The first note I won't buy? (all discussion about lack of microSD and removable battery must go here)


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Nov 16, 2010
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Ok...well then YOU don't have to get it. Stop trying to sway away others who have a different opinion than you. I saw you on the new AC blogs and man I thought you were a troll also annoying as heck.

It's like people need to justify a non-purchase with doom and gloom.

The sky is not falling.

Samsung will be just fine for now, with it without you.

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Jun 22, 2013
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It's like people need to justify a non-purchase with doom and gloom.

The sky is not falling.

Samsung will be just fine for now, with it without you.

Posted via Android Central App (Moto X)

Hey, I just thought he was a troll because he was commenting on every one of those people's posts. To me, that's annoying. There is going to be a lot of negative feedback obviously, but he doesn't have to keep throwing his reasons in our face.


Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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Hey, I just thought he was a troll because he was commenting on every one of those people's posts. To me, that's annoying. There is going to be a lot of negative feedback obviously, but he doesn't have to keep throwing his reasons in our face.

Note: we consider calling someone a troll a form of trolling.

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Aug 14, 2015
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I was just at best buy, the Note 4 to me looks better than the Note 5, it just looks more professional, what was Samsung thinking. I told the guy that Samsung is losing touch with reality, I told him I am not interested in jewelry bling when purchasing a smartphone, especially a Note series phone.

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The Note 4 looks better than the Note 5?? You sure you weren't at Office Depot, where they use cardboard demo shapes? I went to BB yesterday and the display of Samsung phones was nice. The device that stood out were the Edge devices, especially the new one. The Notes 4 and 5 were side by side. I could hold both at the same time. The Note 5 is the looker, in comparison to the 4. The also had a separate display, with Stylus, where you could try it out. And you're right, besides the call out for the camera, everything looked pretty much the same. Just like every other phone in the place. Only the iPhone and the Windows Phones were different overall. I expected the Note 5 to be 95% of what the Note 4 was, and even more similar to the S6. Bottom line, this is economics. The market is flooded with phones. Big numbers, big ideas are not going to happen now. Market projections are based on numbers that most likely will never been seen again. Not until they come up with another gimmick.

If you don't like the Note 5, hurrah for you. Don't buy it. Don't try and rationalize your decision with bling statements. If you don't like, you don't like it. Move on


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Nov 16, 2010
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The Note 4 looks better than the Note 5?? You sure you weren't at Office Depot, where they use cardboard demo shapes? I went to BB yesterday and the display of Samsung phones was nice. The device that stood out were the Edge devices, especially the new one. The Notes 4 and 5 were side by side. I could hold both at the same time. The Note 5 is the looker, in comparison to the 4. The also had a separate display, with Stylus, where you could try it out. And you're right, besides the call out for the camera, everything looked pretty much the same. Just like every other phone in the place. Only the iPhone and the Windows Phones were different overall. I expected the Note 5 to be 95% of what the Note 4 was, and even more similar to the S6. Bottom line, this is economics. The market is flooded with phones. Big numbers, big ideas are not going to happen now. Market projections are based on numbers that most likely will never been seen again. Not until they come up with another gimmick.

If you don't like the Note 5, hurrah for you. Don't buy it. Don't try and rationalize your decision with bling statements. If you don't like, you don't like it. Move on

Beauty is subjective though.

But Samsung was challenged to make better looking devices.

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Jul 20, 2015
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I just saw a Note 5 in Best Best. Well, they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I'm sure some like the way it looks.

from the Elegance


Jul 17, 2012
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I agree, I have the Note Edge and will be my last Samsung phone. I was extremely disappointed with this announcement. I was gonna upgrade my husbands Note 3 but decided that Samsung is to busy competing with Apple that they have forgotten about us the customer and have removed all of the best features, the ones that made them who they are today. Sorry SamSucks but it's your loss and maybe Apple's or even Sony's gain.


Jul 17, 2012
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I too won't be upgrading my Note for an other Samsung Note. They removed many of the most important features that made Samsung who they are today or more like who they where 2 years ago. Samsung has decided to move backwards and the person who's given the go ahead in removing the replaceable battery the removal of the SD card and IR blaster should be fired.

oh and did I mention a much smaller battery?

FIRE the person who authorized this.

I passed on the S6 after waiting very patiently and looks like I'm going to pass on the Note 5. Not only non removable batteries... smaller ones at that.

Nice going marketing team at Samsung... seven straight quarters of declining profits in smartphones.

Looks like you haven't learned your lesson yet. ;)


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Nov 16, 2010
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I too won't be upgrading my Note for an other Samsung Note. They removed many of the most important features that made Samsung who they are today or more like who they where 2 years ago. Samsung has decided to move backwards and the person who's given the go ahead in removing the replaceable battery the removal of the SD card and IR blaster should be fired.

oh and did I mention a much smaller battery?

FIRE the person who authorized this.

Are you guaranteeing Samsung loses significant market share because of this?

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Sep 28, 2010
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I too won't be upgrading my Note for an other Samsung Note. They removed many of the most important features that made Samsung who they are today or more like who they where 2 years ago. Samsung has decided to move backwards and the person who's given the go ahead in removing the replaceable battery the removal of the SD card and IR blaster should be fired.

99.999% of the people will never take their battery out and only have 1/2 of their 8gb SD card full. Although they will claim they do it all the time, they are not being honest.
Samsung may lose a few, and I stress a few, customers by moving forward with their design but people who are purchasing the Note line are already well ahead of any "setback" this may be perceived by a normal user at this change.

