laptop and in the car *seems* to have eliminated most of the symptoms. Switching to an HTC cable with my car charger yielded noticeable improvement in charging speed and connection consistency. Using one with my laptop seems to take care of the physically unstable and sensitive connection, although it appears the phone charges rather slowly off the computer's USB port. I am still using the Samsung charger at home in the wall outlet with no significant issues.
I am not sure if this has solved the problem or is simply a workaround.
Also, if I am seeking warranty service could someone perhaps point me in the right direction?

sure why not

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Jul 2, 2013
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The computer's USB port will always yield slow charging.
USB 2.0 is limited to 500mA by design standards.

I would use a 2A wall or car charger at all times if I did not have Qi charging in an effort to save wear and tear on the micro usb port of my phone.
I have the Samsung 2A chargers for my tablet anyhow...

There is no reason not to use them for the phone, it will limit charging current on it's own.

sure why not

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Jul 2, 2013
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Also, if I am seeking warranty service could someone perhaps point me in the right direction?
Your new phone should have come with a warranty card.
If your service provider's local retailer will not address the issue take it up with Samsung customer service.
(be prepared to be frustrated)
There's a place on Ebay that says they will turn them around in one day, if you can live for 2-3 days without your phone.
I have Google Voice, so I can get my number to ring any spare phone temporarily.


Jun 20, 2014
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I stand corrected, that the HTC USB cable solved my problems when plugging into the pc; it did not. If I pick up the phone, or move it around even a little bit, no matter how delicately or gently, I get the "disconnect" sound from Windows, along with a break in my data connection. While the battery icon on the phone *may* still indicate charging, the pc will not "see" the USB portion of the phone, or if I had been using the tethered modem feature (which is my preference over using the phone as a wireless hotspot) that state will be disconnected and unusable as well. The "fix" of course is to physically disconnect and reconnect the phone, but because this requires me to physically handle the handset it just keeps interrupting and breaking my USB data connection.