I woke up and omg!


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Aug 7, 2010
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Any phone should be able to sync apps over night and not go dead, even if it was every hour, I am really hoping something on the network was draining it or something.


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Feb 26, 2011
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Since I don't know what apps you have running I'll just go through some of the apps that come to mind... HTC Sense's Clock/Weather app, check how often it is set to refresh your weather... Facebook or HTC's FriendStream, check how often your refresh is set on that - personally I turn it off and only refresh when I open it... GPS, is it on or off... Weatherbug, if you have it you might want to check how often it is set to refresh... there are a LOT of apps that will refresh themselves every hour or so, unless you change the defaults.

The airplane mode at night will help a lot... but changing some of these settings will help even more.
How often should I set them to refresh? I changed from one hour to four hours.


Feb 13, 2011
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i am also having battery problems at night. so take off task killer? i the only apps i have really installed are my verizon mobile. but this city id thing kept popping back up and i guess other htc sync stuff when i closed them


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Aug 28, 2010
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Haven't read the whole thread so someone may have already said this...

But reception is a big deal when leaving the phone unplugged overnight. If you have a weak signal then your phone works extra hard all night syncing and refreshing widgets...

If you have wireless at home, connect the wifis before going to bed and let THAT handle all the data and syncing and widget updating overnight and give your radio a break.

With my old Inc if I left wifi off all night my battery would drop 15-20%, but if I left wifi connected it would only drop 5-6%. It's also best to stay plugged in all night regardless

Nothing major, just another "trick" to add to the list of things you can do to maximize battery life
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Feb 26, 2011
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i am also having battery problems at night. so take off task killer? i the only apps i have really installed are my verizon mobile. but this city id thing kept popping back up and i guess other htc sync stuff when i closed them
I don't have task killer installed and still had this problem, I saw it was green so I figured it was charged and took it out of the charger I should have looked at the phone to see if it was a real charge but I didn't I just left it on and went to bed, when I woke up is was saying 15% charge left and that I needed to charge the phone all I installed on my phone were soundhound, restaurant story, bakery story, facebook, Gtunes, Swype, and Swpe Installer


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Feb 26, 2011
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Haven't read the whole thread so someone may have already said this...

But reception is a big deal when leaving the phone unplugged overnight. If you have a weak signal then your phone works extra hard all night syncing and refreshing widgets...

If you have wireless at home, connect the wifis before going to bed and let THAT handle all the data and syncing and widget updating overnight and give your radio a break.

With my old Inc if I left wifi off all night my battery would drop 15-20%, but if I left wifi connected it would only drop 5-6%. It's also best to stay plugged in all night regardless

Nothing major, just another "trick" to add to the list of things you can do to maximize battery life
Hi Biff,

Thank you, your input is very much appreciated, I have a strong 4G connection, didn't think to switch to Wifi before going to bed, Im so used to having an iphone4, I was thinking that maybe my battery is no good, I turned my phone off for the first time since I had it and turned it back on to see if that makes a difference. I checked to see what apps are running and its only Verizon and HTC apps, I wanted to turn off the live wallpaper but idk how, Im now watching to see how long it takes before the battery dies I got a full charge at 10.30 am est almost an hour ago and it still looks full charged, so idk what's going on *sighs*


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Jun 1, 2010
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lovy if I may charging the battery (phone off) may be alright, but one thing I would like for members to know that when powered back on concerning some htc batteries there will a slight drop shortly after. A member over on xda had discovered that these batteries charge to 90% and quickly charged to 100% quickly afterwards. Now I know every one phone is different and batteries as well, but thing I learned from having a earilier htc 4G that always don't trust your charge. Test to prove it charge phone fully to 100% let it drop battery charge down some. Pull your battery out after you power down, wait 1 minute then pop back in, power up your phone and see if your charge is anywhere near when cut the phone off to pop your battery.

Recommendation charge past the green light for additional 1/2 hours, it should not hurt the phone/battery, atleast there would peace of mind knowing the phone got a full charge. An idea could be if if your is running low on juice bump charge up to 60-80%, let run down some until time to get to bed and then put back on charge overnight, will have a fresh full charge battery for a couple of hours.
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Cory Streater

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Sep 21, 2009
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Hi Cory,

My son has the Evo and he use task killer why doesn't it affect his phone? He is yelling saying mom get the task killer and extended battery but Im SO BEAT OVER THIS, I was sleep and phone was fully charged woke up and it's dead. Is task killer that bad?

The next 3 quotes are dead on.

Task Killer is bad in this way. You set up task killer to "kill" off apps that you don't want "running". However here is the issue with that. Quite a few of those will be automaticallt restarted becuase they were programed that way or another program may also use said process. So in effect you end of using more battery stopping and system re-starting the processes/programs.