Moving forward, there is a reason all phone companies are going in this direction, and it is not considered a backwards step.

In the end, people will by the Note because they want the Note. It won't slow them down.


Jul 17, 2012
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Wow 99.999% of the people will never take their battery out and only 1/2 of their 8gb SD card is full comment sound overly exaggerated don't you think? How did you come up with the numbers?


Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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99.999% of the people will never take their battery out and only have 1/2 of their 8gb SD card full. Although they will claim they do it all the time, they are not being honest.
Samsung may lose a few, and I stress a few, customers by moving forward with their design but people who are purchasing the Note line are already well ahead of any "setback" this may be perceived by a normal user at this change.

Moving forward, there is a reason all phone companies are going in this direction, and it is not considered a backwards step.

In the end, people will by the Note because they want the Note. It won't slow them down.

I know a lot of people that don't buy SD cards for their phone even if the phone has it a slot available.

I know a lot of people that don't buy extra batteries even if their phone supports it.

Samsung probably has data that shows how many people use SD cards. Samsung has data on how many micro SD cards they sell. Samsung has data on how many spare batteries they sell.

And with all that information, those two features aren't in their latest devices....

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Mar 21, 2011
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99.999% of the people will never take their battery out and only have 1/2 of their 8gb SD card full. Although they will claim they do it all the time, they are not being honest.
Samsung may lose a few, and I stress a few, customers by moving forward with their design but people who are purchasing the Note line are already well ahead of any "setback" this may be perceived by a normal user at this change.

Moving forward, there is a reason all phone companies are going in this direction, and it is not considered a backwards step.

In the end, people will by the Note because they want the Note. It won't slow them down.
In my opinion it is Completely a Step Backwards! It's one thing when technology advances and is Replaced with a "New Improved" version.... Cassette tapes to CD's, Disk drives to USB drives, VSH tapes to DVD's.... Etc. Removing the Removable Battery and SD card are NOT advancing with a newer replacement and IS Going Backwards! I completely agree with others that those features are what Set Samsung apart and was a big reason people chose thier product! I for one did.... I Love the Note Phones and am addicted to the Spen, but those 2 features are all about Longevity of the PHONE! Hence cheaper for the manufacturer to produce and cause the consumer to replace more often!


Sep 28, 2010
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In my opinion it is Completely a Step Backwards!

How many times do you swap batteries in an average day, be honest.
Look at your memory and how much free memory do you have?

I use my Note heavily throughout the day and take pictures and notes often and never swap batteries or run into my SD limit. (32gb card)


Sep 28, 2010
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Wow 99.999% of the people will never take their battery out and only 1/2 of their 8gb SD card is full comment sound overly exaggerated don't you think? How did you come up with the numbers?

It's drastically less of an exaggeration then people who claim the loss of these two features mean anything to people who actually purchase a Note and use it everyday in a productive manner. I mean actually use it, people who have never taken the S-Pen out of the phone don't really count and could really have gone with a different phone.


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Feb 15, 2013
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This thread is aimed at people who will not buy the Note 5. If you are expecting to see cheers for the Note 5 in this thread, I question your reasoning. Most people who shared their opinions didn't say what others who like the phone should or should not do; they stated the reasons that they would not buy the Note 5.

As for the comments as to why buy another phone that doesn't include a removable battery and/or a micro-SD card slot, some people bought and supported Samsung because of these options. If you take the options away, other phones are more attractive now whether it is due to price or other features that rise above the Note 5's features in that buyer's opinion. This shouldn't be hard to understand.

The thing that I don't get for those that seem almost completely opposed to including a micro-SD card slot is that if you don't use a micro-SD card, the presence of the card slot in your phone does not take away from your experience in using the phone. If a person wants to use a micro-SD card slot but it isn't there, his/her experience is compromised. Without any proof, I hypothesize that Samsung would not have lost any customers if they had included a micro-SD card slot in the Note 5.

Finally, the comparisons to people who buy iPhones is irrelevant to this conversation. People who buy iPhones buy them for many reasons. One is that they prefer the simplicity of not having a lot of options because options are distracting (at least this is what I take from some of the posts that I read on iMore). But, more powerful reasons draw people to iPhones, such as the ecosystem and the compatibility with other people that they communicate with on a regular basis. Most people who buy iPhones couldn't care less whether or not the Note 5 has a micro-SD card slot or a removable battery.


Sep 28, 2010
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So let me get this straight,
You come to the Note 5 Forum, presumably where people looking for information and interesting conversation about the Note 5 (not the respective forum of whatever phone you currently own), to complain that you will not be buying a Note 5 pretty much for the sole reason you can't swap the battery or the SD card out. (or more honestly, because you probably aren't due for a free upgrade anyway)

Then complain when people don't agree with you like they don't have the right to do so.


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Jan 1, 2012
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I too won't be upgrading my Note for an other Samsung Note. They removed many of the most important features that made Samsung who they are today or more like who they where 2 years ago. Samsung has decided to move backwards and the person who's given the go ahead in removing the replaceable battery the removal of the SD card and IR blaster should be fired.

oh and did I mention a much smaller battery?

FIRE the person who authorized this.
Smaller battery, but better. I'm averaging about 2 hours more of on screen time than I get with my note 4. On pace for 20 hours and 7-1/2 hours screen time. For me the battery is a non-issue now. I normally on have about 4-5 hours screen on so it should last 30 hours or more.


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