What phone did you come from and why?


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Jun 24, 2015
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I came from a BlackBerry z10 I loved that phone but my carrier o2 offered me a great deal including LG G4. This is my second Android the first was a Samsung I cannot remember the model but I could not stand it not the Android system.
I was thinking of staying with Blackberry and going with the Passport but I was not interested in going with a keyboard I liked the touch screen and I also liked the removable battery I had with z10. The removable battery and ability to add a SD card and the reviews on the camera sold me on the G4.
A month on I am warming up to the Android system,though ,i do miss BlackBerry Hub and the recent software BlackBerry Blend.
The battery on the G4 I am still ok the fence and it does get warm but I feel a firmware update will sort it
Well do far so good this is a decent phone with great specs just the battery I am on the fence with.

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Jun 14, 2011
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I came from a 2nd Gen Moto X. I loved my first gen Moto X, but the battery on the new one was horrible. I actually kept the 2013 model as an extra media player after trading in the 2014 X.

Loving my G4. I now have black and brown leather backs w/ a Qi charging sticker waiting to be applied when I choose which back gets it.

This is actually the first phone where I didn't instantly enable Nova Launcher. Enjoying it stock.

Boston Powers

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Jul 4, 2015
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My son and I enjoyed the G2 (his is going strong, mine came from a batch of bad screens and the screen died 12 months in..). From there, things went south when I had to override the G3 to stop dimming the screen to the point of uselessness. The G4 is a test and I may or may not keep it due to the dimming and LG's slow @ss updates. Frankly, as soon as a SD820 with 4GB of RAM and zero throttling/dimming lands... this G4 gets tossed in the big cardboard box marked "coulda woulda shoulda" in black marker.


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Sep 20, 2013
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Moto X 2013 solely because of the camera. Seeing this screen makes me appreciate IPS over AMOLED, but the Moto specific features and light OS are untouchable in my opinion. If the new X finally gets the camera right and is 5.5" or less, I'd switch back without hesitation.


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Nov 6, 2009
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I came from a nexus 5, but I rolled over in my kayak with no dry bag.......so...here I am

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Oct 2, 2012
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Galaxy S4. It was a great device at first, but the last few updates made it laggy and guzzle battery life.

The G4 has proved to be superb Android phone for me, even better than I hoped. The only issue I want to see improved now, is the auto brightness be corrected so as not to be choppy/overly aggressive.


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Sep 10, 2010
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Lumia 920. There weren't any new WP that I wanted. I chose the G4 because of the size, screen, camera and leather back.

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Apr 11, 2014
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Had a GS4 and was disappointed in Samsung for abandoning the removable back. Liking the bigger screen and fresh UI, and the camera. Getting all the battery life I need and some.

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Feb 4, 2014
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I came from a iPhone 6 Plus. The reason I made the switch was because I wanted something different. I've gone back and forth between Apple and Android for years. I love my G4 so far!

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Aug 19, 2013
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G2 - I loved the G2, but like most, the battery life was suffering, and the GPS was slowly taking longer and longer to lock, often sending me past my exits on the Garden State Parkway. I am not that okay with the battery life on the G4 and I would love a phone that just lasted all day, but I got a good deal on turbo chargers and have one at home and the office, as well as the free battery and I'll deal.


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Sep 4, 2013
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HTC One M7

The battery started to really crap out, barely lasting a day and only giving me about 2-3 hours of SOT, with 2.2 hours being an average at best. Furthermore, the super-annoying purple-tinted camera issue became so bad, it was nearly unusable unless you're in direct sunlight, and even so, those black lines ruin the image. It started to heat to more than usual too.

The G4 is an improvement in every aspect. Plus, that removable battery means that it'll last longer as I can get a fresh battery and pop it in easily and make it perform as if it's brand-new. Furthermore, the camera is on the other end of the spectrum.


Mar 5, 2014
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IPhone 6...totally miss iOS but I will get the iPhone 6s when it comes out. I'm really enjoying the G4, I think it's a phenomenal phone. I'm deeply rooted in the Apple ecosystem, so not having an iPhone makes things just a little different. I must say that the G4 is the best Andriod phone I've ever used and I've used quite a few. Kudos to Android for coming a long way and to LG for creating a masterpiece.

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My thoughts EXACTLY... I LOVE the G4 but the Iphone 6+ is and will remain my daily driver!


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Aug 3, 2010
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I came from a Nexus 5...I wanted decent battery life (it was just terrible) and decent photos (it was just terrible). Only two things bad about that phone.


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Aug 13, 2013
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I just switched from the S4 yesterday. The S4 had gotten very laggy and the battery life was getting very bad. I wanted a phone with expandable storage, bigger screen, and replaceable battery. I'm liking the G4 so far....


Nov 28, 2011
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Came from the HTC One M7. I loved that phone, and have been an HTC guy for a while, but it was already showing it's age. The M9 is a great phone, and it was tough for me to jump ship from HTC, but glad I did. The screen on this is insane. The camera is better than most mid-level point and shoots (not quite DSLR, but best I have seen from a phone). The UI is not too intrusive, and the stuff it adds is mostly useful. Main difference, however, is the service. I am on Sprint, and data is, to put it mildly, not quite up to par. Sprint Spark, however, is a game changer so far. In areas where I had no service, I now get 3 to 5 mbps, and in areas where I had the slow LTE everyone reports from Sprint (1-3 mbps) I am now getting from 10-25 mbps. I have even hit a few spots where you can tell they have turned on carrier aggregation because I hit over 60mbps for a few blips.


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Jul 7, 2013
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G2 - G3 - G4. Before the G2 I had an HTC One, but the camera was a disaster compared to LG. The G4 camera continues to amaze. I'll be on vacation next week and will be leaving my Canon G7X home.


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May 4, 2010
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Note 4. Loved that phone, but just wanted something different and the great review on the screen, camera got me. Also the subtle curve and the leather back was also very tempting.


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May 29, 2010
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My wife and I came from the Note 3. We were waiting to see if they were going to keep the removable battery on the Note 5, and when it was obvious they were not, it was time to find a new manufacturer. I am loving the G4 and that it's screen is basically the same size, but the phone itself is not as wide. I also switched my mom from her S5, and will be switching my father-in-law from his S4. Sorry Sammy, your loss and our gain!


Jun 15, 2012
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RAZR MAXX to LG G4. I really loved that RAZR MAXX until it stopped responding to even the most basic of commands. I would get a phone call and the screen would go completely black - - no ability to answer or ignore the call or even see who was calling. It was way better than my BB Storm 2 (which I still use as an MP3 player) but the RAZR MAXX was way past it's useful life. Very happy with the G4; the only issue is the lack of cases in stores here in Central/Eastern Washington.