Android 2.2 change the way memory was handled, it does a great job at it. If it needs memory for a program you just started up, it will shut something down to get the memory it needs. People used the task killer to try and manage how much memory they had available.

Task Killers are considered bad because Android 2.2 and above manage running programs dynamically. The task killer can actually use MORE battery by running in the background. Bottom line is the reward just isn't there.

Bakery Story is most likely suspended when you're not playing it, and I haven't heard of it draining battery. Facebook (the app) is different than Facebook for HTC Sense (it's an integrated Facebook that the phone uses to link contacts, populate FriendStream, etc) I haven't heard of battery drain with Gtunes either. Gmail and Flickr are going to run in the background, as is Swype, but they shouldn't account for the battery drain you are seeing.

Are you using an included Live Wallpaper or one you downloaded? I honestly can't see anything out of whack from what you've posted. Maybe I'm missing something? Anyone?

Unless you sideload pirated apps from websites in Chinese, you don't need it.

DO NOT get a Task Killer, my friend Mia has a Fascinate and her battery life sucks and I tell her "Uninstall the task killer" but she's like "But...Verizon installed it for me..." Ugh, she annoys me to no end. This is why I made sure I told the employee "Active the phone, and do nothing else. kthnx" He wasn't happy.


Either this guy is trolling

Please don't post this. This and telling people to search are like nails on a chalkboard. If anyone really smells a troll we have a report post button for that, and a group of moderators that can make that decision privately without making people feel bad.


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Aug 31, 2010
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I agree with most of these guys here. Wifi on is a great trick.

Maybe look into Tasker (not sure if it works on TB yet) and have it turn your wifi on once you plugin the phone over night and disable it once you disconnect.
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Feb 26, 2011
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lovy if I may charging the battery (phone off) may be alright, but one thing I would like for members to know that when powered back on concerning some htc batteries there will a slight drop shortly after. A member over on xda had discovered that these batteries charge to 90% and quickly charged to 100% quickly afterwards. Now I know every one phone is different and batteries as well, but thing I learned from having a earilier htc 4G that always don't trust your charge. Test to prove it charge phone fully to 100% let it drop battery charge down some. Pull your battery out after you power down, wait 1 minute then pop back in, power up your phone and see if your charge is anywhere near when cut the phone off to pop your battery.

Recommendation charge past the green light for additional 1/2 hours, it should not hurt the phone/battery, atleast there would peace of mind knowing the phone got a full charge. An idea could be if if your is running low on juice bump charge up to 60-80%, let run down some until time to get to bed and then put back on charge overnight, will have a fresh full charge battery for a couple of hours.
Thank you, I never turn off when charging but I thought maybe I should. Right now my phone is still looking like it is at 100% and I took it off the charger at 10.35 am est, maybe it needed to run completely down to act right IDK i am just hoping it's not a battery defect.


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Aug 10, 2010
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How often should I set them to refresh? I changed from one hour to four hours.

Most of these are all personally up to you... you need to know how often you want each thing to update and how important that is to you... then judge that to how much battery it is using... if you need weather updated every hour, or 4 hours and you know that then you judge how you want it setup.


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Aug 29, 2010
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I don't have task killer installed and still had this problem, I saw it was green so I figured it was charged and took it out of the charger I should have looked at the phone to see if it was a real charge but I didn't I just left it on and went to bed, when I woke up is was saying 15% charge left and that I needed to charge the phone all I installed on my phone were soundhound, restaurant story, bakery story, facebook, Gtunes, Swype, and Swpe Installer

This would be my sugestions and are just my opinion:

1. Run blockbuster, Update and then use settign to ttell it to not get updates
2. Uninstall any program you have put onto the Bolt
3. Turn off Friendstream

Once this is done, I would suggest doing a bump charge. How?

1. Charge all the way to green
2. Turn off phone
3. Unplug charger, then replug back in
4/ Charge til green once again (may take up to 30-40 mintues sometimes)
5. Unplug/replug til you can plug it in and it turns green real quickly.

At that point you truly have a full charge.

Turn on phone and see how well it does.

Then if it looks good, since we are not sure what cuased it, add one program at a time to find the culprit of battery usage.

That's is the only suggestion I can come up with at this point.

Bump charging as discussed in another thread does work, and gets far better results...
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Mar 5, 2011
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If the OP had simply left his phone charged over night as I thought everyone knew to do he would have had a charged phone this AM. The TB is an extra battery MIN phone - possibly an extra extra batter phone (Means you need to buy a backup battery, possibly second and keep tethered to AC when possible). The OP thinks this is a disaster when your phone has no charge in the AM --- wait until you drop the TB in the Toilet...
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Mar 8, 2011
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Either this guy is trolling or he really has something wrong with his phone. My tbolt was at 50% when I went to bed at 1am exactly. I just picked it up off the night stand at 10am exactly and it only dropped tp 45% that's a 5% drop in 9 hours of standby.

I even forgot to turn wifi on which usually saves my battery some at home. I have facebook and all that crap set up to sync every 3 hours. I use launcher pro and none of the sense things that would want to sync.

Same here. I purposely did not put the phone on charger last night when I went to bed to see how it would do over night- 50% or so when I went to bed about the same when I woke up. No live wallpaper, facebook set to sync every 30 mins, gmail and yahoo mail.
May be the live wallpaper running ( some are reall battery hogs and don't let your phone actually sleep)


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Feb 26, 2011
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Something told me to click on one of the games I play so i did and then when it loaded, as usual I hit the home button as I do for w/e I am exiting, when I looked in the running apps setting the game was still running, so I went back in the game and decided to hit the back button, it then asked me am I sure I want to exit the game WOW! I said yes checked the setting again and game was not running, this means that all the games and music I was running was still on because I did not exit properly, therefore when I unplugged the phone after being charged they were still running which caused my phone to die WOW, these are the same games I am accustomed to playing on the iphone4 and never remembering it asking me if I am sure I want to quit the game. If this is the case how do we close websites are those auto closed after we exit?


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Feb 26, 2011
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If the OP had simply left his phone charged over night as I thought everyone knew to do he would have had a charged phone this AM. The TB is an extra battery MIN phone - possibly an extra extra batter phone (Means you need to buy a backup battery, possibly second and keep tethered to AC when possible). The OP thinks this is a disaster when your phone has no charge in the AM --- wait until you drop the TB in the Toilet...
OMG I read this and bust out laughing needed the laugh :)


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Mar 8, 2011
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Something told me to click on one of the games I play so i did and then when it loaded, as usual I hit the home button as I do for w/e I am exiting, when I looked in the running apps setting the game was still running, so I went back in the game and decided to hit the back button, it then asked me am I sure I want to exit the game WOW! I said yes checked the setting again and game was not running, this means that all the games and music I was running was still on because I did not exit properly, therefore when I unplugged the phone after being charged they were still running which caused my phone to die WOW, these are the same games I am accustomed to playing on the iphone4 and never remembering it asking me if I am sure I want to quit the game. If this is the case how do we close websites are those auto closed after we exit?

Coming from a blackberry I was accustomed to hitting the back button repeatedly until I was sure I was out of the program. I have continued this same practice with Android and not had a problem. I have noticed angry birds is one that stays running if you dont do this. You may have just found your solution.
Last edited:


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Jun 1, 2010
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Something told me to click on one of the games I play so i did and then when it loaded, as usual I hit the home button as I do for w/e I am exiting, when I looked in the running apps setting the game was still running, so I went back in the game and decided to hit the back button, it then asked me am I sure I want to exit the game WOW! I said yes checked the setting again and game was not running, this means that all the games and music I was running was still on because I did not exit properly, therefore when I unplugged the phone after being charged they were still running which caused my phone to die WOW, these are the same games I am accustomed to playing on the iphone4 and never remembering it asking me if I am sure I want to quit the game. If this is the case how do we close websites are those auto closed after we exit?

lovy on exiting websites from a browser usually the back key may close, but not always? One sure fire way I found out is that if want to make sure a paticular item is closed go thru menu-settings-choose either/or applications and force stop or running apps and shut them down this way!

Always if using a different browser app hit the menu key and see if setting exist within and then set them to your liking.
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Aug 15, 2010
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My battery performance has improved a lot since what it was like on Day 1. Since I have already gotten over my love for live wallpapers, I don't use those anymore. I also stay away from task killers. Task Killers? Bad Idea. I learnt that during my Fascinate days. I also reduced the screen brightness and brought it down to 25%. I always keep my bluetooth off unless when I need to use it. And if you have wifi at home, turning the wifi on will consume less battery.

I took the phone off the charger two hours ago. Since then I have used the phone moderately (I have been texting constantly but no graphics-heavy use) and my battery is at 81% (after two hours). And I am very happy with this result. I have purchased an extended battery for emergencies but it seems I will need it very rarely.

Oh yes, I have also set the update frequencies of widgets like Friend Stream and News to "Never" .. I just hit "update" whenever I need to. That also helps.
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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2011
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Coming from a blackberry I was accustomed to hitting the back button repeatedly until I was sure I was out of the program. I was continued this same practice with Android and not had a problem. I have noticed angry birds is one that stays running if you dont do this. You may have just found your solution.
omg your right angry birds was running all night also because I hit the home button for that as well. wow I feel so stupid, like im learning to walk all over again

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